Editor’s note: This post comprises several communications from climate specialist and expert fraud investigator John Rofe of Auckland, New Zealand. Each email was sent to a wide range of politicians and media.
Editor’s notes: Sadly, most politicians and media people as well we many scientists still espouse the false ‘climate change’ unsupported propaganda. A quote from the text below rather than the truth may turn out to be the trigger for these people to change their minds: ‘The truth will always out. Your problem is that it will come out on your watch and forever affect your reputation.’ NB some diagrams could not be transposed from the original text to this post.
Dear politicians,
It is a new year. I wish you all the health wisdom and courage to execute your duties this year. Your biggest problem is that you now own the climate fraud that Jacinda Ardern and James Shaw knowingly inflicted on us all.
The issue at hand is very simple. You will only understand the truth about the climate fraud which your Parliament supports, if you take the hour or two to read this email and attachments. Before you read the unpleasant truth about the fraud you support, I would like to reprint the results of the NASA satellite records taken from the web site of the University of Alabama at Huntsville’s custodian of data as of 4 January 2024. Now both warming alarmists and critics of the fraud alike, agree that 2023 was the hottest year since satellite records began…(ref. https://www.drroyspencer.com/ ) What we disagree over is whether human carbon emissions have any relevance in Earth’s weather. I can prove it is impossible because a small reaction in the evaporation of surface water which influences the concentration of atmospheric water vapour, cloud cover and precipitation will within minutes and hours eliminate any increase in carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide over any period.
But…. To quote Dr Roy Spencer,”2023 Was the Warmest Year In the 45-Year Satellite Record
The Version 6 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for December, 2023 was +0.83 deg. C departure from the 1991-2020 mean, down from the November, 2023 anomaly of +0.91 deg. C.
The following plot shows all 45 years ranked from the warmest to coolest.
The linear warming trend since January 1979 still stands at +0.14 C/decade (+0.12 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.19 C/decade over global-averaged land).”
The temperature cannot possibly be higher today than it was during previous times such as the Minoan Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm period or even the 1930’s. So there is still no climate emergency. Meantime, human emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide continue to increase and these will continue to increase whatever we do.
Anthropogenic Global Warming theory is based solely on the proposition that human carbon emissions cause climate change. The fact that this is impossible is why, when they are asked to justify their actions, previous New Zealand Ministers of Climate Change always wrote that they are taking action because we once agreed with the UN IPCC that we would do so. In the next breath they say they follow the science. However, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“UN IPCC”) is promoting the dogma of those members of the Club of Rome and the World Economic Forum which set up that organisation in 1988 and it has never provided any empirical scientific evidence to support it in any of their reports – It places total reliance on the opinions of those people it has rewarded for agreeing with its own opening hypothesis. That is not scientific by any definition. Such a big lie could not have endured without people in high places personally benefitting from it. For them, they easily distance themselves from the actions of the puppet UN IPCC which is run operated under the auspices of the United Nations itself. However, the same private sector globalist influencers presently control both the US Government and the mainstream international media and via their political and media puppets they ensure they also have their foot on the throat of the New Zealand public.
But science is solely about being able to produce empirical scientific evidence to support a theory. For Anthropogenic Global Warming theory, not only is the core theory impossible but now Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Auckland, Dr Geoffrey G. Duffy FRSNZ has been providing his unequivocal evidence to absolutely disprove it for four years – as discussed in his frequently circulated video at the link below:
His work is supported by dozens of other scientists. Globally, the fraud is only supported by a minority of real scientists. Within New Zealand, the members of the NZ Climate Science Coalition and the Environomics Global Trust write to you from time to time to explain the vast body of science which shows the impossibility of the UN IPCC’s dogma. Their correspondence is based on physics, atmospheric chemistry, geology, meteorology and so on. But as I am both a beneficiary of your fraud and an experienced fraud investigator, all I seek to do is to nail the lid shut on its coffin before our economy is trashed by the effects of the Zero Carbon Act 2020, its offshoot, the Climate Change Commission and their pointless zealotry. I accept the work and calculations of Professor Duffy, but only after proving by observation of daily official weather data that, as he asserts, within minutes and hours a minor change in atmospheric water vapour modifies any and all effects of a change in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide over centuries.
The Government, the media, academia and those promoting the false UN IPCC narrative for personal gain simply ignore the truth and ensure it can never be heard. The truth is not changed by suppression. The truth will always out. Your problem is that it will come out on your watch and forever affect your reputation.
I have spent 20 years investigating this fraud on my own time and to my own family’s cost. During this time, I have been met with a barrage of lies and obstruction from the same people that you use my taxes to reward for lying to you. NIWA, Ministry of Climate Change, NZ MetService, are implicated. At best they are sophists and many of them are likely to be ignorant, rather than persons of fraudulent intent. All are captive of the fraud they promote because they would individually lose their jobs if they did not promote the fraud. However, a consequence is that you now have a huge problem with civil service, academia and our education system. None are trustworthy.
I worked out a system to validate the work of Professor Duffy from the observation and analysis of officially published weather data. His evidence is compelling but requires confirmation by observation. Observation of gases which are invisible to the human eye make the deception and mass panic of the public easy. But I am not allowed to publish my research by the same media that are captive to the fraud which you are unknowingly if purposefully inflicting on farmers and businesspeople. This is because you sanction it with your legislative provisions. By the end of this email, you will understand how you can disprove the fraud for yourself. I am not able to persuade the fraudsters or sophists to debate my allegations because they have no way of disproving the real evidence so they refuse any and all invitations. Nor can I bring them before the courts because you have silenced the court by obliging it to enforce the Zero Carbon Act 2020 which enshrines the deliberate fraud within New Zealand law. I have named those responsible (Ardern, Shaw and their fellow-travellers) for the fraud after warning them beforehand. Despite four years of either active or passive complicity with this fraud by the NZ Serious Fraud Office, no-one has ever protested that I am defaming them. The fraudsters and sophists alike have already corrupted our education system. The fraud is coordinated by the most powerful international agency of all – the United Nations, via its offshoot the UN IPCC. Yet it is still a fraud, and it is your fraud from this year onwards. In New Zealand the productive sector is being systematically milked by sophists who are employed as Climate Change Commissioners, or acting for the many organisations that benefit from the fraud (Just like I do).
I come to you with clean hands and with the kind of proof that you can throw in the faces of the fraudsters if you are to save our country from their predations.
The problem for you is that New Zealand has signed up to international agreements to commit this fraud, despite the fact that anyone can now interrogate the New Zealand weather data and prove for themselves it is a fraud. In law any contract shown to be based on fraud is nul and void. So repudiate it and explain why that is necessary to our trading partners. In New Zealand the truth is more obvious.
Some years ago, German economist, Dr Ottmar Edenhoffer who was then a Chairman of that year’s UN IPCC deliberations said at the Cancun COP session that governments must forget about climate policy being to change the climate, because its dominant role is income redistribution between rich and poor nations. So this is a fraud that is being promoted by people who not only own and/or control the mainstream media but who pay for the scientific opinions they want, in the sure and certain knowledge that when discovered, they are too big to jail. It is the megalomaniacs of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) who want open access to every world market and blanket exposure to a level of corporate income tax on net profits that does not vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. They don’t just go to COP junket after COP junket in their 400 private jets for no reason. They are there to monitor progress from their lackeys to global governance, open access to all world markets and one common income tax rate.
Few if any environmental economists like Dr Edenhoffer have spared any thought for whether the science supports their perspective or not. Arguably President Obama got his Nobel Peace Prize for supporting the fraud. (He certainly didn’t get it for doing anything to promote world peace.) The theory itself, only exists for them as if it were an immutable fact. The fact they are deluded is someone else’s problem (such as the high-country sheep farmer who goes broke and watches their hard-won land slip back into scrub). As a result, all OECD governments have been led into the world of Alice in Wonderland by charlatans, where the impossible is now mandatory. It is based on a fake climate emergency about which – even if it was a climate emergency – humans can never do anything to influence the outcome.
For economists like Dr Edenhoffer, they do not question the self-serving presumption that human carbon emissions influence climate change, despite most numerate people able to see from the arithmetic alone, that is impossible. The UN IPCC’s delusional presumption meets a ready market. For all UN bureaucrats any move towards an enhanced role for their office must always be good. If some scientists agree, then their conscience is clear and their ends justifies the means of getting there. Dr Edenhoffer and his team presume (on the basis their delusions are correct) the cost of one tonne of CO2 emissions will cost USD140 today and in 2100 it will cost USD800. Further, and even more ominously, they treat the atmosphere as “global commons” for which total military and regulatory coordination will be required. In other words, taking absolute control of us will be deemed essential in order to save the planet.
(Ask any farmer what will happen at a carbon cost of USD140/tonne? How about a future at USD800/tonne? Should they hang themselves in the barn now, or wait until their family is destitute?)
The supposedly altruistic reasoning makes an impossible theory regarding the climate seem a valid and indisputable justification for globalised control of the air we breathe. If you doubt this nonsense, please view the elegant garbage contained in this video clip. The entire UN IPCC dogma has become reliant on grotesque lies:
At 18 minutes into this video, Dr Edenhoffer claims that control of the “commons” (that he believes is essential to avoid runaway global warming) is superior to all private property rights.
(Now try telling that to farmers and property owners! Do you politicians really know what you are getting us into by letting lunatics run the economy?) Remember please that from mid 2018, our home-grown “lunatics” Ardern and Shaw were first warned beforehand and then every month since, that they were committing fraud. Yet they are still lying to the NZ public.
The world changed on 1 January 2024 when 5 countries joined the BRICS+. They are now in a position to either reject or moderate the frauds run out of the UN. (After 75 years it would be amazing if any such institution was corruption-free. You may recall that the predecessor to the UN was found to be full of flaws in similar fashion, and therefore unable to prevent WW2)
No wonder OPEC+ is joining BRICS+. From a political point of view, few countries which understand that natural causes that are responsible for climate change will buy the proposition that humans can alter Earth’s climate. They are already ganging up to change things. The Biden/Kerry delusional regime has lost the USA its global hegemony on this subject alone, in one fell stroke. From January 2024 the USA will be held accountable by its seemingly equally, if not more-powerful peers. But as human carbon emissions are known by the majority to have no effect on climate, there will be no concerted effort to reduce their atmospheric concentration (so it will grow further), even though the majority of those countries led by pragmatists will seek out substitutes for fossil fuels. As a prominent leader of our Nation it is important to not only understand the fraud coordinated by the UN IPCC and actively driven by the WEF and their client politicians (such as the US Democratic party in USA – Obama and Gore with their “peace prizes” and Clinton, Kerry and Biden – Biden as a sort of enforcer ), but also the changing geopolitics and international order has already moved from unipolarity to multipolarity. This video below is tangential to the climate fraud but at less than 10 minutes long, I believe you will find it very informative and essential viewing… The world has changed.
The rational approach from individual OECD scientists who concur that the official climate narrative is a scam, requires great courage. They all face a choice to stand with the UN IPCC- mandated lie and get paid for service to the fraud, or to object, and thereby to be out of work and to be marginalised and ostracised. Meanwhile cowardly politicians step aside of join the feeding frenzy at the trough. In the USA, only 31,487 eminent scientists held out:
The NIWA whistleblower who elicited my support in 2004.
I was introduced to the fraud in Q1, 2004 by a senior NIWA scientist who abandoned his entire career and told me that he was going to work for his brother-in-law’s catering firm – labouring until he found a new vocation. He was a highly qualified and highly regarded atmospheric chemist. This process of honest people being put out of work has continued since then. Every year I have watched more and more scientists opting out. Likely, many more do stay “in the closet”, unprepared to air their convictions and instead confining their research to narrow silo’s that stay away from the core lies.
The dispossessed and downtrodden fight back on the basis of logic from any one of a number of scientific disciplines – physics, atmospheric chemistry, geology and so on. But few have discussed or debated the evidence of Professor Duffy, and none have realised that I can prove Professor Duffy is right. They all object because the proposition that an increase in tiny, provably impotent trace gases can overcome the global system which has endured for countless millennia, dominated by natural forces (a theory that is totally preposterous). How could it be accepted with no evidence? The answer is – as pointed out earlier – because it is promoted due to fraudulent intent by parties who are too powerful to name and people who are too wealthy to jail (some with wealth even greater than that of the New Zealand Government).
Those enjoying unquestioned use of the right to stop others using fossil energy has led to a break between Russia’s President Putin (formerly a Klaus Schwab acolyte) and the WEF globalists. Putin publicly accuses them of plotting to end all democracies in favour of a global technocracy that is totally dominated by Western oligarchs. This break with the WEF and President Putin’s 2024 chair of the BRICS+ group of nations now has profound consequences. Meanwhile, unless he is either jailed or assassinated, it seems past POTUS Trump’s intention to end US membership of the 2015 Paris Climate Accords may again be implemented. Just as it was during his first Presidency.
For promotion of their climate fraud, the UN IPCC now has a head start – not that it will have any influence over the weather or climate. To repeat for emphasis. For 30 years they have claimed a fake scientific consensus regarding their self-serving theory about the science. The minority of compliant pseudo-scientists now owe their jobs, incomes and promotions to their own active promotion of the fraud. Because of rigid political, scientific and media enforcement of that fake consensus, no one needs to provide any evidence to support the factually impossible notion that human carbon emissions can either influence or cause climate change. No person feeding at the climate trough will ever mount an argument against me because there are no arguments founded upon empirical scientific evidence. Debate is banned. Four or maybe five Nobel Prizes have been awarded to people promoting the fraud. The reason why there is no empirical scientific evidence to support the Labour-Greens fraud in New Zealand is because what is impossible doesn’t ever happen in nature. Solar irradiation and its moderation by the terrestrial water cycle which is ruled by gravitational forces are far too powerful to be influenced by minute traces of relatively impotent greenhouse gases.
There exists one overarching problem which affects human civilisation. That is the spectre of exponential human growth eventually facing total collapse, due to the depletion the huge but finite planetary endowment of key mineral resources. The loss of access to critical finite and depleting resources, including but not limited to oil, gas and coal threatens our civilisation and while the BRICS+ and the OPEC+ countries reject the climate fraud, they obviously have a good understanding of the need to migrate away from present reliance on fossil fuels over time. The idea of leaving 80% of oil gas and coal in the ground ( suggested by many) is something that humanity may have little control over. Extraction and processing costs are escalating, and resource quality and/or energy output is declining, so at some point, 50% may (if one takes the 1956 work of Dr Marion King Hubbert on peaking resources) become unprofitable to extract by comparison with other options of a more sustainable nature. However, getting to the point of adequate diversification may take considerably longer than 2050. It is clear that this matter is an issue that OPEC+ countries are focused on because they are seeking to manage their collective rates of supply in order to maintain prices and thereby offset vacillations in global demand and thereby provide supplies to enable the transition to be completed.
The one thing that the transition to renewable energy options requires, is to have a stable cost and price target for securing the funding and capital costs, so that viable alternatives can be implemented. (Disclosure: This is the focus of my international portfolio of investments in renewable energy technologies, projects and resources.)
So the likes of Russia and China are chasing renewable alternatives while the OECD is chasing pipe dreams, while lying to and frightening our children. This fraud is setting science back 50 years and taking us all along for the ride.
Meantime the core arithmetic used by UN IPCC and globalist fraudsters (including our own political leaders) is wrong. There are only about 50 billion tonnes of annual human carbon emissions per year (only 137 million tonnes per day), so they cannot possibly have any effect on a climate system driven predominantly by sunlight and its evaporation of about 1.15 trillion tonnes of surface water per day. Our emissions are only 0.0012% of either the daily rate of evaporation, cloud formation or precipitation. It is the rate of change in daily evaporation, humidification, condensation and precipitation which determines our weather from time to time and from place to place. That has influenced Earth’s climate for millennia as Earth’s orbit of the sun and its own activity has fluctuated.
Earth’s surface water endowment consists of about 1.338 billion cubic kilometres of salt water, wherein the oceans accumulate tiny daily increments of heat from all sources (or lose it to provide a thermal lag effect). Earth’s water endowment does not deplete as its atmospheric cycle is a closed loop, all H2O being held by gravity to Earth’s surface. The only other material influence – than sunlight – on sea temperatures and the rate of evaporation of water, is sub-sea volcanism. 80% of all volcanoes and hydrothermal vents are below the ocean surface and their generated heating impact flows around in ocean currents. The attempt by pseudo-scientists and UN IPCC to ban atmospheric water vapour as the sole omnipresent and omnipotent greenhouse gas is easily disproven and shown up for the fakery that it truly is. That is prima facie evidence of deliberate fraud.
Just consider human gullibility in the face of such an authoritatively mandated fraud. If the UN IPCC was correct then none of us could be alive today because the mechanism for moderating heat gain and loss which has worked in the face of natural disasters for hundreds of millennia would have already proven too ineffectual to cope with the biggest asteroid strikes, volcanism or forest fires.
The climate fraud is the simplest of all shell games and it relies on multiple layers of trickery to confuse the public.
This fraud began as a shell game with only one pea under one of several shells. That most plausible pea was the possible influence of cumulative human carbon dioxide emissions. But that has been shown false for more than 100 years due to experimentation which found it subject to both the Beer-Lambert law of physics and the Henry law of solubility of gases. The second much less plausible pea was introduced – cumulative human generated methane emissions. But even if atmospheric methane doubled over more than 100 years, that would have an eventual (theoretical but not practical) temperature effect of only about +0.05o Celsius, and it is child’s play for water vapour to moderate that. So the third and absolutely impossible pea under its own separate walnut shells of sophistry was added in the form of fake carbon emissions called nitrous oxide. The chemical name for nitrous oxide is N2O, so it has no carbon atoms at all. It was only added because it is a pollutant and that justified the fourth “liar’s pea” under other walnut shells which introduces a range of sophistry encouraging the deliberate lie that human carbon emissions are all nasty pollutants.
But after two weeks or so, methane oxidises to become water vapour and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the stuff of life and not a pollutant at all.
One level of seemingly official trickery is hard for intelligent children to cope with. Four levels has even confounded HRH King Charles III despite him understanding that his breath can feed pot plants (but not his sister, HRH the Princess Royal or their late father).
If you are still duped after reading this email, I submit you do not have the intelligence to sit in Parliament and deliberate laws on behalf of us all. As a tip, think of this fraud in terms of simple arithmetic. I will explain…
In New Zealand, for about 30% or more of the time, we can look up and see blue sky. The blackness of space which appears bright blue to us, is the result of sunlight being diffused amongst the molecules of atmospheric water vapour. Alternatively, regard either the white, the grey, or the black of the different thicknesses and shades of clouds above us. The diffusion of the sun’s incoming electromagnetic irradiation by Earth’s water cycle is so powerful that in minutes or hours any influence of human pollution, or benevolent discharges by any means, is reflected by minor changes to the approximately 13 trillion tonnes of H2O suspended above our heads which constitutes an ocean in the sky. It may not seem like it, but the majority of that 13 trillion tonnes is the atmospheric water vapour that is invisible to the human eye, most squashed in by gravity. It is below the cruising altitude of Air NZ jets.
Not only does water vapour change density from place to place in minutes, but even young children can understand the influence of rapid changes in cloud cover and what happens when it rains. It is summer. On a sunny day by about 11am, the beach sand is too hot to walk on with bare feet. Once the sky clouds over the heat quickly dissipates, so the sand is then warm to the touch. When it rains the sand becomes cold to the touch. If it has rained heavily during the previous night, look for the sand at daybreak to be colder than even the seawater.
Now consider the effect of solar irradiation.
For 150 million kms since solar radiation is first emitted by the sun, the sunlight loses nothing before delivering about 1,365watts per square meter of electromagnetic radiation to Earth’s outer atmosphere. Yet the sun’s radiant energy is almost halved by the time it hits and heats Earth’s surface. The three gases that humans emit a portion of, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide vary from place to place by only between 418ppm to 450ppm between them and these are relatively impotent compared with water vapour because they only influence one or two band widths of radiation to a tiny degree; therefore, they have an unmeasurably small weather effect from day to day. The influence of water on both Earth’s surface and in its atmosphere varies by a great deal within each day and at each location solely due to heat. So it is officially measured and reported on each hour. This is both the heat required to cause evaporation and once evaporated the temperature of the air determines how much water vapour the air can hold. If the air is frigid the amount of atmospheric water vapour may be as low as 2,000ppm. In New Zealand’s mid-latitudes, it is between 7,000ppm to 13,000ppm, but in the tropics its density even reaches as high as 40,000ppm. Because it varies so quickly from place to place and from time to time, the worst fears of the UN IPCC come into play. Their fraud is so easily disproven. This is because we can measure the impact of a change in actual humidity (expressed as grams of water per kilogram of air) in New Zealand. By measuring its temperature effect each day and by measuring how much heat is lost at night by comparison to the level of water vapour, we can measure its true effect as a greenhouse gas.
How did we get conned that tiny changes in traces of the three relatively impotent, atmospheric greenhouse gases (for which only 5-6% of total annual emissions can even be attributed to human activity) could change the climate over the last 30 plus years, and thereby somehow change the weather. The science is simple, but the fraudsters lie about the science and pervert the scientific method. So we need to go back to first principles and carefully observe from published temperature data, what happens every day.
Weather only happens on a daily 24-hour cycle as the Earth rotates to alternatively face towards and away from the sun. All atmospheric gases are invisible but on days when the sky is blue, the difference in the level of water vapour is often the only thing that determines the difference in the rate at which Earth’s surface heats (remember the sand on the beach). This determines the maximum daytime temperatures and the water vapour, cloud and precipitation influence the rate of overnight heat loss. This can be measured for pairs of New Zealand towns that are less than 300kms apart and which lie on the same latitude and are at the same altitude.
Fortuitously, New Zealand is to Climate Science what the Galapagos Islands are to the science of evolutionary biology.
As a result, this phenomenon visible in the published weather data each day for pairs such as New Plymouth and Napier, Whanganui and Hastings, Westport and Blenheim, Hokitika and Christchurch?
Visibility is because New Zealand is a country located in the Westerly wind belt of the South Pacific Ocean. The country consists of a narrow chain of islands arranged over 1,000kms, located from 35o South to 47o South with a spine of high hills and mountains dividing the towns paired (as listed above) by common latitude and altitude. As 90% or more of Earth’s evaporation occurs over the oceans, its incrementally denser clouds of invisible water vapour is typically driven ashore in the form of humid air, cloud and rain from the Tasman sea to the West coast towns. Driven up-slope, the air loses most of its moisture by the mountain tops and is thereafter drier. When the wind direction changes to come from an Easterly quarter, the air within and above Eastern towns is more humid than that of the Western towns in the pair. It is not the Foehn effect which causes this. The Foehn wind is nothing other than dry air which was chilled during ascent and stripped of its moisture by, or at the top of the hills or mountains it has passed over. In New Zealand generally water vapour (which varies in density at various heights) is 24 times the atmospheric density of the human influenced greenhouse gases and each molecule has five times the radiative potency of the three human-influenced greenhouse gases (combined) for incoming sunlight and ten times the potency for restricting outgoing infrared radiation into space. Because water vapour also has 28 non-radiative weather effects that the human-influenced greenhouse gases do not have, it should therefore (at least in theory) have thousands of times the effect of the human-influenced greenhouse gases on daily insolation and overnight heat loss.
To repeat again…New Zealand is to climate science what the Galapagos Islands are to the science of evolutionary biology. This is because of our geography and the juxtaposition of coastal settlements which are on opposite coasts (East and West) and are separated by high hills or mountains. On a fine day in Hokitika (on the West Coast), its typically higher residual actual humidity will ensure not only that Hokitika has a lower maximum temperature than Christchurch (on the East Coast) on a similarly fine day, but also that the overnight heat loss will be far less. Recently and probably due to my writing that Auckland with higher atmospheric water vapour often has a lower maximum daytime temperature than Christchurch, this Q&A was published on the MetService on-line and hourly updated web site for Christchurch:
“Is Christchurch warmer than Auckland?
Due to these winds (i.e. Foehn winds), the cooler South Island cities such as Dunedin, Christchurch and Invercargill have higher all-time record temperatures than places further north such as Wellington, Auckland and Whangarei.”
Assuming the average height of the Southern Alps is say 1,000 metres, the air would have been chilled to 6.5o Celsius less than it would have been in say, Hokitika, where it came ashore. As the air reaches the tops of the mountains/hills, is chilled by the higher altitude and falls down-slope, it becomes warmer by that same 6.5o Celsius (termed its “lapse rate”), and heated more by the hotter ground after it receives more heat from the sun, due to the reduced level of water vapour as the sole dominant greenhouse gas. When fine, the extra heat for Christchurch’s 30o C summer day by comparison with Hokitika’s 25o C summer day, is due to the drier air which allows faster solar heating of the land surface. The fact that the air flow rate may be accelerating is a tribute only to the increased air pressure as the dried air descends. Naming a dry wind “Foehn” just means it is dry because it has been stripped of its moisture by the preceding high hills and mountains. The use of the Foehn wind in the UN IPCC-coordinated shell game normally only occurs when the climate fraud must be defended by minimising the influence of water vapour which is so easily proven to be the sole omnipresent (everywhere) and omnipotent (all powerful) greenhouse gas:
When an Easterly wind comes ashore at Christchurch on a day which is cloudless at both locations, then Hokitika may warm up faster and therefore have a warmer daytime maximum temperature. People can test this by observation for themselves, once the published percentage of Relative Humidity is converted to Actual Humidity (in grams of water per kilogram of air) by use of an online calculator, such as provided by Lenntech (https://www.lenntech.com/calculators/humidity/relative-humidity.htm ).
The other diurnal effect is that with less water vapour in its atmosphere, Christchurch will usually have much more rapid overnight heat loss. So while Hokitika may lose say 5o Celsius overnight on a clear summer night, Christchurch may lose 10o Celsius. You can observe for yourself that Foehn winds are not always blowing on the fine days when the temperature of Christchurch or Napier exceeds that of Hokitika or New Plymouth – or for that matter, Auckland .
If you take the time to look at the different NZ MetService weather files containing the average monthly temperatures for the towns in each pair over the last 30 years, it is atmospheric moisture that helps to determine the average weather, and thereby the climate of each location in the pair. You will find these truths reflected in all of the monthly weather statistics for each town. By month, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature for the month, sunshine hours, number of rainy days and sunny days, precipitation in millimetres and so on are all influenced. This demonstrates that although there are always anomalous extreme weather events due to the massive countervailing natural forces, it is the averages of daily weather that rule climate statistics. Further, it is the latitude, altitude and usual level of actual humidity which determines both the weather and climate from place to place.
If you ever wondered why East Coast towns usually have higher maximum daytime temperatures and yet more frosts? You have your answer above.
You see, the thing about the “greenhouse” effect is that it reduces the level of daytime heat from the sun and it also reduces overnight heat loss. If it did not do that, few modern terrestrial life forms would survive until dawn. Those that did may then burn or boil during the heat of the next day.
But we must always remember that more heat from any source will lead to a higher rate of evaporation of surface water, and at altitude, a higher density of water vapour than the air can hold will lead to a higher rate of cloud formation and eventually after a week or so, lead to a higher rate of precipitation. The total effect of Earth’s atmospheric water cycle serves to moderate additional heat from all sources by causing a greater or lesser degree of cooling from all sources – dependent solely on the differential heat from the sun and having nothing whatsoever to do with human carbon emissions. In minutes and hours, a minor temperature change will elicit a much larger greenhouse effect from water vapour than the influence of human carbon emissions over even a hundred years. But the effect of water vapour is further modified by cloud cover and the effect of precipitation.
The elegance of the terrestrial climate system is so ingenious, it is almost god-like, as it provides the necessary climate for life everywhere on Earth from the Equator to the poles. Checking comparatives for three full years during which Ardern and Shaw ignored or denied the truth, makes me to marvel at the way solar and volcanic heat is so expertly nuanced and manages to provide a terrestrial climate averaging about +15.5o Celsius while the temperature of near space is -273o Celsius (just think, that is minus 273o C.).
The major anomalous weather emergencies are a result of the huge countervailing forces at play which determine Earth’s climate and even the worst pollution by humanity is washed from the skies by the roughly 1.15 trillion tonnes of water that falls each day as rain, hail, sleet or snow. We cannot change that so we must mitigate its effects by prudent planning and prompt emergency reactions.
There is no climate emergency, just climate fraud and this fraud is still happening on your watch.
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
Retired but Experienced Fraud Investigator
- Just think, the BRICS+ and OPEC+ countries know how stupid we are because they understand what is contained in the reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences as summarised in the slide show which is attached above as “140708”. They know and more greatly fear the dire effects of the cooling that always comes after the warming. To them the Paris Climate Accords are just part of the fraud, so you have no hope of getting any return for the damage you are causing to our farmers and economy. Please just think it through. JR.
The false ‘climate emergency’
Editor’s note: the full PDF article can be viewed on the link below.
By Peter J. Morgan B.E. (Mech.), Dip. Teaching, Hon. CEO & Chair, Environomics (NZ) Trust (PJM.forensic.eng@gmail.com)
In the mid-1980s, groups of climate scientists began developing computer climate models of the atmosphere. These models are now known to not properly model key climate parameters. One fundamental error in those models and all subsequent models, except those developed in Russia, relates to a field of physics and engineering known as control systems engineering, which was applied in order to model feedback effects. Unfortunately, no climate scientists ever asked any expert control systems engineers or physicists – who understood and knew how to properly apply control systems engineering – to check these models, and it was only in the last few years that an independent group known as ‘the Argonauts’, which includes world class expert control systems engineers, physicists and a mathematician, discovered this feedback error and wrote a 72-page paper explaining the error and correcting it.
You New Zealand Farmers have been conned – along with many people within the OECD |
jcrofe@xtra.co.nz <jcrofe@xtra.co.nz> |
20 October 2022 at 09:02 |
To: (Key NZ government leaders and media) |
What will the public think of the NZ PM’s deliberate climate fraud?
From: jcrofe@xtra.co.nz <jcrofe@xtra.co.nz>
Sent: Thursday, 3 February 2022 8:36 pm
To: ‘contactus@justice.govt.nz’ <contactus@justice.govt.nz>; ‘enquiries@police.govt.nz’ <enquiries@police.govt.nz>; ‘enquiries@sfo.govt.nz’ <enquiries@sfo.govt.nz>; ‘enquiries@justice.govt.nz’ <enquiries@justice.govt.nz>
Cc: ‘news@nzherald.co.nz’; ‘news@tvns.co.nz’; ‘Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern’ <Jacinda.Ardern@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Hon James Shaw’ <James.Shaw@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘David Seymour’ <David.Seymour@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Terry Dunleavy’ <terry@winezeal.co.nz>; ‘Peter J. Morgan’ <pjm.forensic.eng@gmail.co>; ‘petersenior42@gmail.com’; ‘geoffduffy@lycos.com’ <geoffduffy@lycos.com>; ‘jock.allison85@gmail.com’ <jock.allison85@gmail.com>; ‘leighton smith’ <leightonzb@gmail.com>; ‘Juana Atkins’ <sb@thebfd.co.nz>; ‘dmin@lawyersforclimateaction.nz’ <dmin@lawyersforclimateaction.nz>; ‘Vic Power’ <vicpower@iinet.net.au>; ‘Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz’ <Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz>
Subject: I wonder what the public will think of the PM’s deliberate climate fraud?
Importance: High
Dear Secretary, Commissioner and Director,
In your roles as heads of “the proper authorities” it is both essential and urgent for you to get your heads together to figure out how to deal with my allegations.
Anthropogenic Global Warming is the largest commercial and political fraud in New Zealand’s entire history. The proof is contained in this email and attachments. Stopping the fraud and punishing those responsible is your job and if you are to investigate those culpable you will need to put teams onto the politicians, the civil servants who have driven the fraud since Kyoto and the scientists and universities for the corruption of science and the scientific method.
I hate to be blunt but you folk have thus far failed to protect the public. Since 2018 these allegations have been your biggest challenge, yet you have continued to procrastinate and deny any responsibility to deal with my claims. If a Royal Enquiry is considered necessary then you must ensure it is mandated, or bear the burden yourselves.
So I am going to keep on publishing the truth until I get a public hearing of my allegations. But I won’t trouble you further if you decide that you don’t want to do your respective jobs. Then I will take this direct to the public.
It is easy to prove that it is impossible for human carbon emissions to be any influence on climate change. Therefore the Zero Carbon Act, The Declaration of a Climate Emergency and the establishment of the carbon trading scheme and the Climate Change Commission are all ultra vires and instruments of deliberate Government Fraud. All carbon credit and carbon trading schemes (set up to rape and pillage the economy for no good purpose) are fraudulent in nature (and likely in intent).
Every one of these obviously fraudulent pieces of legislation was enacted after I advised Government in 2018 of the facts and Minister Shaw responded with his elegant “mens rea” defence in late 2018. Thereafter the fraud began. Dr Jock Allison’s authoritative submission was brushed aside, so the faked public hearing (run by many of those implicated in what I now allege is deliberate fraud) could listen to sycophantic irrelevances supporting a Labour Greens climate dogma and ignore essential facts that should have protected the public from rash, ruinous and ultra vires legislation.
Letting loose the speculators on carbon trading was the biggest mistake made by those promoting the fraud in New Zealand, because it crystalises the effect of the climate fraud in a way which allows the public to see that something is grotesquely wrong with Government policy. (Thank you “interest.co.nz”)
After all, when speculators drive the carbon price over $100/tonne then we will see productive and essential food producing farms progressively replaced by forests and the rural communities will die.
When the fraud first began in 1988 it was driven by idealogues and begun by a globalist billionaires’ stooge named Mr Maurice Strong who established the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“UN IPCC”) for their elite globalist organisation’s own purposes. When that occurred it seemed like a good idea to attack human carbon emissions’ tiny influence over earth’s Greenhouse Effect (whereby the solar heat is reduced during the day and the heat loss at night is minimised to avoid boiling and freezing temperatures on Earth which are otherwise either too hot or too cold for human habitation). All the greenhouse gases are invisible to the human eye, so they could make any claims they wanted and the public would be none the wiser. Our understanding of the science since then has grown and yet the sophists promoting what is just blatant fraud have continued to spin falsehoods in order to defend the positions they have taken since its outset. Because they exercise almost total control over the media voice, no truth may now be spoken. If the truth slips through, it is denied by agents of the fraud who misrepresent themselves as “fact-checkers” in order to conceal their ulterior motives.
Planet Earth has three essential and unique assets which no other known planet contains. They are water (which covers 71% of the surface as liquid, the snow and ice of the poles and mountains, the evaporated part within the Troposphere which is the invisible water vapour gas, together with minute water molecules that comprise the clouds and the precipitation in progress within the atmosphere), there is the carbon dioxide gas (which mobilises carbon for consumption. Every complex life form on Earth is carbon based and it is carbon dioxide which enables all Earth’s flora to exist) and the oxygen emitted by flora to enable all fauna to both live and breathe. Between consumers of oxygen (the fauna) and consumers of carbon dioxide (the flora) there is a symbiotic relationship that cannot be tampered with, without threatening all life on Earth.
Every 24 hours the Earth revolves on its own axis within its orbit of the sun and the incoming solar radiation excites the water cycle in the same way it has for billions of years. The stronger the electromagnetic radiation from the sun, the more water evaporates and the more of the sole omnipotent greenhouse gas called water vapour (water vapour makes up 96% of all greenhouse gases) is released into the atmosphere. This in turn feeds the cloud cover when it condenses and thence forms the rain, hail, and snow – precipitation which returns to Earth due to gravity. In New Zealand this process is more obvious than anywhere else. Because our islands are arranged in a narrow chain over 1,000 kilometres at right angles to the prevailing Westerly wind belt. So more than 80% of our weather comes from the West and this ensures high actual humidity, cloud cover and rainfall on the West Coast and low actual humidity, cloud cover and rainfall in the East coast. When the weather comes from the East the relativity of the East and West actual humidity, cloud cover and rainfall is reversed. Because pressure fronts generally tend to move North-Easterly over New Zealand from the South, the absolute value of our unique climate is not immediately apparent. But it is the ideal laboratory for anyone to totally discredit Anthropogenic Global Warming theory.
My accidental discovery of this laboratory and its absolute proof was researched in order to seek a corroborative test of the empirical scientific evidence I had been provided by New Zealand’s Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering Geoffrey G. Duffy FRSNZ. You have already received multiple copies of his papers so I will limit my mention to the statement he made which seemed so conclusive that it demanded verification…
“Simply stating again for emphasis, variances in the GHG water vapour occur in seconds or minutes far exceed the total increase in the low concentration GHG carbon dioxide over any period. The unique and powerful phase-change capability of water together with the radiation superiority of water vapour, make water vapour self-buffering, self-regulating, self-correcting, and self-compensating even when the atmospheric changes are minute.”
Truth will always out. Over the last three years there have been other tests to determine whether Anthropogenic Global Warming has any shred of credibility. There are many easily observable self-evident truths that on their own suggest the fraud is impossible. Calculations by an interdisciplinary, multinational team calling themselves “the Argonauts” recently proved conclusively that there was an error in all of the UN IPCC’s models that tripled the effect of an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (“CO2”). It transpired the Russians had been aware for several years of this error and it explained why the Russian model was the only one which was correct. This was supported in New Zealand by a Group called the Environomics (NZ) Trust (“the Trust”). The Trust also agreed the calculations of another organisation which confirmed the Argonauts’ finding. Naturally the open letter to the Government by the Trust was ignored, because why would folk wedded to fraud want to admit they are wrong? There is a well-trodden path from all New Zealand sophists, whereby, when shown they are wrong, desert the battlefield and decline to take phone calls or respond to written communication. They are on the public payroll and as they are part of the fraud, they must be indicted alongside the PM and her Minister.
However, my concern with those calculations was that while they prove the error they are slightly different to the evidence from Professor Duffy, which I accept as conclusive. But further evidence came to light.
The radiative effect of water vapour and clouds in the atmosphere has been analysed with the startling fact that a doubling of carbon dioxide (“CO2”) from today’s level (i.e. from 420ppm to 840ppm) would have almost no effect on climate, was made and confirmed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (…still being covered up by the UN IPCC of course…). In this video below, Professor William Happer of Princeton describes the facts…as now known, of the radiative properties of the relevant greenhouse gases…(a 56 minute video for which the unpleasant truth for the parties to the AGW fraud is revealed from about the 28 minute mark. Though you may find the rest informative if you have not been following the Government’s sinister plot to ruin the country, to date)
For the global warming fraud, physics, doesn’t work, atmospheric chemistry doesn’t work, the sophists and fraudsters alike have to ignore many easily observed self-evident truths in the weather phenomena…and to cap them off, they need to down-play two well-tried and accepted laws of Physics (Beer-Lambert and Henry) and a number of major natural phenomena. As a fraud, “global warming” had the ultimate in backing from the world’s power brokers, because the globalist billionaires in the Club of Rome managed to influence global politics. Now the entire OECD sings to the UN IPCC song sheet. If that continues for very long, the relative wealth of BRICS versus OECD will be reversed as we trash our economies to promote a fraud (that I benefit from) and they take action to prepare for cold as we prepare for warmth. The BRICS are the climate realists and OECD is stacked with the true band of “climate change deniers”.
So let’s start with the key facts and simplify matters into a binary comparison: Right or wrong, true or false… science or sophistry? You can check it all and work out what is right and what is wrong for yourself. If you listen to the well-rewarded “fake fact-checkers” you will be led astray. For my part, I am happy to be corrected anywhere I slip up on the detail.
To recap…All complex lifeforms on Earth are carbon based.
- They are split between flora (plant life etc) and fauna (animals, birds, fish etc).
- The most important thing that all life forms do is to breathe, where flora utilise CO2 for growth and survival and fauna utilise oxygen (“O2”) for growth and survival.
- Flora needs an absolute minimum of 150ppm to survive, they inhale 420ppm from the atmosphere today, but would like 1,200ppm to thrive at optimum.
- Earth’s atmosphere contained almost no oxygen 3,500 million years ago when plants developed on their own.
- Flora is driven by photosynthesis (the availability of water, carbon dioxide and light from the sun – producing plant sugars and oxygen), so flora preceded fauna in order to first modify Earth’s atmosphere, which required the oxygen bi-product of the photosynthesis of plants, in order to grow and survive.
- The first mass extinction came when the more vulnerable plant life, which was poisoned by the rapidly growing atmospheric density of O2, died off.
- In New Zealand in 2022, fauna now get 207,000ppm of O2 from the atmosphere but at this level, because oxygen is so abundant, our human survival depends more upon limiting our inhalation of atmospheric CO2. If this rises to a level of 5,000ppm it displaces O2, so animals and humans become sick and may die. Fauna cannot rebreathe their own exhalations even though the atmospheric O2 content may be as high as 140,000ppm, due to the elevated CO2 and water vapour content.
- A molecule of CO2 gas weighs 44.01AMU (Atomic Mass Units), so it is 50% heavier than the average of all gases in the air column. Unless warmed, a molecule of CO2 will be negatively buoyant and sink in the air column.
- If you shut the door and windows to your office, and work for 8 hours, the level of CO2 and water vapour will build up. If you leave the office and close the door, and do the same the next day, you will find that the level of atmospheric CO2 is cumulative, while that of water vapour is not. CO2 is also long-lived in the atmosphere although it is consumed by plants and may be washed out of the atmosphere by precipitation. (Hence rivers of fresh water are mildly acidic.)
- Humans exhale about 40,000ppm of CO2, so human adults produce an extra 350kgs (approx.) of carbon each year in the form of CO2. Our personal carbon emissions (whether CO2 or methane) are automatic and non-discretionary. All food contains carbon and it is carried in all body tissue and the blood supply. The human lungs convert excess blood carbon into CO2 gas and it is exhaled automatically as a result, the intake of air with each breath supplies the O2 needed to oxygenate the blood. The outgoing breath of humans is heated to body temperature and has 100% relative humidity. So humans also continually exhale 40,000ppmv of water vapour with each breath.
- No (known) living organisms on Earth can be carbon neutral.
- Water covers 71% of Earth’s surface and together with precipitation, water vapour, snow or ice, each of these phases of the water cycle has the same chemical name, H2O. Water can evaporate, sublimate (i.e. change directly from ice to water vapour without first becoming liquid), condense, freeze and melt. So, whilst having the most powerful radiative properties of all “greenhouse gases”, water vapour has 28 non-radiative influences on climate, due to its role in the water cycle and its conductive capabilities for heat transfer. A water vapour molecule weighs 18AMU so is 40% lighter than air.
- Atmospheric water vapour varies from place to place and from time to time. It’s concentration varies by altitude but is almost all limited to within the Troposphere, which is where all of the weather that affects us is also located. Our climate only exists within the Troposphere. Within the lower Troposphere, water vapour may be as little as 2,000ppm in arid desert regions and at the poles. In tropical rain forests the concentration can be even greater than 40,000ppm. In New Zealand it varies around 10,000ppm and that is generally accepted by scientists as the average for the global water vapour concentration. At that level the atmospheric concentration of water vapour is about 24 times the concentration of atmospheric CO2.
- In my office setting the exhaled water vapour rises to the ceiling and may condense on the surface of the ceiling, upper walls and windows. Repeated exhalations without use of ventilation will cause mould to form, so airing closed spaces is essential.
- As per the 6th attachment above marked “SLIDES ONLY” (with thanks to Emeritus Professor Duffy) water vapour has five times the efficacy of CO2 as a greenhouse gas, for incoming solar radiation, and ten to twelve times the efficacy of CO2 for outgoing heat in the form of outgoing infrared radiation.
- Folk as eminent as Professor Niels Bohr have since the early 20th century run experiments which proved that while the initial 20ppm of CO2 had a significant greenhouse gas effect, the incremental increases have a lesser and lesser effect (as per the Beer-Lambert law of physics), so I accept that the radiative potency of CO2 to further limit temperature egress from Earth’s atmosphere in the form of infrared radiation was substantially saturated at the pre-industrial level of 280ppm. The experiment run by Professors Happer and Wijngarden has been run at higher concentrations and with greater precision and evidential proof than previous experiments.
- To understand how irrelevant methane (“CH4”) is, it must be realised that it’s concentration is only about 1.8ppm in the atmosphere. After about a fortnight, much of the CH4 has oxidised to become either H2O or CO2. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is also a human influenced greenhouse gas but despite being a pollutant, it is totally irrelevant as an agent of climate change with only 0.3ppm existing within the atmosphere.
- The emissions of pollutants such as N2O, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide need to be dealt with at source. Volcanism is the main threat for atmospheric sulphur dioxide pollution and these pollutants are outside the ambit of this climate change paper.
- Just on a radiative basis alone (based on respective molecular density multiplied by respective efficacy) water vapour is on average 120 times as powerful as CO2 for restricting incoming solar radiation (aka sunlight) and about 270 times as powerful for restricting outgoing heat loss. So because this has always been known, how could scientists with access to this information have made such a mistake in suggesting that, “CO2 causes 80% of climate change – with a high level of certainty”? Well, most didn’t and still don’t. Before reading on, please make sure you understand the significance of the “SLIDES ONLY” schematic from Prof. Duffy, attached above, which shows the results of atomic absorption spectroscopic analysis of the molecules in their radiative roles (as greenhouse gases).
- The final paper attached above is my proof that water vapour is the sole omnipotent and omnipresent greenhouse gas, using the hourly, official internet published weather data. I could attach any of the observations I have made from the daily official weather data which support this proof. Copies have previously been provided. But I shall leave your staff to make their own observations because these are what proves the fraud to be just that. By the time you have run the enquiry of the temperature of various towns at 2pm and then at 6 am the next morning – just a few times – you will begin to understand that, with all the sophistry that has gone into duping the public, this huge, 33-year climate scam (sometimes called Anthropogenic Global Warming, sometimes called climate change) actually needed to be the subject of both a global and a New Zealand conspiracy of epic proportions to gain any public credibility. Not a conspiracy theory per se, but in fact a real global conspiracy lurking in plain sight.
- Scientists and executives at NIWA are arguably parties to the fraud. First came the NIWA whistle-blower (name presently unknown) who got out before being pushed (mid 2004). Then came a threat of legal action from a NIWA PR executive to stop me making observant allegations. Then in 2020, instead of describing the empirical scientific evidence that the public believe supports the legislation, I was instructed by NIWA to look in UN IPCC report AR5 for the non-existent evidence that human carbon emissions cause climate change. This lie is the world-wide response (likely mandated by the UN IPCC) and used to avoid making disclosure that they lack any credible evidence at all. Then they were advised that I have absolute proof – which they disregarded, using “plan B”. Plan B is to ignore all verbal and written communications.
- The bulk of Earth’s 33o Celsius greenhouse effect is provided by the moderation of the Earth’s variable Total Solar Insolation by the various phases of the water cycle. This effect is not just the separate albedo effect of the reflections from snow and ice, or the separate effect of the clouds, neither just the separate effect of the water vapour, the effect of precipitation and the heat sink effect of the huge reservoir of Earth’s water endowment…but all linked by the omnipotent greenhouse gas called water vapour (and its vertical mobility) to provide the response to variations in solar activity.
- It is virtually impossible to draw those representing the UN IPCC’s position regarding climate science into discussion or debate. Occasionally they will make a comment like, ” The existence of water vapor in the atmosphere depends on the other GHGs.” (Dr K. Trenberth) Scientists find it more comfortable to work in their silos and give their reports to fellow sophists who will agree both their conclusions and their objectives for making them. They get published, meantime the sceptical scientists are generally denied publication rights. The sceptical scientists seek debate. The UN and globalist media seek to muzzle them. Within science there must always be transparency and an opportunity for debate. With this fraud, there is none.
- The importance of water vapour as the sole omnipotent greenhouse gas is obviously recognised because it has been deliberately “disappeared” from Google and in other places its effect has been deliberately minimised. Google used to qualify their description of the component gases within the atmosphere where the volume of each is expressed as the “percentage of dry air” based upon the justification that water vapour is so variable from place to place and from time to time that it causes the proportion of all the other atmospheric gases to also vary. Now even the pretence to a misleading version of the truth is dropped and below are a few samples of what our children can get if they go into the internet…This quote is in italics because it was earlier copied to you on 23 January 2022 by being included in my email to Rosie Ashby”
But this malfeasance is actively supported by the likes of Google. Why did Google, NASA and National Geographic feel the need to eliminate the sole omnipotent greenhouse gas, water vapour from the atmosphere? Why did National Geographic? Why did NASA? Prima Facie – they made these changes to paper over their support for climate fraud. The mistakes of the UN IPCC are not justifiable because from the gathering of data and reports for AR1 they began sacking all the eminent scientists who disagreed with the fraud. Acting to falsify evidence of their fraud is indicative that they are well aware of it.
Quote 1. (NASA)
“According to NASA, the gases in Earth’s atmosphere include:
- Nitrogen — 78 percent.
- Oxygen — 21 percent.
- Argon — 0.93 percent.
- Carbon dioxide — 0.04 percent.
- Trace amounts of neon, helium, methane, krypton and hydrogen, as well as water vapor.
Quote 2. (Google)
“Air is mostly gas
The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Air also has small amounts of lots of other gases, too, such as carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen.12/09/2016 “
Quote 3. (Google)
“Earth’s atmosphere is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases. Trace amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and neon are some of the other gases that make up the remaining 0.1 percent.22/10/2019”
Quote 4. (National Geographic)
“While oxygen is necessary for most life on Earth, the majority of Earth’s atmosphere is not oxygen. Earth’s atmosphere is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases. Trace amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and neon are some of the other gases that make up the remaining 0.1 percent. “
I don’t have a date for National Geographic’s above incorrect analysis of Earth’s atmosphere. But the others have dated their own alterations to the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. Can they explain why they want water vapour to disappear, or explain why the third most voluminous gas (which is also about 96% of all greenhouses gases by volume) is relegated to being part of 0.01%, or even explain why the volume of water vapour in the atmosphere has shrunk so much they had to make it disappear?”
You have to wonder why National Geographic lost interest in CO2 with their comment above that only …“oxygen is necessary for most life on Earth”. CO2 is actually in short supply for flora… and all non-flora life (including ourselves) rely on the existence of flora for food and for the oxygen they exhale as a bi-product of photosynthesis. If flora have less than 150ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere, photosynthesis doesn’t work and they die. By experimentation, in general flora thrive better on 1,200ppm – though that varies by plant type. (If flora become extinct, fauna are thereby condemned to follow suit.) A child searching the National Geographic web site would more easily be persuaded by fraud promoters such as Minister James Shaw that CO2 is a pollutant which must be reduced in order to save the planet. So the deception inherent in the fraud becomes concealed from public view. This laziness (if that is all it is) is arguably deliberate due to other actions of “National Geographic” (i.e. the fate of polar bears and walruses falling off cliffs due to “Global Warming”).
- For any so-called conservationist to label CO2 as a pollutant to be taxed in order to reduce its atmospheric content means the person is flaunting their “green credentials” under false pretences.
- Google has implemented a program to “de-monetise all climate sceptics”. Thereby abusing their media power and denying the right of the public to tell the truth by deliberately attempting to dissuade or silence them.
- Media organisations from the BBC, The Telegraph, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, The NZ Herald and even pip-squeaks like Stuff refuse to publish articles which are critical of the climate fraud. The authors are instead publicly castigated as “climate change deniers.” And so as we enter the dystopian world of George Orwell’s “1984” where one year the mainstream media inform us authoritatively that our children will soon be unable to ever see snow again, and this week are authoritatively saying that the blizzards in the USA, Turkey and Japan (among others) are being caused by global warming. (of course this is all based on “science” and un-specified experts with their blatant abuse of the truth) This censorship in support of deliberate fraud is a huge problem for the OECD to fix. I wonder how they will be able to dig their way out of this…when no-one will now either dare or be allowed to tell the truth? (Caveat: anomalous cold records being broken each year are now more frequent than new warm records being set…so this link below is just a testament to cold weather and the absence of any climate warming emergency – not indicative of climate change)… but check it out, because it shows what we are not allowed to see:
But back to the central facts…
Not only does water vapour have dominant radiative potency, but also we must factor in all of its other 28 non radiative impacts – as part of Earth’s water cycle. It has been calculated that the amount of evaporation of surface water during one day from the sun’s influence (solar energy is considered to be 99.9% of Earth’s energy budget) is about 1.15 trillion tonnes per day. Being warm and lighter than air, once evaporated, water vapour heads rapidly to the clouds. Because the air thins and cools by about 6.5oC. per kilometre of height, water vapour loses heat as it ascends (in its capacity as both a conductor and radiator of heat). At high altitude it condenses into minute cloud droplets which are even more opaque in restricting the ingress of warmth from sunlight or egress of infrared radiated heat at night.
- The empirical scientific evidence supportive of this from Professor Duffy, has already been so widely circulated that I won’t attach it here. I ask you instead to make contact with him directly as his email address is amongst those to whom this email has been copied.
- The process by which clouds form and rain drops (or even hail and snow) are nucleated, is the subject of intensive scientific analysis and debate, but what is clear is that the change of phase between solid, liquid and gas: from water vapour to cloud droplets, thence to rain drops, involves huge energy transfers. The rain drops are super-chilled at high altitude and the falling rain warms as it falls, yet even so, it is still cold enough to chill the earth on arrival. The heat transfer effects of about 1.15 trillion tons of falling water, snow, hail or sleet per day is largely ignored by the UN IPCC.
- About 65% of Earth’s surface is obscured by clouds. Aside from the debate over what drives cloud formation and rain, to a forensic investigator like me the most important fact is that there can be no clouds without water vapour on the one hand, while on the other, there is always water vapour despite the absence of clouds above. Water vapour is always and everywhere present in the Troposphere.
- The amount of actual humidity (water vapour expressed in grams of water per kilogram of air) that the atmosphere can hold depends on air temperature. When the temperature falls to the “dew point” then dew falls as the air to water ratio adjusts. So the amount of water contained in the atmosphere as water vapour, falls off with both rising altitude and as we move from the Equator to the poles – with increases in latitude. Yet water vapour is omnipresent and omnipotent as the sole greenhouse gas influencing weather and thereby climate.
- To repeat for emphasis, those three factors, Latitude, Altitude and the atmospheric water vapour influence both weather and (over time) Earth’s Climate. But in blaming all greenhouse gases for climate change we have the wrong “culprit”. It is simply the variability of solar electro-magnetic activity with help from anomalous and sporadic volcanic activity. The water cycle – despite its various phases and the many complexities of its roles – is merely the moderating reaction to incoming solar energy.
- Ocean science is sometimes influenced by bias from the officially sanctioned UN IPCC climate science dogma. The oceans usually have a pH of over 8 and they contain 50 times the CO2 (and other gases) that are held in the air. There is a law of solubility of gases called the “Henry law” which means in this context that the ocean disgorges CO2 when warming and is able to take it up when cooling. If you look at slides 4. and 5. on the attachment named “140708” (effectively the Russian and BRICS view of climate science) you will see the significance of this. The build-up of atmospheric CO2 for the last 600,000 years had always been due to a warming ocean. Furthermore, cooling into 90,000 year-long ice ages always began when atmospheric CO2 was at its maximum, so the runaway warming we are constantly being threatened with was always unable to happen due to natural climate homeostasis.
- Today the largest proportion of global atmospheric CO2 emissions still comes from ocean outgassing and other natural causes. Human emissions are less than 5% of total emissions. It doesn’t take much of a change in the level of natural forest fires, rotting vegetation or ocean outgassing to compensate for any human carbon emissions (or savings) and yet that is never apparently given consideration by the sophists.
- Given the heat transfer effects of evaporation where 423 trillion tons of water vapour rises each year into the sky and about 423 trillion tons descends as rain, hail or snow over a twelve month period, leaving an ocean of water in the sky weighing between 15 to 20 trillion tons – mixed between water vapour, clouds and precipitation, how does this affect weather and climate? Well, the weather happens on a short time cycle as short as minutes and hours, as changes in air pressure and winds drive water vapour and clouds from areas where evaporation is greatest to areas where rainfall reduces both cloud cover and atmospheric water vapour. The climate itself is only the long term (30 to 40 year) average of weather.
- The advent of super computers to climate modelling does not influence the facts. The outcome of computer models are just maths not science, particularly when most variables are entered using the sophists’ subjective evaluation of a chosen parameter’s relevance. They certainly produce no evidence and mostly confirmation bias. GIGO means they actually overcook their conclusions which are too inaccurate to be of any worth for decision-making. Meteorological modelling does have real value for humanity and more should be expended to improve forecast reliability upon which real world decisions depend. As things stand, if some idiot buys a house on the waterfront and a storm washes it away, I will share the blame because we are all being held liable for “climate change” which the idiot believes is not his problem. Now insurance companies levy everyone for the folly of a few. This is a tiny example of how the climate fraud totally distorts both reality and the quality of policy decisions.
- If water vapour density was dependent of the level of other greenhouse gases, then, before industrial times there would have been nothing to prevent runaway global heating during Grand Solar Maximums. However our planet is still condemned to living within the Pleistocene Ice age and at some point the Holocene Interglacial Interval will end. Between the 90,000-year ice ages (described by the Milankovitch cycles of Earth’s movements relative to the sun), it has always been the solar cycles that have caused climate change during the 10-12,000 year interglacial intervals, influenced from time to time by outbursts of volcanism.
- In an era of JIT inventory systems, few countries hold food staples to cover longer than a week or two. When a volcanic VEI7 eruption occurs the two winters will be dire and an entire summer of food production will be lost. Something similar occurs during Grand Solar Minimums when grow zones migrate in the direction of the equator. The Russians were prepared for the current cold but the Chinese weren’t. But they learned fast and were able this year to pick up staples on the international market. Those may not be available next year.
- It is clear that the increase in global temperature since 1880 during what is known as the “Modern Warm Period” has been about 1.2oC. (some argue the increase is more and some less and no-one is in agreement over what an ideal climate should be)
- In 1880 the level of atmospheric CO2 was estimated as 280ppm. Doubling this would yield the figure of 560ppm for atmospheric CO2. Plants would love that! So what is the temperature effect of doubling? No-one really knows for sure, because the OECD now ascribes most of the warming since the end of what was called the “little ice age” (1280 to 1850AD) when glaciers were then either growing or stable, as being due to human activities. That was not a time of warmth, but of cold. In more recent papers, a group of Russian scientists now ascribe only a possible 0.3oC to the temperature effect of a doubling of atmospheric CO2 from 1880 in total, yet we are only half way to that doubling.
- By the beginning of the 17th century it was estimated that more than 50,000 witches had been burned at the stake to try to stop the march of glaciers as they advanced at the rate of up to 100 metres per day. Advancing glaciers are far more costly to humanity than retreating ones. But what happens during Grand Solar Maximums is the glaciers retreat and Arctic sea ice is much less and it was thus in 900AD when Eric the Red started off from Iceland to row to Greenland. By 1200AD the glaciers we see today were then shorter but grew during the “Little Ice Age”.
- Meanwhile the Russians remain convinced that CO2, CH4 and N2O play almost no part in climate change and it is the impact of three extremely active 11-year solar cycles in the 20th century that account for the bulk of warming. A comparison of these 11-year solar cycles (merely numbered 19, 21 and 22 – with the more ordinary solar cycle number 20 not noted) can be seen on slide 13. of the Russian presentation “140708”. The solar scientists generally agree that solar cycle 19. was the most active for thousands of years. So the Russians identify the 20th century as being the time of a Grand Solar Maximum.
- To reiterate…recent papers revising down the impact of CO2 on climate change have been submitted to the UN IPCC for review by Russian, British led and US led teams of highly qualified scientists with peer-reviewed articles, in accordance with the UN IPCC error reporting protocols. These have been ignored. Just as they have when copied to New Zealand politicians. Frankly, writing to those driving the fraud is a bit like sending Bernie Madoff a letter asking him to explain why he was defrauding his investors in a PONZI scheme and expecting him to explain himself. It took an arrest to make him do that!
- Half way through solar cycle 24 when “140708” was published, the Russian Academy of Sciences predicted what is now happening seven years later as being the beginning of a new Grand Solar Minimum (i.e. a group of relatively inactive solar cycles) with consequent “little ice age” for the remainder of the 21st century. For two thousand years and more, the solar cycles have matched the cyclicity of warm and cool climate conditions on Earth.
- There is no correlation between the level of atmospheric CO2 and temperature. CO2 has only been reliably monitored since 1959 and before that the estimates were based on proxy data. But what is clear is that every Northern summer the plant growth spurt has reduced the level of atmospheric CO2 by about 6ppm and in winter there has been an increase of about 8ppm, to yield an increase in the level by about 2ppm on an annualised basis despite the extra efforts of Kyoto and subsequent international agreements to restrain and reduce OECD carbon emissions.
- Atmospheric CO2 doesn’t change much from place to place, or from time to time, nor does it have the potency of water vapour as a greenhouse gas, so the impact of an increase in atmospheric density is not in any way visible in the changing weather patterns, unlike changes in water vapour which occur from hour to hour, from day to day and from place to place. These minor changes in actual humidity have such a large impact on daily temperature maximums and the rate of overnight heat loss, that they explain why towns like New Plymouth and Napier have such different weather and by including the average daily temperature range and the average annual rainfall, why the towns’ climates are significantly different, despite being on about the same latitude and at the same altitude.
- By reference to the first chart of page 5. of the “Submission on the Zero Carbon Bill” attached above, over the last 540 million years of geological time there has never been any indication that runaway warming ever happened despite atmospheric CO2 being as high as 2,000 to 5,000ppm. In fact there has never been a time when a correlation has existed which could in any way have been supportive of the idea that a change in atmospheric CO2 could influence the climate, only that a change in climate could probably have directly influenced a change in atmospheric CO2 after a delay for the oceans to react to the change in atmospheric temperature (in other words the reaction lag time was assessed as 800 years plus or minus 400 years). The oceans are an effective heat sink, with most gains and loses of temperature happening (either daily, seasonally or longer) in the water above the thermocline.
- The first 20ppm of atmospheric CO2 certainly does have a significant greenhouse effect. But after that, the effect on the temperature only increases logarithmically, so that by the time of the pre-industrial level of 280ppm in 1880 the ability of changed atmospheric CO2 to influence the temperature was almost fully saturated. Thereafter the increases or decreases are totally inconsequential. This is in accordance with the Beer-Lambert law of Physics.
- In modern times it is known that global average temperature increased from 1880 to 1900AD then fell at the time of two successive weak 11-year solar cycles, then it increased from the 1920’s to 1945 and again fell until 1975 (eliciting much panic that there would be an imminent ice age); before again rising to 1998 (an extremely strong el Nino event) before stabilising until the next major 2016 el Nino event occurred. Since then it has been falling…but not by much. The graph of the average global monthly temperature of the Troposphere shown below from 1979 to 31st January 2022 is shown below and you may care to compare this with the NOAA record of atmospheric CO2 since 1959) The only correlation I feel confident to assert is between temperature and solar cycles and almost none at all between atmospheric CO2 and temperature. This is how our global preoccupation with a faux climate emergency is playing out.
There is no other global temperature record that I can be convinced has not been corrupted, so I rely on the NASA satellite record – as above.
- There is a saying, “One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” Sadly the UN IPCC and NZ Government procession of histrionics over climate disasters that don’t ever happen is one recurring folly… and the self-serving delusion that humans can change the climate by putting the brakes on carbon emissions is another.
- Naturally-occurring water vapour variations during any day often have a far greater temperature effect than all the CO2 increases in 100 years. A simple 0.5o Celsius change in atmospheric temperature can produce more water vapour (the strongest greenhouse gas) than the total 100+ ppm increase CO2 over 100 years [even at a constant Relative Humidity].
- A feature of research by solar scientists is that they ascribe a greater importance to the forecasts of reduced solar activity (than does the officially sanctioned brigade of OECD sophists), from the next three 11-year solar cycles going forward. Solar activity is electromagnetic energy which provides Earth with its Total Solar Insolation – aka sunlight. Solar activity is indicated by the number and strength of sun spots visible on the face of the sun. This affects the strength of the solar wind, which when strong, reduces the influx of galactic cosmic rays into both the solar system and Earth’s atmosphere. When the solar wind is weak the influx of cosmic rays can be much more prevalent and this may have an impact on cloud nucleation and magma disturbance.
- Variations in solar activity have a large effect on all of the planets in the solar system as well as the irradiation conditions for astronauts in space. They drive our climate as effectively as the triple variations in Earth’s position versus the sun (Tilt, Obliquity and Eccentricity of orbit – collectively called the Milankovitch cycles). However the difference between the temperature of Grand Solar Maximums and Grand Solar Minimums is only 2 to 3oC. The difference between the climate optimum of an interglacial interval and the climate minimum of an Ice Age can be as much as 10oC. Fortunately one of the latter is not yet due because last time (as recently as 25,000 years ago) it would have signalled the loss of all agriculture (under a huge ice cap) for the South Island. Even so the impact of a Grand Solar Minimum will have a major impact on agriculture and Northward-shifting grow zones.
- Grand Solar Minimums have through history been referred to as “dark ages” and they have led to the rapid advance of glaciers, famine and disease. A correlation of sorts exists between major volcanic eruptions with perturbations of the Earth’s tectonic plates and the beginning of Grand Solar Minimums. There is a warning in this sequence: For instance the 180 AD eruption of Lake Taupo (Hatepe) signalled the end of the Roman Warm Period, the Mt Samalas eruption of 1257AD (Indonesia) that signalled the end of the Mediaeval Warm Period and the eruption Mt Tambora in 1815AD (Indonesia) which signalled a global year without a summer. Each of these was a VEI7 event and they each punched so much material into the stratosphere that it circled the Earth many times and led to purple sunsets and dark skies. By comparison HungaTonga/Ha’apai’s recent eruption was just a VEI5 eruption. The 1991 eruption of Mt Pinatubo (Philippines) was just a VEI6 event yet it was estimated to have caused a reduction in global temperature of about 0.5oC from 1991 to 1993. So VEI7 events would have had major weather impacts.
- Every volcanic eruption emits a huge amount of CO2 and SO2 into the atmosphere at any rate and CO2 has a long atmospheric dwell time, so every such event has a cumulative effect on the level of CO2 in the atmosphere.
- If we look back to well researched volcanic episodes and asteroid strikes, we come to the Chicxulub asteroid strike of 66 million years ago which scored a direct hit on what is now the super-giant Mexican, Cantarell oil field. It left a 150 km-wide crater in the Bay of Campeche and led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The debris would have filled the stratosphere and mesosphere because the impact debris is claimed to have travelled a third of the way to the moon. Full of toxic material the atmosphere eventually cleared and the diurnal heating and cooling, together with evaporation and precipitation of water flushed the material out of the atmosphere (with the help of gravity). The explosion was a heating event like nothing since and yet the normal climate and atmospheric homeostasis was restored. It casts extreme doubt on the effect humans can have on climate.
- The Western texts on solar science and space weather I have reviewed are full of references to works by Russian scientists. So I accept the Russians are among the leaders in the solar sciences. The author and presenter of the paper at “140708” was at that time the Director of both the prestigious Pulkovo Observatory in St Petersburg and the Director of the Russian scientific programs on the International Space Station.
- On slide 14 of the attached “140708” you will see the Russian preoccupation with Total Solar Insolation which comes to Earth’s atmosphere through 150 million kilometres of the vacuum of space and bestows a daily measure of between 1360 and 1370 watts per square metre of electromagnetic radiation at the beginning of Earth’s atmosphere, which is then subjected to greenhouse effects with only about 56% hitting Earth’s surface. Slide 14. is again repeated on slide 24. as it is Russia’s grim warning to us of the likely impact of the coming cooling stage of the bicentennial solar cycle. It begins with solar cycle 25 and has now arguably started – although not with full effect for at least the next 10 years.
- The Russians are well into their preparations for what they are certain is the imminent arrival of the next bicentennial Grand Solar Minimum. All Russian geopolitical activity is predicated on this climate planning because 25% of their land mass and 50% of mineral resources are North of the Arctic Circle. NASA and NOAA agree with the solar science, but as a tribute to hubris, claim the increase in atmospheric CO2 will mean the coming Grand Solar Minimum won’t affect us.
- Last time I looked at a globe of the Earth we were on the same planet as Russia. New Zealand as an island country in the Pacific is more affected by the oceanic heat sinks of Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean which will remain warm. So when the continents of Europe distinctly and observably heated during the period 1975 to 2000AD, New Zealand experienced almost no real observable temperature change other than glacial melt. It will be the same with cooling. The continents of Southern Africa, South America and Australia are showing signs of cooling that we are not – yet. But we will catch up.
- Volcanism is a feature of nuanced changes in the Earth’s solar-stimulated magnetosphere. The OECD /UN IPCC position presumes that the Earth’s climate receives minimal stimulation from volcanic eruptions and yet Mt Pinatubo is claimed to have given vent to more CO2 than humanity throughout our entire existence (source: Professor Ian Plimer). But while we know of land-based volcanism, there is no account of volcanism below the seas unless as with VEI5 events at Krakatoa and Hunga Tonga/Ha’apai, the volcanoes burst through to become islands. In its 1883 eruption Krakatoa blew itself out of the water. A few years ago it re-appeared as an island called Anak Krakatau (child of Krakatoa). Mt Samalas on Lombok Island has recently become extremely active also but is called Mt Rinjani. Both Anak Krakatau and Rinjani are now active again.
- Undersea volcanoes represent 80% of Earth’s volcanoes and yet no-one stops to wonder when a two or three square mile raft of pumice surfaces on the Ocean. Where did the heat go? In fact there are many open fissures and hydrothermal vents pushing intrusions gas liquid and lava into the ocean of water with lava up to 1,250oC. It isn’t ever accounted for. The mass of water overhead ensures rapid sealing of lava to form a ceramic dome over the volcano. While the West Antarctic Ice Sheet’s glacier melt is always blamed on Anthropogenic Global Warming, everyone forgets the many active volcanoes under the area where large rafts of ice are eroded by volcanic action. Huge discharges of CO2 are emitted below the sea and mostly absorbed in the chilly depths, but even so they provide the fuel for outgassing of CO2 into the atmosphere – far higher than human emissions – yet actual quantity unknown.
- For the UN IPCC the small variation in Total Solar Insolation during the 200 year solar cycles is wrongly used as an excuse for discarding solar variations as a valid reason for the warming of the 20th century Modern Warm Period (despite this being an obvious Grand Solar Maximum) and for dreaming up a grotesquely disproportionate role for human carbon emissions. Solar cyclicity is the only explanation for the regular 200-year cycles prior to human industrialisation. What changed that? Just BS.
- Bizarrely the UN IPCC continues to claim that human carbon emissions are cumulative in the atmosphere, while those CO2 emissions from natural causes are not. The rationale for that argument seems like sophistry on steroids.
- The public is told that carbon dioxide is a pollutant, that we must re-design our cows and other bovines to eliminate CH4 emissions and we must destroy our economies to save the world. That is just garbage for which the world of science should be ashamed. The narrative is now driven by vested interests and the ignorant or corrupt politicians. Genetically re-engineering animals to help with the AGW fraud is about as disgusting as gain-of-function research on viruses for humans. The morality of corrupt pseudo-scientists must be addressed.
- The Russians had a similar issue from the 1930’s to 1950’s with President Stalin’s patronage of the mad scientist called Trofim Lysenko. They believe they lost between 6 and 32 million deaths to famine as a result. Whether Lysenko was a convenient scapegoat or not, they are not going to repeat that by acceding to the UN IPCC global warming fraud. They know that for every person who dies due to anomalous heat, 20 die from the cold and while that is globally relevant data, for them the disparity is always potentially far worse in the Siberian winter where whole villages can perish.
- I assert the various UN IPCC theories are worthless in the face of the empirical scientific evidence from Professor Happer at Princeton (the eminent Nuclear Physicist), Professor Duffy at Auckland (the eminent Chemical Engineer and Atmospheric Chemist) and Professor Ian Plimer of Australia (the eminent Geologist).
- I just got lucky and found absolute proof for the truth from published New Zealand weather data. Had the New Zealand Climate data not been a laboratory that delivers absolute proof each day, I may not have been brave enough to continue in the face of your neglect of the fraud.
- It is impossible for human carbon emissions to influence climate change because the countervailing natural forces soon overcome the puny human residual influences. The difference between reality and the junk science is so huge and the actions of the parties to promote it so outrageous, there is no possibility of the dogma being based on an honest mistake, or concatenation of honest mistakes – only on culpable fraud. The fact “AGW” is just fraud is not new in the public domain. Senior UN IPCC figures have explained their reason for promoting the fraud is not about dealing with climate change, but about promoting wealth equalisation between countries of the world.
- Whatever is the current excuse in New Zealand, let’s hear it before the next election. Like the over-hyped plight of polar bears, sea level rise, ocean acidification and everything else paying tribute to the climate fraud in the mainstream media today, it is the sophistry to launder the world’s biggest fraud, for which no apology is acceptable, because the cost to lives and livelihoods has already been too great. Every peer-reviewed paper published to contribute to the UN IPCC sophistry is grossly suspect. Science and the scientific method have been brought into disrepute and it is past time to clean ship!
- It is strange to realise that a warming climate is always good and a cooling one is bad when we hear the apocalyptic scenarios if we fail to stop driving ICE cars. The direction of the continually changing climate is determined by natural forces – the solar variability and anomalous volcanism.
- I believe it is time for you to do your work and find out what conspiracies in New Zealand have expanded on the UN IPCC’s international fraud at both the political, scientific and business level. If you turn this opportunity down, you may as well resign your roles as either Director, Secretary or Commissioner. We each know that where such obvious fraud exists, it may take time to come into the public domain, but I am going to make sure that it does reach the public in very short order. There are only four key things for the court to know about this fraud so it can be simplified or taken in stages:
- It is impossible for human carbon emissions to cause climate change.
- CO2 is a gas essential for all life on Earth and not a pollutant to be taxed.
- New Zealand can destroy its economy to support the fraud and yet have no possibility of benefiting the climate. The Greens lied about cost in their manifesto, while Labour did not even care about cost. Benefit zero, cost extreme.
- No proper due diligence was performed before multi-billion dollar decisions were made, and sophists were used and well-rewarded to justify ultra vires legislation.
- Every carbon trading and carbon credits scheme is a fraud, based on the notion of trading vacuous virtue signalling for money.
- Please forward this to Interpol. I may be whistling in the wind, but those influencing the conduct of the United Nations need to be placed under investigation, as should former President Obama and former Vice President Gore. The affairs of every country in the OECD are affected too. The co-conspirators in this country alone are too numerous to mention and most have overblown profiles.
- You will be assisted in your investigations by the real subject matter experts from around the world. New Zealand is likely the only country where the fraud is not only obvious, but provable from actual weather and climate data. So you can be assured of willing support.
- If you fail to seek the appropriate evidence in support of my allegations and instead seek rebuttal from the usual suspects, I will continue and now go public.
No-one can now hide from this fraud. The covers are off, so let both the batters and bowlers onto the pitch so we can see this set to rights in a New Zealand Court of competent jurisdiction. IMHO it will just take a declaratory judgement on a few short questions to break the global fraud apart.
If you have any questions about this, please telephone or email. I will be happy to provide further support and answer questions.
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
Experienced Fraud Investigator & Climate Fraud Beneficiary
An Open Letter to New Zealand PM Ardern and Minister Shaw regarding the Promotion of Climate Change Fraud
Editor’s note: Click on this link to view the letter’s graphics that cannot be included in the text below: An Open Letter to PM Ardern and Minister Shaw regarding the Promotion of Climate Change Fraud
From: jcrofe@xtra.co.nz <jcrofe@xtra.co.nz>
Sent: Friday, 8 October 2021 10:06 am
To: ‘Kiritapu.Allan@parliament.govt.nz’ <Kiritapu.Allan@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Virginia.Andersen@parliament.govt.nz’ <Virginia.Andersen@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Jacinda.Ardern@parliament.govt.nz’ <Jacinda.Ardern@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Camilla.Belich@parliament.govt.nz’ <Camilla.Belich@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Glen.Bennett@parliament.govt.nz’ <Glen.Bennett@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Rachel.Boyack@parliament.govt.nz’ <Rachel.Boyack@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Rachel.Brooking@parliament.govt.nz’ <Rachel.Brooking@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Naisi.Chen@parliament.govt.nz’ <Naisi.Chen@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘David.Clark@parliament.govt.nz’ <David.Clark@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Tamati.Coffey@parliament.govt.nz’ <Tamati.Coffey@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Liz.Craig@parliament.govt.nz’ <Liz.Craig@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Kelvin.Davis@parliament.govt.nz’ <Kelvin.Davis@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Paul.Eagle@parliament.govt.nz’ <Paul.Eagle@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Barbara.Edmonds@parliament.govt.nz’ <Barbara.Edmonds@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz’ <kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Shanan.Halbert@parliament.govt.nz’ <Shanan.Halbert@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Peeni.Henare@parliament.govt.nz’ <Peeni.Henare@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Emily.Henderson@parliament.govt.nz’ <Emily.Henderson@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Chris.Hipkins@parliament.govt.nz’ <Chris.Hipkins@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Willie.Jackson@parliament.govt.nz’ <Willie.Jackson@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Anahila.Kanongata’a-Suisuiki@parliament.govt.nz’ <Anahila.Kanongata’a-Suisuiki@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Ingrid.Leary@parliament.govt.nz’ <Ingrid.Leary@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Neru.Leavasa@parliament.govt.nz’ <Neru.Leavasa@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Stephanie.Lewis@parliament.govt.nz’ <Stephanie.Lewis@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Andrew.Little@parliament.govt.nz’ <Andrew.Little@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Anna.Lorck@parliament.govt.nz’ <Anna.Lorck@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Maria.Lubeck@parliament.govt.nz’ <Maria.Lubeck@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Jo.Luxton@parliament.govt.nz’ <Jo.Luxton@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Nanaia.Mahuta@parliament.govt.nz’ <Nanaia.Mahuta@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Trevor.Mallard@parliament.govt.nz’ <Trevor.Mallard@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Kieran.McAnulty@parliament.govt.nz’ <Kieran.McAnulty@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Tracey.McLellan@parliament.govt.nz’ <Tracey.McLellan@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Stuart.Nash@parliament.govt.nz’ <Stuart.Nash@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Terisa.Ngobi@parliament.govt.nz’ <Terisa.Ngobi@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Damien.O’Connor@parliament.govt.nz’ <Damien.O’Connor@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘greg.oconnor@parliament.govt.nz’ <greg.oconnor@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Ibrahim.Omer@parliament.govt.nz’ <Ibrahim.Omer@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Sarah.Pallett@parliament.govt.nz’ <Sarah.Pallett@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘David.Parker@parliament.govt.nz’ <David.Parker@parliament.govt.nz>; ‘Willow-Jean.Prime@parliament.govt.nz’ <Willow-Jean.Prime@parliament.govt.nz>
Cc: ‘contactus@justice.govt.nz’ <contactus@justice.govt.nz>; ‘enquiries@police.govt.nz’ <enquiries@police.govt.nz>; ‘enquiries@sfo.govt.nz’ <enquiries@sfo.govt.nz>; ‘geoffduffy@lycos.com’ <geoffduffy@lycos.com>; ‘jock.allison85@gmail.com’ <jock.allison85@gmail.com>; ‘Howard Dewhirst’ <nhd@petroalbion.com>; ‘team@taxpayers.org.nz’ <team@taxpayers.org.nz>; ‘Rod Dale’ <rod.dale@bigpond.com>; ‘john.maunder@gmail.com’ <john.maunder@gmail.com>; ‘news@hobsonspledge.nz’ <news@hobsonspledge.nz>; ‘muriel@nzcpr.com’ <muriel@nzcpr.com>; ‘jmscarry@xtra.co.nz’ <jmscarry@xtra.co.nz>; ‘rosalieashby@gmail.com’ <rosalieashby@gmail.com>; ‘shargreaves@ipa.org.com’ <shargreaves@ipa.org.com>; ‘rod@pacificsunset.co.nz’ <rod@pacificsunset.co.nz>; ‘john@johnansell.co.nz’ <john@johnansell.co.nz>; ‘mckenziebarbara42@gmail.com’ <mckenziebarbara42@gmail.com>; ‘ppurcel@tpg.com.au’ <ppurcel@tpg.com.au>; ‘helpdesk@investigatemagazine.com’ <helpdesk@investigatemagazine.com>; ‘srdtaylor@gmail.com’ <srdtaylor@gmail.com>; ‘jhapps@bigpond.com’ <jhapps@bigpond.com>; ‘aaprjohn@northnet.org’ <aaprjohn@northnet.org>; ‘jimrsimpson@bigpond.com’ <jimrsimpson@bigpond.com>; ‘Christopher Monckton’ <monckton@mail.com>; ‘sandra.goudie@tcdc.govt.nz’ <sandra.goudie@tcdc.govt.nz>; ‘Deborah Alexander’ <o-d-alexander@xtra.co.nz>; ‘news@tvnz.co.nz’ <news@tvnz.co.nz>; ‘news@nzherald.co.nz’ <news@nzherald.co.nz>; ‘Juana Atkins’ <sb@thebfd.co.nz>; ‘leighton smith’ <leightonzb@gmail.com>; ‘petersenior42@gmail.com’ <petersenior42@gmail.com>; ‘Terry Dunleavy’ <terry@winezeal.co.nz>; ‘M.J. Kelly’ <mjk1@cam.ac.uk>; ‘john.ryan@oag.parliament.nz’ <john.ryan@oag.parliament.nz>; ‘Steve Taylor’ <srdtaylor@gmail.com>
Subject: An Open Letter to PM Ardern and Minister Shaw regarding the Promotion of a Fraud (NZSFO Complaint CON0008591)
Dear Prime Minister and Minister for Climate Change,
This open letter provides an indictment of your incompetence. Unless you can prove that human carbon emissions cause climate change (and in my last open letter I proved that is impossible for you to do), you should be removed from office and your motivation for pursuing the New Zealand limb of the international climate fraud should be dealt with by the “proper authorities”.
Let’s first define my use of the term “incompetence” according to “Rofe’s law of holes”:
“Incompetence in this context is sending a delegation of fifteen (15) fact-starved, but government funded people to the other side of the world at the expense of 20 average person years equivalent of carbon emissions, in order to persuade rational “Paris Accord” hold-out countries not to keep emitting carbon dioxide and methane (allegedly in order to stop Global Warming) when:
A crisis of global energy scarcity is looming, due in large measure to the UN IPCC and the international pseudo-environmental movement. (diversification of energy sources is rational, but getting rid of other essential energy supplies before diversification, will lead to increased poverty, food insecurity and the destruction of economies for no proper purpose)
- We know for certain it isn’t arithmetically possible for human carbon emissions to materially influence climate change. (you have been shown the proof)
- To justify your actions, there has never been any empirical scientific evidence presented by you or your officers to show that periodic changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide materially influence climate change. (only a litany of sophistry)
- The global average temperature of the lower atmosphere is now falling. ( See the graph and other data below)”
Between the Milankovitch Cycles’ passage of 120,000-year ice ages and interglacial intervals, it is the sun that determines the passage of gradual climate changes, for both warming and cooling of the climate. So Minister James Shaw’s Glasgow-bound travel plans are a cross between Icarus flying up to visit the sun and King Canute trying to turn back the tide. It is hard to discriminate which of those is greater testament to the Minister’s ignorance or hubris.
Future generations will have no difficulty understanding this insanity, and you will both likely be persons of ridicule and caricature within your lifetimes and beyond as a result.
As you have both been told repeatedly, it is the cyclic variations in electromagnetic solar activity, moderated by the effects of the terrestrial water cycle which are the dominant cause of climate change for planet Earth. The effects of solar variability is equally apparent on the other planets within the solar system, but solar influence is more direct because they don’t have our atmosphere and water cycle to moderate or delay change effects.
First, let me show you the evidence of recent cooling. (the data informs the science)
- The NASA satellite network tells us the global average temperature in regional slices at any point in time. For example it shows the 30 September 2021 graph for the Lower Troposphere (which is where we live and where global warming is said to be occurring) shows the month of September 2021 was 0.15oC cooler this year than last. That is just month-end to month-end – but the trend is there:
- Other surface temperature datasets collectively corroborate the five year drop – these are graphed as follows:
- Is this the start of a downward trend? (It is too early to be hyped as “climate change” but the weather effects are there for five years…)
Basically the trend in weather is also indicated by the change in snow pack for places like Greenland which we are told ended the 2021 melt season with an extra 450 giga-tonnes of snow and ice. Also the first datapoint for the Northern hemisphere snow pack shows a start this month with an extra 250 giga-tonnes of snow more than for the 1982-2012 average.
- The Antarctic ice and snow is at the seasonal peak, but what has happened to temperatures over the Antarctic winter? At the South Pole we are told the April to September 2021 average temperature of -61.1oC is the coldest for any six month period on record. This suggests long term cooling of the Antarctic continues.
- There is only one reliable measure of what is happening in the part of the atmosphere where we have been repeatedly told that global warming is taking place. That is the lower Troposphere, for which the data is shown in the official graph above.
Second, Good luck to Minister Shaw in his meeting in Glasgow with Russian, Indian and Chinese counterparts (if they bother to attend).
The official Russian 2014 estimate of where things would be at with the solar cycles and associated climate effect is right on cue. Unlike the misrepresentations from the UN IPCC echoed by the Ardern/Shaw government, President Putin does not rate changes in CO2 as having any material effect on climate change. He has personally and publicly said so.
The Russians are preparing for the forecast arrival of the “Grand Solar Minimum” with an attendant “Little Ice Age” to follow the end of the Modern Warm Period from 2020, as per the attached PDF version of the slide show of the presentation to the International Climate Change Conference in July 2014, by Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov – delivered under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences. So Minister Shaw, you can compare our efforts to prepare for global warming with their efforts to prepare for a coming period of severe cooling. Also with the dire need for China and India to obtain more fossil fuels.
They are still building refineries to lessen fuel insecurity. Your government is getting rid of Marsden Pt. Refinery to increase our fuel insecurity.
If you look at their slide 13. In the above attached PDF, you will see that the graph curves for solar cycles numbered 5, 6 and 7 relate to the last 200-year Grand Solar Minimum ( a period containing three or more relatively inactive 11-year solar cycles) which was known as the Dalton Minimum and part of the “little ice age”. The Grand Solar Maximum (a period of three or more very active 11-year solar cycles) called the Modern Warm Period, began at the beginning of the 20th Century. The strongest cycle was clearly solar cycle 19. But the other four were all strong. The current Grand Solar Minimum is influenced by solar cycles numbered 24 (purple) and 25 (light green) as shown in the graph below…
Solar Cycle 25 progression (green line) compared to 24, 23, 22 & 21 [updated Oct 1, 2021 — solen.info] source Electroverse.
It isn’t hard to understand what caused the pause in the global annual temperature increase which occurred from 2000 to 2015 (which agents of the UN IPCC tried to cover up in the “Climate-gate” scandal) in the light of the impact of lesser active solar cycles numbered 23 and 24. But while global average temperatures during the period 2016 to the present have remained high, that can possibly be attributed to the strong “El Nino” oceanic effects in the Pacific region.
Third, If we take note of the empirical data, what should we be doing?
Well, this brings up the following question. Under the “precautionary principle” and in light of the current New Zealand Government’s “Declaration of a Climate Emergency”, one may ask, “what provision has the New Zealand Government made for the possibility of significant global cooling during the new cyclical Grand Solar Minimum?” This kind of cooling has been a regular 200-year event during the Holocene interglacial period, after all.
For PM Ardern, I appreciate it was clever to call a “Declaration of Climate Emergency” at a time when the weather was so benign that any future changes could be expected to be worse, and it was a good strategic move to appoint a responsible Minister from the Greens party, so there is a scapegoat if/when things turn really cold. But the fact is that you both simply misled Parliament and the people of New Zealand that you were going with a fake scientific consensus, when since 2018 (when I explained the situation to you) you must, or should have known there was no data to support the fake “science”.
While the weather has always been a mixture of pattern and chaos, the climate (only ever a 30-40 year average of weather conditions) has always warmed and cooled in cyclic fashion. Expensive sophistry from taxpayer-funded pseudo-scientists could never change that.
So your climate scare tactics (and the lies taught to our children in support of the fraud) continue as justification for the damage being done to an increasing number of essential industry sectors. After 25 failed and pretentious UN IPCC COP conferences since Kyoto, you must try to understand that to unbiased observers, the UN IPCC doing the same thing over and over – always with a failed result – is either a sign of institutional stupidity or just potential fraud?
During the period 1945 to 1975 the Earth’s climate cooled and yet there was continued annual increases of human carbon emissions and growth in the atmospheric concentration of CO2. The fraud you have become implicated in was objectively disproven even before the UN IPCC was established for seemingly improper purposes in 1988! How can you also not see that?
More importantly, how will you explain your obvious “incompetence” to the New Zealand public? Politicians telling the scientists what to say and then claiming (when the get the result they asked for – and that we paid for) that they “follow the science”, does not cut it.
Good luck! I think you are going to need it.
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
Experienced Fraud Investigator
Knowingly Promoting a Serious Fraud
Knowingly Promoting a Serious Fraud By John Rofe, via TheBFD.co.nz, 25 July 2021
Editor’s note: Please click on above https link to see the two videos included in this post. The following letter was sent by email to all key New Zealand politicians, media and several involved parties.
Dear politicians, law enforcement agencies and members of the media,
In my advice of 17 July 2021 I attached a 2018 letter from the Minister for Climate Change which reads like a draft mens rea defence against my then supposed allegations of fraud.
My letter of 15 May 2019 laid out each substantial criticism of PM Ardern and Minister Shaw’s lack of candour.
My letter of 2 August 2020 substantiated my claim against them for knowingly promoting the alleged fraud. The history was explained. The facts regarding the true causation of climate change were reinforced. Information was included from the Russian Academy of Sciences which showed the generally accepted science behind climate change, the linkage with the solar sciences and the credible forecast for imminent solar initiated cooling.
The official report of the Russian Institute of Economic Analysis was included which shows that Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory is bankrupt in every respect. After 30 years it is still rejected by the world’s largest emitters of (human) carbon dioxide in sovereign countries where more than 80% of the world’s population resides.
Those countries, supported by both empirical science and economic necessity, will likely never join the fraud, making this government’s actions a total waste of taxpayer time and money.
Evidence was furnished showing how the major carbon emitters are deliberately setting out to increase their carbon dioxide emissions as a testament to that fact. The government’s alleged climate fraud will therefore impoverish every New Zealander without any justification other than meeting the objectives of the alleged fraudsters.
To reject the “global warming” fraud absolutely, evidence was provided that varying cycles of solar activity cause the change in Total Solar Insolation (which comprises 99.9% of Earth’s energy budget) and the impact of ongoing solar variations are moderated by the effects of water, water vapour, clouds and precipitation. Evidence showed that the power of the water cycle and sun dominate climate change, against which human activity is almost totally insignificant.
Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have no identifiable impact on climate change. Every private or government carbon trading scheme is consequently a fraudulent enterprise.
I have provided PM Ardern and Minister Shaw every opportunity (on more than 50 occasions) over three years to explain their promotion of what I believe has become the biggest fraud in New Zealand history as a part of what may already be the biggest fraud in human history.
I am exercising my right as a citizen of good standing to complain about malfeasance at the highest level of our Government.
I have made every effort to have the NZ Serious Fraud Office, NZ Police and the NZ Ministry of Justice move against this fraud and investigate the actions of those directly complicit. They have turned their backs on my amply justified allegations. I now need to ask: are they being influenced by those to whom they are accountable?
We surely cannot continue with a government that is so poorly advised, and fundamentally ignorant that they have established their own fake climate emergency despite the absence of credible threats.
They knowingly set in place ultra-vires legislation to support their deception. The assurance that human action can influence or change Earth’s climate is just a lie.
In the event that anyone cannot understand some of my earlier written information of 17 July 2021, here are two short YouTube videos which contain some self-evident facts.
andVaclav Klaus (a former President of the Czech Republic) has accurately commented:
“The largest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy, and prosperity at the beginning of the 21st century is no longer socialism or Communism. It is, instead, the ambitious, arrogant, unscrupulous ideology of environmentalism. So writes Vaclav Klaus, [former] president of the Czech Republic, in Blue Planet in Green Shackles: What Is Endangered – Climate Or Freedom? In this brilliantly argued book, Klaus argues that the environmental movement has transformed itself into an ideology that seeks to restrict human activities at any cost, and that policies being proposed to address global warming are both economically harmful — especially to poor nations — and utterly unjustified by current science.”
If you are a politician reading this, I hope you will act to restrain the illegitimate conduct of both the named parties and their numerous co-conspirators, having due regard for your duty of care as a sworn member of Parliament, to take action to repeal the various limbs of the fraudulent and therefore ultra vires Zero Carbon legislation.
Given the quantity of information provided, the financial implications of the alleged and proposed fraudulent acts and the importance of this matter, your ignorance, whether real or feigned is not an excuse.
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
NZ Citizen and taxpayer
Retired Fraud Investigator
- Access to the world authorities whose evidence will be required to bring the Prime Minister and Minister for Climate Change to justice is readily available from the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition and the Environomics (NZ) Trust. I am grateful for their support and advice during the course of my investigations.
Please share so others can discover The BFD.
By John Rofe, Fraud Investigator, Auckland, New Zealand.
From: John Rofe [mailto:jcrofe@xtra.co.nz]
Sent: Saturday, 11 July 2020 12:54 p.m.
To: ‘jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘james.shaw@parliament.govt.nz’
Cc: ‘todd Muller’; ‘Hon Scott Simpson’; ‘Hon Judith Collins’; ‘Hon Nikki Kaye’; ‘Rt. Hon. Winston Peters’; ‘simeon.brown@national.org.nz’; ‘alfred.ngaro@national.org.nz’; ‘shane.reti@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘Terry Dunleavy’; ‘peter@lockfinance.co.nz’; ‘david.seymour@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘shane.jones@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘Jock Allison’; ‘Barry Brill’; ‘Geoff Duffy’; ‘John Ansell’; ‘news@tvnz.co.nz’; ‘leighton smith’; ‘newstips@stuff.co.nz’; ‘news@nzherald.co.nz’; ‘newstalkzb’; ‘newsdesk herald’; ‘news@heraldonsunday.co.nz’; ‘andrew.laxon@nzme.co.nz’; ‘Peter J. Morgan’; ‘Jim Tucker’
Subject: There is no embargo on the publication of the truth
Dear PM and Minister of Climate Change,
Please find attached a summary of the essential underlying facts after completion of my 15-year enquiry into the Great Global Warming Fraud.
This information may upset you, and if so I apologise for the shock.
In my next email I will provide all the evidence to support my claim that you each – as the Prime Minister and Minister of Climate Change – have either failed to do proper due diligence before taking your actions to waste billions of taxpayer dollars, or else are simply committing malfeasance by lying to the public. Given the warnings provided to you both over a three year period I believe I am justified in using the common term for malfeasance, rather than either “ignorance” or “stupidity”.
The problem for corrupt but powerful people like you is that the courts love empirical scientific evidence that is supported by inter-locking, self-evident truths. It typically trumps big names, rock-star scientific reputations, foreign conspiracies and popular misconceptions.
Just as a series of Popes in the 16th and 17th centuries could not counter the fact that people woke every morning and observed the sun rise in the East then later set in the West, the self-evident truth was always that earth revolves around the sun and it rotates each day. Luckily I am in the happy position of being able to show the public why your actions are so flawed. The sun dominates our climate, as well as the climate of all other planets within the solar system. When the self evident truths that we all see every day of the year are pointed out to the public, the game will be up. You like everyone else will wonder how you could have been so gullible.
There has never been any consensus among the scientific community about Anthropogenic Global Warming theory, because there has never ever been any empirical scientific evidence to support the fraudulent assertions of the UN IPCC.
The leaders of the world’s major (CO2) emitting countries, Messrs Modi, Trump, Putin and Xi Jinping are doubtless already aware of this. That is why they are likely laughing at our leaders’ stupidity and why Putin is building floating nuclear power stations for the frozen Arctic regions (to ensure cooling water intakes cannot be iced up) while also completing his fleet of huge nuclear powered ice-breakers to cope with what they believe will be the cold of an unfolding Grand Solar Minimum (each ship has greater cost and tonnage than New Zealand’s entire Cook Strait ferry fleets) . Forget what they say, look at what they are doing. Their actions are informed by the expectation of cold rather than warmth. But I don’t wish to buy into whether that will eventuate, although the change they expect seems on track at this point.
The major net CO2 emitters are clearly being differently advised to you, along the lines of this semi-audible 15-minute video clip below. (Hint … this Russian expert is difficult to understand so you would be well advised to pause the video at each new slide he presents and read the slide while muting his talk.) He is probably reading directly from it because of his limited English language skills. At 3.00minutes his graph of the Vostok ice core analysis explains why during the Pleistocene era (the last 2,7 million years) CO2 has never influenced the global climate. If you also look closely at the graph at 15-mins 23 secs, you will see the reduction in solar activity is exactly today what he predicted many years ago and then consistent again, during his talk in 2014 during the active peak of solar cycle 24. He has the credibility of any scientist who can predict what is happening to the climate, using the “space weather” to confidently show his client, the Government of the Russian Federation, what they can expect.
Dr Habibulo Abdussamatov has been Director of the Pulkovo observatory and he ran the Russian scientific programme for the International Space Station. His forecasts for a looming Grand Solar Minimum and “little Ice Age” date back many years and have in November 2019, finally been confirmed by NOAA and NASA. I guess those two organisations are both now trying to work out how to escape their roles in the UN IPCC conspiracy as this email is being written.
For the last few years I have been monitoring the accuracy of Dr Abdussamatov’s predictions from the data shown on www.spaceweather.com .
Also from the work of several others.
At the end of June 2020 the world is still warm, if marginally cooler than it was during the previous months, however, the highly subjective and grossly inaccurate models that the UN IPCC use as the basis for their fraud are no substitute for the observed data. This unimpeachable graph from the NASA satellites below shows the climate isn’t facing unprecedented warmth, despite deliberate lies to the contrary. Nor is there any climate crisis as the changes are within natural variability.
The UN IPCC’s accepted models show three times the warming shown in the above graph. You back their inaccurate and subjective models, I back the empirical data.
The first news organisation or political party to agree to widely publish the attached page will get access to the “smoking gun” evidence that I hold…. before you do.
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
Private Fraud Investigator
See article on why whistleblowers are not heart: Many Whistleblowers – Yet Nothing to be Heard
As Albert Einstein is reputed to have said:
“The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.”
Now think it through for yourself:
It is illogical to consider that three relatively ineffectual human-influenced greenhouse gases which in total are less than 4% of the volume of the far more potent gas (water vapour) can drive climate change, just because a group of bureaucrats at the United Nations say that it is “settled science”. If one investigator, acting alone, can see through this fraud, then the New Zealand scientists have not performed any effective due diligence.
The Great Global Warming Fraud costs OECD countries between USD1-2 trillion every year.
The most important things you need to know are:
- Methane and Nitrous Oxide have never had any proven impact on the earth’s climate.
- Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (“CO2”) is a more prolific greenhouse gas but…
- There is no empirical scientific evidence that CO2 has ever had a material effect on earth’s climate. The UN and their supporters have never offered any. Nor can they.
- The proportion of CO2 emissions that humans influence is less than 5% of the total.
- The main source of CO2 emissions is “ocean out-gassing” when it is warm.
- CO2 is subject to the Beer-Lambert Law of Physics and therefore any thermal impact was almost saturated at the pre-industrial atmospheric level of 280ppm in 1850.
- CO2 is not a pollutant and “zero carbon” entails the end of all complex life on earth.
- There was never any consensus to support this fraud… http://www.petitionproject.org/
- There is no climate crisis… https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/
- Plants thrive with three times current levels of atmospheric CO2, (arguably in short supply).
- The “Milankovich cycles” drive the 100,000-year climate cycles of ice ages and inter-glacials.
- In between, climate change is dominated by the sun which supplies 99.5% of earth’s energy.
- The Solar Cycles conform to the Holocene pattern of 200-year periods of extreme cold.
- The great majority of the earth’s population is led by people who don’t bow to this fraud.
- Few of those who signed up to the Paris accords have either the intention or ability to comply. It is impossible for New Zealand, even with total support, to get any value from this.
I warned the Government in 2018 of their likely complicity in a serious fraud. The Minister prevaricated so I warned him in 2019 of the actionable basis for a possible fraud complaint.
As a result of their intransigence, I now see no alternative than to accuse the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern and the Honourable James Shaw of both fraud and deceptive and miss-leading conduct. I stand ready to support those serious accusations, as and when called upon to do so.
John Rofe, Private Fraud Investigator Auckland, New Zealand, 10.7.2020
From: John Rofe [mailto:jcrofe@xtra.co.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, 28 January 2020 12:40 p.m.
To: ‘james.shaw@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘Rt. Hon. Winston Peters’; ‘shane.jones@parliament.govt.nz’
Cc: ‘Hon Simon Bridges’; ‘simeon.brown@national.org.nz’; ‘Todd Muller’; ‘Hon Scott Simpson’; ‘alfred.ngaro@parliament.govt.nz’
Subject: Really Big frauds inevitably require bigger and bigger lies…then the child soldiers are weaponised once the biggest lie of all loses its credibility
Hi Politicians,
Each of you, by signature to the Zero Carbon legislation is now guilty of fraud; and of both complicity in, and actively promoting carbon trading Ponzi schemes. These are criminal offences and I am directly accusing you of at least being accessories to criminality, along with Antonio Guterres and his fellow travellers.
I have told you before, there is a ripeness of time for all frauds to be laid bare to public scrutiny and opprobrium. So you need to come clean.
If not, then gather your evidence (if any real evidence exists) and lets litigate. I simply want evidence that human CO2 emissions have any material effect on climate change. After two years of asking for this I will continue to accuse you of fraud until you deliver it. As a taxpayer I am entitled to an explanation for your actions – as is everyone.
From 15+ years of my research into the spurious UN IPCC claims, I have found there is no justification for any spending on attempting to reduce “climate change” because the only measurable effects of the human use of the fossil fuels since 1850 has been the increase in atmospheric CO2, the increased wealth and well-being of all humanity from abundant and cheap energy and the greening of planet earth as a result of increased atmospheric CO2. But because of the long duration of CO2 within the atmosphere, and because human actions account for less than 4.3% of all CO2 emissions (as accepted by UN IPCC) there is absolutely no possibility of confidence that a reduction in human emissions could cause the future level of atmospheric CO2 to fall. Natural variability could even cause it to increase, despite controlled draconian global attempts at human reduction, which will never happen.
As there are still far more countries planning to increase CO2 emissions than those trying either successfully or unsuccessfully to control them, there is zero chance of any credible reduction in human emissions being made within the next 10-20 years.
The only thing your misguided actions can achieve is to destroy the reputation of science and the scientific method, to go hand in hand with destruction of our economy. All this to bring about the enrichment of a few of your fellow travellers and higher energy costs for those least able to afford them.
Each adult human inhales a tiny 400 ppm of CO2 to go with 20% O2. We exhale air heated to body temperature, with 100% relative humidity and CO2 emissions at 4% (or 40,000ppm). So our inhalations cleanse and oxygenate our blood and we emit 100 times the CO2 we inhaled. The oxygen exhaled is reduced to 15% or less. Given the weight of CO2, we each exhale about 360kgs of CO2 per annum. Animals many time more – or less. What do you want to do? Tax us for our exhalations?
Contrary to your advice from the UN IPCC and your ignorant cabal of “junk” scientists, (by both satellite imagery and experimentation) the increase in atmospheric CO2 has already benefitted all plant life, and will continue to do so. It increases the vigour of plant growth and makes all plants more drought resistant. There is and has never been any evidence that CO2 is a pollutant and together with water and oxygen, CO2 is one of three reasons that complex life exists on earth, whereas it exists nowhere else in the solar system. If the atmospheric CO2 concentration falls to 150ppm or less, then all life on earth will die and the carbon cycle may end.
We are carbon-based life forms and our extinction as an apex mammal would likely be an early effect of low atmospheric CO2.
There has never been any evidence that CO2 has either been a significant influence on climate change as atmospheric CO2 levels have always been a trailing indicator of major temperature fluctuations for as long as scientists could perform their experiments and calculations. It is generally accepted that ocean de-gassing of CO2 occurs when it is warming, and conversely taking up more CO2 when the atmosphere has been cooling, is the cause for this. There is even a lag time due to the fact that the ocean takes longer to take up heat and to cool, than does land.
The solar and space weather sciences, together with all the known history of the solar cycles and the Milankovich cycles are an extra-terrestrial cause for the variations in earth’s climate and together with the attempts within the seas and atmosphere to equalise heat distribution as the earth rotates, these account for climate change and remove any justification for your erroneous presumption that humans have a significant effect on climate. Localised warming yes, but it dissipates with no significant, measurable effect on climate change. The extremely active solar cycles of the 20th century alone account for the increases in temperature of earth’s climate during the modern warm period, which despite the deliberate “official” doctoring of temperature records have only achieved a total increase of 1.1 degree Centigrade between the year 1850 and December 2019. That is, over a period of 169 years. So the average increase during that period is well within natural variability. Forecasts of sea level rise and atmospheric heating made by the UN IPCC junk scientists are simply ridiculous. But they do show that junk scientists will do anything for money. Yet still, one by one, they defect.
For politicians of any colour to support the fraud, you must first be prepared to believe that an improbable theory promulgated to advantage sectional interests is superior to the existence of the Beer-Lambert Law of science, because that law already relegates all increases in CO2 to having an inconsequential impact on thermal uptake and therefore climate, at even the pre-industrial levels (i.e. about 280ppm). Atmospheric CO2 is already thermally saturated and can provide no significant future effect within an enormous time horizon.
You have been taken for idiots by a small group of extremely well paid and funded scientists, UN politicians and their bureaucrats, most of whom have no idea about climate science. Simply put…from the Google search below… the “we” is you…
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive”
“(Sir Walter Scott) Whenever we deceive others, in order to make things better for ourselves in the moment, we deceive ourselves most of all.Oct 25, 2017 “
If you want to prove that human CO2 emissions have a dominant effect on climate, meet me in court. I will be happy to litigate this as soon as you are ready. I want a trial date…so come and get me before I go public, along the lines of my 1 January trial run in the NZ Herald. A copy of that is at the top of the page.
Your fraud is now pretty obvious, and all the world’s delusional Greta Thunbergs cannot change the laws of physics and chemistry. Now your “tangle” only gets tortuous as any fair-minded person would accept from the detail below…
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
The following advertisement was placed in the NZ Herald Public Notices on 1 January 2020:
From: John Rofe [mailto:jcrofe@xtra.co.nz]
Sent: Monday, 9 December 2019 2:08 p.m.
To: ‘Hon Simon Bridges’; ‘simeon.brown@national.org.nz’; ‘Todd Muller’; ‘Hon Scott Simpson’; ‘jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘Rt. Hon. Winston Peters’; ‘james.shaw@parliament.govt.nz’
Cc: ‘Terry Dunleavy’; ‘Peter J. Morgan’; ‘John Ansell’
Subject: Merry Christmas
Dear politicians,
In 2018 I warned of the dire consequences of failing to check the science you rely on for public policy settings over climate change. I warned of the climate phenomena appearing that supported the narrative that we are probably moving into a Grand Solar Minimum.
In 2019 I laid complaints with the NZ Serious Fraud Office and the NZ Commerce Commission regarding your demonstrably false climate change narrative. Naturally the complaints came to nothing. I noted the radical shortening of the Northern growing seasons that have further reduced for each year from 2017, 2018 and again in 2019. I commented on the signs that food shortages will soon loom large due to cold climate crop losses. The only certainty at this point is that food costs will head much higher in 2020, because despite shortages, we humans can possibly adapt to cope and farmers will now start changing their cropping choices.
In 2020 the earth will reach the bottom of the eleven year solar cycle numbered 24, and it will start into solar cycle number 25. So the best Christmas present I can offer you is to explain why the solar cycles are so important. NASA, NOAA, the Russians and the Chinese have indicated that solar cycle 25 will be the least active for at least 100 years and many experts claim the unfolding Grand Solar Minimum will be a 200 year event.
1. The successive ice ages on earth during the 2.5 million year Pleistocene era have historically been triggered by what is known as Milankovich cycles (now generally accepted). These consist of three separate cycles referred to as “the Tilt variation of earth from the sun”, “the Obliquity of earth’s motion through space”, and “Eccentricity of earth’s orbit around the sun”. Of these three cycles the most influential is eccentricity and it takes around 100,000 years to happen. Our civilisation has only begun during the latest 10-12,000 year interglacial period we live in called the “Holocene”, which has now lasted for at least 11,500 years. A plunge into extreme glaciations is now probably due. It was alluded to by the expert climate scientists during the 1970’s when earths average temperature had cooled by about 0.4 degrees C., from 1945. No-one actually knows when it will happen.
2. Within the Holocene period, The time of maximum warmth due to natural cycles is said to have already passed and it is considered that the Minoan Warm period 3,500 years ago was when that occurred. So there is good evidence available that points to earth’s average temperatures today being some 2-3 degrees C. cooler than the Holocene temperature maximum. There are possibly two certainties that will affect us. The first is that the solar cycles with rising and falling levels of electromagnetic activity will drive the natural climate variations on planet earth as they will the climates of the other planets within our solar system since the beginning of time. The second certainty (well an extremely high probability) is that at some point the Milankovich cycles will usher in the return of a period of extensive glaciation that is similar to previous ice ages.
3. Full ice ages with extensive glaciations must be accepted as near certain extinction-level events. The significance for New Zealand is less onerous than for others, yet that may mean a progressive but effective end to agriculture in the South Island…. as and when it occurs.
4. Our recorded history of the impact of varying levels of solar activity really began with the Maunder Minimum (1645AD-1715AD) but these provided a mathematical trace back to earlier Grand Solar Minimums before the birth of Christ. Grand Solar Minimums coincide with the coldest periods of “the Little Ice Age” (which ran from about 1280AD – 1870AD). They also align well with the record of famines and the fall of dynasties in China. Both the Russian and the Chinese governments take the science behind Grand Solar Minimums very seriously and use the known cycles for their strategic planning. As a result I commend the history of Grand Solar Minimums to the attention of yourselves and your Civil Defence personnel.
5. Space exploration and remote climate monitoring only really began in about 1979. Today the probing of solar influence is a regular event and the effect of the solar cycles on earth’s weather is well-known if suppressed by the mainstream media.
6. So my Christmas present to you is to provide my personal understanding of how Grand Solar Minimums likely affect the earth’s climate
This will be extremely topical because many believe we have entered a cooling cycle that will last until 2055. Some believe it will last much longer. The data supports this conclusion. The data does not support suggestions that humans, CO2 build-up and/or CH4 build-up cause climate change. So I think this topic is well worth spending some time on.
The principle indicator of solar electromagnetic activity is visible to humans by virtue of the number of sunspots appearing on the face of the sun each day. These are carefully counted and conform to maxima and minima based on the stage of the eleven year solar cycles. Solar minimums are marked by no sunspots appearing for days or even months. There is a huge and growing body of solid science surrounding this topic.
If we look at the regular eleven year minimum that occurred between solar cycles 23 and 24, there have been 70 sunspot free days in 2006 (or 19 %), in 2007 there have been 152 sunspot free days (or 42 %) and in 2008 there were 268 days (or 73%). In the tail end of solar cycle 24 there have been considerably more sunspot-free days. With 2017 at 104 days (compared with 70 in sc23), in 2018 at 220 days (compared with 152 in sc23). With the year almost up in 2019 the percentage of spot-free days already stands at 76% compared with 73% in 2008. This signals how the sun is rapidly becoming less active. From the attached link to a schematic of solar cycles you can see how the eleven year solar cycles vary and in particular the low sunspot numbers of the Dalton Minimum in the early 19th century.
The reduced solar activity has a number of effects. First the Total Solar Insolation which strikes earth’s atmosphere is reduced. The second is that the earth’s Thermosphere tends to thin and become colder. This variation to earths outer temperature is indicative of what is to come… as we move towards the solar minimum in 2020…
“Thermosphere Climate Index
today: 3.26×1010 W Cold
Max: 49.4×1010 W Hot (10/1957)
Min: 2.05×1010 W Cold (02/2009)
explanation | more data: gfx, txt
Updated 08 Dec 2019”
With reduced solar activity, the solar wind drops. It is the solar wind which keeps cosmic rays from flooding the galaxy. The solar wind is also the reason the tails of comets point away from the sun and not at the direction the comet has come from. So a key measure of the space weather is the solar wind strength and density…
“Solar wind
speed: 353.3km/sec
density: 5.0protons/cm3
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 2116 UT”
There are always cosmic rays intruding in our atmosphere and they result in the increased nucleation of water vapour into low level clouds. The cloud cover is the primary reflective umbrella for earth, with usually about 65% cloud cover. So only about 56% of the sun’s rays hit the earth’s surface and any contribution to increasing cloud cover has a net cooling effect.
The Earth is once again being bombarded by the highest intrusion of cosmic rays for the space age…
This below is a snap shot of the current stats from www.spaceweather.com that suggest to me the highest influx of galactic cosmic rays will occur in 2020-2021.
“Oulu Neutron Counts
Percentages of the Space Age average:
today: +10.9% Very High
7-day change: +3.3%
Max: +11.7% Very High (12/2009)
Min: -32.1% Very Low (06/1991)
explanation | more data
Updated 08 Dec 2019 @ 1800 UT”
The solar electromagnetic variation affects earth’s magnetosphere and there is some evidence that the tectonic plates are affected by the changed gravitational effects and by the effect of cosmic rays on sub-surface magma. However I am not sure how reliable the correlations are between Grand Solar Minimums and volcanism. Even so the fact that 80% of all volcanoes are under the oceans and they have the potential to heat deep ocean water in a way the surface temperatures cannot, suggests they may have a far greater impact on New Zealand’s eventual weather than anyone acknowledges. Our climate is maritime by nature, so we are less likely to be affected by cooling solar influences while our oceans remain warm.
So to summarise, the likely effects of the space weather on the climate of earth includes:
1. Variations in Total Solar Insolation (not very large but certainly these are grossly under-rated by the UN IPCC).
2. Variations in the Thermosphere Climate Index because when it cools and thins, the loss of heat at night via infra-red radiation will be greater.
3. Variations in the cosmic ray influx affecting the formation of low level cloud. This is a climatic feature attributed to large scale flooding and heavy snows during Grand Solar Minimums.
4. There is a poorly understood effect on both the Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere jet streams which leads to them slowing and meandering closer to the Equator. This leads to reduced temperatures where the loops venture into lower latitudes and higher temperatures in the higher latitudes when the jet streams venture outside their normal routes. Historically, we are told this accounts for the massive floods of the so-called “Dark Ages” and the “Little Ice Age”.
From what I can tell from the historical records, the advent of a 200 year cyclic Grand Solar Minimum doesn’t seem to dramatically alter the earth’s average temperature, but it does alter the climate of normally temperate or warm zones. Hence the snowing in places like the Serengeti, the Sahara and Saudi Arabia in 2018.
In 2019 the effects of the “Eddy” Grand Solar Minimum have become obvious and this has led to recognition by NASA that the earth is headed for a period of cooling. Yet all mention of the solar cycles is still absolutely banned from mention in the mainstream media.
Russia and China are already taking emergency steps to protect their food supplies.
Yet you remain asleep at the wheel. New Zealand is exposed, despite the kindness of our maritime climate.
So may I suggest you give this some thought when you are choosing what to read during your Christmas holidays. Books by John L Casey such as “Cold Sun” or “Dark Winter” from your local library could be a good start.
Anyway, I have retired as a Justice of the Peace to eliminate any suggestions of conflict of interest when I plan my year of action. So 2020 is going to be a whole new “ball game” for me.
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
From: John Rofe [mailto:jcrofe@xtra.co.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2019 9:46 a.m.
To: ‘news@tvnz.co.nz’; ‘news@nzherald.co.nz’; ‘news@heraldonsunday.co.nz’; ‘newstips@stuff.co.nz’
Cc: ‘jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘james.shaw@parliament.govt.nz’
Subject: The abject fear of answering three simple questions
Hi Newshounds,
Humour me. You will find it worthwhile…because you too were either fooled into drinking the populist Koolaid about climate change, or there are powers that control your news reporting that make our world an Orwellian nightmare, and our freedoms lost. More factual evidence has been presented in previous submissions .
We have entered an era where there are today, arguably more than five times the number of “scientists” who have ever lived before them. Many ignore the “scientific method” when it is more convenient to “lose it”. The contestability test is subordinated to the popularity of a theory.
They now tell us which toothpaste to use and which drugs are good and which are bad, and in most cases they espouse an undisclosed business, or political reason for doing so. This deception is nowhere more prevalent than the area of climate science where fake news is promoting an orthodox agenda of various trans-national groups, and now this and its sub plots have become the biggest-ever fraud in human history. Real conservation has been prostituted in favour of fakery. Yet the science at the heart of the paradigm is missing and can never be discussed in polite company.
And now we have the 11,000 pseudo-scientists’ report – really a blog opinion piece with the “likes” of others signified – heralded as yet another scientific breakthrough.
This is the latest of the faux authoritative scientific studies…
The surveyor of opinions was an obscure forestry blog site at Oregon U., masquerading as a reputable international group of scientists, and an initial critique is contained here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs3ZPGLPiss&feature=youtu.be
The survey was treated as a learned and peer reviewed research paper, whereas it was really a simple survey of folk who may for whatever reason be willing to share the writers’ opinions and while ‘Professor Mickey Mouse’ and ‘Professor Albus Dumbledore’ of Harry Potter fame were originally respondents, the list was edited to remove anyone who didn’t look worth the “powder and shot” to present their survey. The pruning supposedly was very severe.
This is a critique… https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/11/who_are_these_11000_concerned_scientists.html
To check the criticism I have just waded through the entire 323 pages of the names of the “11,000” so-called “knowledgeable scientists” (following editing) providing the latest faux warning of climate Armageddon at this link below.
The kindest things I can say about the New Zealand based contributors to the survey is this:
1. They seem to be well educated, but generally do not seem to have relevant experience in the subject matter of the dire warning to humanity.
2. I doubt they can have known that they were click bait for promoting eugenics as part of this.
3. Of the 230+ Kiwis who put their names, occupations and employment details forward in the survey, there would be less than 5 (possibly only 2) with relevant climate science qualifications and experience who I would wish to consult on this subject.
4. The largest cadre were computer scientists, either Emeritus Professors, Professors, Associate Professors, computer analysts or Lecturers (I suppose they must therefore receive some NZ Government incentive for noting their agreement to the questionnaire). Lots of people who work for the NZ Institute for Plant and Food Research popped up too….did someone organise mass support for the individual “likes”?
5. I couldn’t find any names of the NZ climate scientists I am familiar with.
But I will give the Kiwi respondents the benefit of the doubt because among these folk, there must surely be at least one who can answer the following questions that none of the known climate scientists can answer (certainly not the PM’s science adviser – Professor Juliet Gerrard – see also the letter from the CEO of the Environomics (NZ) Trust above):
1. What empirical evidence is there that changes in the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide are able to alter the climate and what evidence is there that it ever has to date? (After all, atmospheric CO2 has increased from 280ppm since the end of “the Little Ice Age” in 1880, to 415ppm at the present date so surely there is clear evidence one way or the other?)
2. What evidence is there that human emissions of CO2 and CH4 act as atmospheric pollutants?
3. What evidence is there that it is possible for humans to reduce the atmospheric level of CO2 by a sufficient amount to reduce the Global Mean Surface Temperature by even one tenth of one degree Centigrade below that which would otherwise obtain from natural causes or the actions of others, by the year 2100?
In 2020 these questions will be a big deal for the PM and the Minister of Climate Change. You see I am not only a private fraud investigator but I already warned them last year that these are essential planks that support the legitimacy or criminality of their actions. Failing to answer which, they are at best promoting a fraud, because you see, they say they are implementing policies because the UN IPCC says they should. No-one, anywhere in the world has, or would be brave enough (or perhaps stupid enough) to provide answers to the three questions I have been asking over the 40 years that this runaway deception has been rolling….
If I were sick of drinking beer and said the only reason I drink it is because “Big Terry” drinks it, that would be OK. But I am not hurting anyone by failing to make enquiry of my options.
But the response from the Minister of Climate Change (that I have in writing) admits he is committed to his course of action because the UN IPCC and their tame cabal of supposedly orthodox scientists says he should. And that is not OK because it is the least financially robust of our citizens who will ultimately bear the cost of this fraud.
So who is running this government programme? PM Jacinda Ardern regards this “fraud” (my word not hers) as her administration’s defining issue. So why is she going to waste billions of our money to satisfy her and past PM Helen Clark’s Socialist mates at the UN – when there is not a scintilla of scientific justification and yet huge cost? The ploy of claiming the science is proven when it isn’t, is not a tenable position for our activist government to take when damaging whole industry sectors. Ministers of the Crown have a fiduciary duty of care to act for proper purpose and I argue that in the case of their climate change bigotry they are not…or at least cannot possibly….demonstrate they are doing so.
In a detailed and fully-referenced paper, Wellington researcher/analyst Barbara McKenzie has published a withering rebuttal of the New Zeaand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s comments in a speech lauding ther passage in the NZ Parliament of the so-called Zero Carbon Bill.Ms McKenzie writes: “Jacinda Ardern calls [the bill] the ‘nuclear moment for this generation.” What she means, of course, is that Parliament is in effect nuking the New Zealand economy and the New Zealand environment on the back of what is frequently referred to as the greatest hoax in the history of science.”Later in the paper, Ms McKenzie says any MP who claims to take an interest in the climate debate must know “Jacinda’s speech was a pack of lies.”
If you look at my previous correspondence it isn’t that I have not given the Government fair warning. What we, the people must demand is the truth about the core issue. This is not about partisan politics nor a criticism of National and NZ First folding their principles to a wasteful piece of legislation.
If the answers to three simple questions are provided and these do actually hold water, I will go quietly into the night.
But remember that in exercising your power of editing or ignoring this information, you have already, by accident or design, ignored numerous warnings of climate Armageddon that have been proven wrong year after year, since 1989 and some before, including Prince Charles, the Duke of Edinburgh, several heads of the United Nations and heads of global corporations.
So we have a dominant paradigm that is nothing more than a 40 year fraud, with numerous subsidiary frauds appended to it.
As Jack Nicholson’s character said in “A Few Good Men”, “The truth? You can’t handle the truth!”
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
From: John Rofe [mailto:jcrofe@xtra.co.nz]
Sent: Saturday, 19 October 2019 5:55 p.m.
To: ‘todd.muller@parliament.govt.nz‘; ‘scott.simpson@parliament.govt.nz‘; ‘simon.bridges@national.org.nz‘; ‘simeon.brown@national.org.nz‘
Subject: A short look at Vladimir’s view of the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum contrasted with that of a knowledgeable US farmer
Importance: High
It is still too early to see what sort of damage is occurring in the Northern hemisphere due to the approach of the Eddy Minimum. But the folk at the web site Adapt 2030 have the best window on the 2019 crop losses at this 4 minute video below. The losses in 2017 and 2018 were not visible because inventory movements masked them. This year may be the first of many where that becomes impossible…
The weather these folk speak of is only relevant, insofar as the early autumnal blizzards are covering crops before they can be harvested. So every USDA and other forecast of crop levels is being sequentially reduced as they factor in more and more bad news. How serious will it get? It is too early to tell.
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin know exactly what is happening. The Chinese have more than 2,000 years of records of solar cycles and can point to the critical impacts of Grand Solar Minimums, like the current one. There is a near precise correlation between these and the famines that have affected China for the last two millennia . Matching that timing has been the sequential overthrow of the Chinese dynasties. Xi Jinping’s planning is obvious and has been underway for at least ten years. He knows they have not done enough and are being forced to talk trade with Trump in order to get supplies from a US President who doesn’t yet know that he may not have the supplies to meet even a USD50 billion order (or so the American farmers believe). But for his government Xi knows what is coming is a potentially existential threat for the CCP.
But today I will restrict this email to Russia. Their space agency collects the same space weather data that NASA does in the USA. Putin’s principle adviser if the head of the Pulkovo observatory, and the head of the Russian space programme for the International Space Station – a guy called Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov.
I don’t want you to read this stuff at the link below in detail, but a glance would be informative. It is indicative of the depth of understanding the Russians have for a subject that is strictly banned in the Western media while, the UN pursues global hegemony – focused on warming rather than either the facts or the science. This is a link to some of his research…
The actions of the Russian Government are pretty transparent to anyone monitoring the international media (that part which is not affected by Soros, Turner, the Rothschilds and their affiliated three deep state cabals). While PM Scott Morrison of Australia recently took a firm line with the UN interference in Australian policy two weeks ago (and it never got into the NZ media), three months ago a lecture was given to the Russian press corps by Sergei Lavrov on what the government saw as the biggest existential threat to the Russian Federation – the New World Order being promoted by the UN and the same deep state actors that control the Western media.
Meantime, President Putin has focused his international diplomacy on making friends with every country to the South of Russia and with China. The Middle East is the new theatre of influence as Russia realises growing seasons will keep shortening. The strategy to capture the Crimean Peninsula was part of this as was his support for Syrian President Assad. Murmansk in the West, Syria in the South, Iran in the near East and Vladivostok in the East are strategically linked to the North by his six tiny ice-breakers (a joke)… each has two large nuclear power plants pushing huge propellers, and because the Western Siberian oilfield is substantially depleted, they are following the field offshore into the Kara Sea. So he has oil tankers to be towed through sheet ice from time to time. Here is a short video of one of them…does it look like he expects the Arctic Sea Ice to disappear any time soon?
At home the emergency food planning has been in place for some time. While Putin has made a big thing about helping the Chinese out, his resource is limited. But the build of granaries has been well under way and with Grand Solar Minimums the cold is not linear, there will be good years during the 11 year solar cycles and bad years …but more bad years than usual. Subject to restrictions and embargoes he is reducing the US dollar debt he is holding and converting it into gold, increasing Russia’s bullion holdings, year on year. He has built and deployed one floating nuclear power station which will be based in the Russian Arctic. More may follow.
Elsewhere in the Northern hemisphere, regional rivals, PM Modi and PM Khan also understand what is happening but their preparations are less effectual. Already hit by extensive flooding, peasant farmers will do the best they can.
The farming communities in Europe, USA, Japan and elsewhere are waking up because farmers are on the front line. Every time there are crop losses the farmers become twitchy. They lose their farms. In New Zealand, ours’ is a maritime climate and with warm seas (relatively) we have a farming holiday for a little while longer.
But for the entire continent of North America on average, the 2019 harvest will be a huge disaster. We have not been allowed by our news media to know that the period from October 2018 to May 2019 has been the coldest and also the wettest in over 100 years. With growing seasons shortening each year for the last three years. The Chinese are aware of this and yet they will still try to wring every shipload of oats, soya beans, corn, rice, hogs etc from the USA that they can get. They have also increased their buying from Canada, who will similarly experience difficulties meeting the Chinese purchase orders. This will affect New Zealand because when we changed Canterbury farms from cereals to dairy, we became dependent on Australia. This year Australia plans to import from Canada and will not be an exporter at all.
Some North American farmer blog sites are full of the unfolding drama. This particular farmer in the link below usually chronicles the moves in the weather extremes and comments on the harvest data. But in this link he unloads on the causation. From my knowledge of what is happening, he isn’t far wrong…
The Eddy Grand Solar Minimum is something we cannot change but we can plan for how it will affect our country. Perhaps the first thing for your shadow ministers is to understand that Anthropogenic Global Warming is just a fraud. It has nothing to do with the science or climate, because it is just about transference of the power of national governments to the UN.
The second thing is to have at least one of each of your assistant’s, take an interest in the data appearing on www.spaceweather.com . The left hand third of the web site pages is devoted to the unfolding statistics. The sun is now the quietest it has been since the beginning of the space age and this solar minimum is still deepening.
Can I draw your attention to my summary of the cause of climate change as per the two MS Word documents attached above.
You will see from that and the Farmer’s graphs that the true cause of the “Modern Warm Period” following the end of the “Little Ice Age” in about 1850, was the extraordinary solar activity of the 20th century. The sun was then its most active in at least 4,000 years. That isn’t hypothesis, it is published solar science.
I do hope you make good use of this or at least have your staff do so.
By Christmas we will probably know the true dimension of the unfolding crop losses. I hope I am wrong. The last time there was a Grand Solar Minimum (the Dalton Minimum) the global population was only about 950 million. Then most people grew their own food and did not have brittle supply chains and JIT planning. How will we get on with 7.7 billion?
It will be bad, but just how bad? We must wait for Christmas.
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
A Concerned Citizen.
From: John Rofe [mailto:jcrofe@xtra.co.nz]
Sent: Monday, 30 September 2019 9:57 a.m.
To: ‘jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘james.shaw@parliament.govt.nz’
Cc: ‘Rt. Hon. Winston Peters’; ‘newstips@stuff.co.nz’; ‘news@tvnz.co.nz’; ‘news@heraldonsunday.co.nz’; ‘news@press.co.nz’; ‘news@nzherald.co.nz’; ‘Mafi Tu’inukuafe’; ‘contact@comcom.govt.nz’
Subject: The truth always comes out sooner or later
Dear Prime Minister and Minister of Climate Change,
This email will provide people with an opportunity to choose sides, whether to be “part of the problem or part of the solution”.
I hope those who receive this long message will take the time to print it and its attachments, and also take the time to view any video footage it contains. You have had time to verify the science and there seems no point in allowing you to continue to attack the New Zealand economy in support of whatever your true ends may be. So I will publish this as widely as I can.
This email is about the New Zealand section of the biggest and most egregious political crime in human history, now requiring an urgent political solution. But I think many who receive this email will already know that. You also know that. Frankly the science is not complicated, it is simple.
Last week a sub-set of the world’s real scientists provided a rebuttal to the climate alarmism you espouse so fervently…
Yet you will ignore it and shrug off its logic. For me? I am just a fraud investigator, so I have sat between the competing perspectives of science, to form my own view of the facts irrespective of my financial interests. You will ignore these at your peril.
Please find attached above in two single page Word documents, the core summary of the climate facts, together with a copy of the satellite temperatures since the tamper-proof records began in 1979. There is no climate crisis. There is no man-made global warming. There is no need to demonise the naturally occurring gases CO2 and CH4 as pollutants, when they are both essential to the survival of all species on planet earth and already in short supply for plant life. There is no need to drive worried farmers to either depression or off their land.
My allegations of fraud against you are simple and easily substantiated by the facts of your complicity.
Supporting Background Information
15 years ago I started investigating this criminality from the standpoint of a believer in Anthropogenic Global Warming theory and wanted to know why people rebelled against a logical perspective of science that was claimed to be so settled. Alas, the first thing I discovered was the only reason the science was claimed to be “settled” was because it couldn’t stand any real scrutiny. It was always a simple political scam as scams go – as simple as the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, where the mythical tailors wanting the king’s money, claimed only fools could see the King was wearing no clothes at all.
So by 2003 when the theory was comprehensively disproven, the UN IPCC backers changed the term for “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” and then set out to claim there was a consensus supporting the science…. and then began to demonise the vast body of serious scientists as “Climate Change Deniers”. The UN IPCC and their backers’ power base is so huge, obvious and corrupt, as they secured for their “anointed ones” 3 Nobel Peace Prizes and 1 Nobel Prize for Economics…and locked false scientific claims within Wikipedia. From BBC to “Stuff” no major media organisation will now allow the truth to be spoken.
How sick is that? Science is meant to thrive on scrutiny, yet this junk science does not.
The Great Global Warming Fraud has only been possible for four reasons…
1. We humans do warm our surroundings with a mixture of exotic and natural fuels.
2. We humans have no idea about the composition and chemistry of the air we breathe or how our exhalations are valued by other life forms. Air is simply taken for granted.
3. We humans are so successful that since 1750, humans and their livestock have gone from comprising about 7% of the world’s land mammals to over 98%; leaving a trail of species extinctions and pollution behind as we have done so. Now we worry about resource depletion and over-full waste sinks.
4. We want to do the right thing to “save the planet” and eagerly follow any sensible consensus on how to do that.
More than a year ago I started writing to the three of you (our NZ Government’s coalition leaders), to warn you that you could soon – by your actions – become accessories to the Great Global Warming Fraud. This was met with distain as per the attached message from Minister Shaw who seemed unfazed by the allegations of fraud I made… (see the Adobe file linked above). But I did recognise that as a well-rehearsed legal defence against probable fraud charges.
Because your responsible Minister prevaricated, I laid a complaint with the NZ Serious Fraud Office in April 2019 and followed that up with complaints about the misconduct of your Minister of Climate Change (and his political party) to the NZ Commerce Commission. On 15 May 2019, (see the fourth linked Word document above) I made sure you understood the substance of my complaint, by copy of a letter sent to Minister Shaw and your Deputy PM, which noted three causes of potential criminal action regarding your deliberate and false misrepresentations and the fact that criminality in another jurisdiction is no excuse for committing crimes within New Zealand…
The causes of action where you now stand accused ( or from your point of view, seek vindication) are simply…
1. That changes in the atmospheric content of carbon dioxide (“CO2”) have no impact on climate change.
2. That carbon dioxide (“CO2”) is not a pollutant, but a gas essential for all life on earth. CH4 rapidly converts to H2O and CO2, upon contact with the atmosphere.
3. Your “climate change” spending cannot possibly have any measurable impact on earth’s climate.
You, together with your international associates have dreamed up a non-existent crisis that will soon be revealed for all to see as a simple fraud from which the various Ponzi schemes grow and for a time will thrive – but to no legitimate purpose. When the weather once again changes into severe cooling mode, to reflect the ever-changing solar cycles that drive earth’s climate, the public will react against your obvious lies and lose confidence in you and all politicians.
Because I have some investments which may already be benefitting from the Great Global Warming Fraud, I was persuaded by some friends to call you to account. Frankly, I don’t want to benefit from your criminality, if your actions are proven to be so. Nor do I want to abandon my renewable energy investments.
But how did I go from being a believer in the well-orchestrated lies, to being an active sceptic, now demanding your immediate resignation?
1. In 1998 a survey of reputable scientists was performed that revealed 31,487, including more than 7,000 with PhD qualifications, had no time for the theory that the modern warming is man-made.
2. I found the regularly used mantra that “97% of all scientists supporting the UN IPCC science” to be a subsidiary fraud and when I looked at the sources being given for the fictional consensus, I found them to be total garbage.
3. The hyping of sea level change to a height which is thermodynamically impossible was a worry for me.
4. The reduction in Arctic sea ice extent is being over-hyped. These days the UN IPCC simply chooses dates to begin sea ice graphs at a date when the ice extent and thickness reached a cyclic maximum and thereby uses the subsequent downward trend to deliberately mislead the public. The UN IPCC sea ice graphs begin in 1979 when the earth’s climate had cooled significantly from the early 1940’s. If they had started in 1972 they would see that NASA has satellite photos of the sea ice at the end of that summer melt that were almost identical to the extent the satellite photo at the end of the 2018 summer melt. I have viewed all those photos and am aware the sea ice extent was far less in 1941 and 1942 when the Arctic convoys ferried supplies from the UK to Murmansk.
5. In the last 3 years the ice load on Greenland has grown by about 1.2 trillion tonnes. Where is that in the news? It does have an effect on sea levels whereas sea ice has no effect.
6. The polar bears were being hunted to extinction in 1967 and so in 1973 the Arctic Treaty nations placed a moratorium on hunting, save for limited Inuit rights in Canada. Since then their numbers have grown to the point where they now actively predate on Inuit villages, who want culling to be reintroduced. Polar bears survived and prospered during the Holocene climate maximum called the “Minoan Warm Period”, through the “Roman Warm Period” and the “Mediaeval Warm Period”. These warm periods were all considerably warmer than our climate is today. So fear mongering about the impact on polar bears from loss of sea ice is facile. The same with so-called “all time heat records” that can only be described in derisory terms.
6. When polar bears attack the huge herds of walrus on dry land, some walrus have throughout recorded history been seen to get pushed off cliffs by the crush of others. They breathe the same air that we do so they prefer to haul out in large numbers (for protection) on dry land near their shallow feeding grounds. We are told they are sad about climate change. How can they be? They are thriving, just like the polar bears.
7. Obviously naive funding agencies can get any report they want from venal scientists if those scientists’ tenure is at stake or they are paid enough. Lysenkoism is extant everywhere I look within the OECD and I despair when watching TV to see yet another phony scientist coming up with implausible studies, which have been funded on the sole basis that they will reinforce the UN IPCC disinformation.
What are the Russians, Indians and Chinese doing to comply with this man-made global warming hoax and with the Paris Accords? Heck, they don’t even believe the UN IPCC dogma even though they profit from it. They have each been preparing for the coming Grand Solar Minimum for at least the last 5-10 years. Look at their preparations. If you don’t believe me, you could try Googling the name of Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov (the scientist who runs the Pulkovo observatory and the Russia programmes on the International Space Station – Vladimir Putin listens to his advice) and you will be able to understand the Russian strategies in the Middle East, why they have built a fleet of nuclear powered ice breakers capable of towing oil tankers through 2 metre thick sheet ice, and why they needed to annex Crimea…all part of the same strategy. “Winter is coming, Jon Snow!”
It is the same with China and their “String of Pearls” and Silk Road construction, together with the diversification of food sources into South America and Africa. They are already in food trouble that will manifest this winter. They have records that show whenever there has been a cyclic “Grand Solar Minimum” over the last 2,000 years there has also been both famine and the collapse of China’s major dynasties. They accept Dr Abdussamatov’s conclusions, given the changes now underway. I can neither confirm nor reject those forecasts of approaching cold, but you must be made aware that others who have expert knowledge now consider them valid and urgent.
Check this desperate cry for help from Australian sceptics as they pay higher and higher power prices that are based on policies grounded on fraud and disinformation…(This is shown in the third attached Word document above)…
How many of those 31, 487 scientists who have dissented from the UN IPCC’s politically inspired disinformation programme are allowed to give TV or newspaper commentaries? Only one in a thousand. Each year, more of those who work on the mischievously inaccurate computer models on which the overhyped heating claims by the UN IPCC rest, defect to the sceptic camp providing information on how desperately flowed the models and resulting forecasts really are. The sceptics are either ignored or driven from their jobs, denied publication of their learned, peer reviewed scientific papers and treated like “holocaust deniers” by the likes of smug, self satisfied media presenters who refer to their legitimate scepticism by the derogatory term “Climate Change Deniers”. Sceptics are never allowed to write the truth about the subject of climate change by mainstream media publications (including such as the NZ Herald and other rags, in favour of “puff pieces” of no journalistic or scientific merit. These do get taken to print without question or scrutiny, as feedstock of alarmism from overseas newspapers and such climate experts as Past PM Helen Clark. But her late 2018 NZ Herald article did strike me as indicative that her actions should also have been under scrutiny during her term in office.
Finding such a cloud of obfuscation is “meat and veg.” to any true fraud investigator, this is the sort of stuff that points directly to a false narrative which is collapsing, as the lies become less and less credible to a greater proportion of those singled out to be its victims.
I believe I know what has caused the modern warming. I believe I know what is going to cause the imminent period of cooling. Sadly for whatever your political intentions may be, the feared cooling is already starting in the Northern hemisphere and were it not for the UN IPCC’s PR machine, everyone would already know about the threat this cooling poses to global food supplies – all too soon. Perhaps that will change, but there are signs that earth’s Thermosphere is thinning and cooling, so if that worries the people at NASA and NOAA, it should concern you too. If you actually do know this stuff, then throwing young school children into the front lines of your struggle looks more like an act of desperation and cowardice on your part … the last throw of the dice to deflect allegations of your government’s complicity in an international power play to assert UN control against the primacy of national sovereignty.
If you aspirations were honest, you would have asked the population to vote on whether they want our government to be dominated by the UN. Instead you choose to prostitute climate science as if it were a global emergency that only the UN could fix.
But whether it is warming or cooling, the changes to earth’s climate are only resulting from natural causes. If the truth does interest you, may I suggest you have your staff analyse and monitor the web site – www.spaceweather.com. Even NOAA, an organisation closely enmeshed in the UN IPCC web of influence, acknowledges that it is the space weather that drives earth’s climate. When you understand how that happens, you may understand why your political actions have been so egregious.
Your cohorts at the UN IPCC upped the ante last week, with their well-orchestrated disinformation. Seemingly expecting those among us who have actually taken the time to check the science, to retreat under the onslaught of a hysterical teenager and her handlers’ fantasies – ably augmented by the catastrophic alarmism delivered by the usual UN IPCC suspects – yet with attribution to no-one of substance and only peer-reviewed by “partners in crime”. This short video below captures the sequence including the obvious motivation, the lies and the truth, in one elegant 12 minute splurge…
The international resistance to your global and national scam has begun, and something approaching 50% of New Zealanders will already know or suspect the UN IPCC version of the truth is flawed, because many remember their tirade of concatenated alarmist scares have all failed to materialise. Most people are now too scared to confess their appreciation of the truth in case you label their words as “Hate Speech”. Yes, I too have a list of those UN IPCC linked alarmist lies that date back to 1989 when the UN IPCC first started. But also beyond that to when the same “new World Order” posers were trying to set up a coming ice age as the platform for a UN global takeover…
Nowadays, many celebrities squander their good names and reputations to underwrite the fraud. To what end? They, and even Sir David Attenborough cannot possibly know the scientific facts, even though they talk of the “settled science” with such authority. That is, unless they too are implicated in the dastardly criminality.
For Joseph Stalin, the use of children and adults who went along with him but were never really aware of what he was doing, led Stalin to coin the term “Useful Idiots”. Are our MPs, as well as our own children and grandchildren to be treated as those too?
I know you believe that because you are “saving the planet” you can alienate us all from the basic truths of science in the same fashion as Chairman Mao used the “Cultural revolution” for. But that seldom works for long. All you need to do is to provide us sceptics with empirical evidence which proves that changes in atmospheric CO2 cause climate change. We will melt into the night if you do that. But I know you cannot do that, because I am able to prove why CO2 – at its molecular level – cannot have any measurable effect on climate, compared say to clouds and water vapour. The sceptics can never be met in a public debate for one reason, the UN IPCC is now unable to defend the indefensible. If you feel lucky, try to prove me wrong.
So 30 years after the fraud was dreamed up, there is still no evidence that CO2 does what the UN IPCC says it does, and yet you are prepared to near-bankrupt this country because you conveniently claim you are only taking someone else’s lies on faith? What sort of Prime Minister would someone be, if they did that? For Minister of Climate Change I envisage the title of “King Canute” will be used by the mob when it turns on him, once the true science is generally known. Frankly the science is not complicated, it is simple.
I believe it is contrary to your fiduciary duty of care as PM to stir up fear among workers, farmers, parents and children alike, and for you to preside over an education system that teaches fake science. Science is not a popularity contest, it is about facts. Please also find below a list that chronicles the truth about alarmist falsehoods, to set our children’s minds at ease.
(Source of the following is Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, 26 September 2019)
“· You have never been less likely to die of a climate-related disaster. Your risk of being killed has fallen 99 per cent in the past century. Source: International Disaster Database.
· You have never been more likely to live longer. Life expectancy around the world has risen by 5.5 years so far this century. Source: World Health Organisation.
· We are getting fewer cyclones, not more. Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Bureau of Meteorology.
· There is more food than ever. Grain crops have set new records. Source: Food and Agricultural Organisation.
· The world is getting greener. Leaf cover is growing 3 per cent per decade. Source: NASA.
· Low-lying Pacific islands are not drowning. In fact, 43 per cent – including Tuvalu – are growing, and another 43 per cent are stable. Source: Professor Paul Kench, University of Auckland.
· Cold weather is 20 times more likely to kill you than hot weather. Source: Lancet, 20/5/2015
· Global warming does not cause drought. Source: Prof. Andy Pitman, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes.
· Australia’s rainfall over the past century has actually increased. Source: Bureau of Meteorology.
· There are fewer wildfires. Around the world, the area burned by fire is down 24 per cent over 18 years. Source: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center et al.
· Polar bear numbers are increasing, not decreasing. Source: Dr Susan Crockford.
Perhaps it is time for you to come clean. But you must now defend your crime against the New Zealand people in your Parliament or prove me wrong with the substance of my complaints to the SFO and ComCom.
I would be happy to be able to apologise to you and Minister Shaw, because I know from history that warmth is good… and that cold is very bad for humanity.
The next move is over to you and your parliamentary colleagues.
I hope you place some weight on the truth and avoid the urge to attack the messenger. After all, I am only saying what many thousands of Kiwis would like to be saying to you.
Stop telling blatant lies.
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
An Extremely Concerned New Zealand Citizen asking for the lies to stop.
From: John Rofe [mailto:jcrofe@xtra.co.nz]
Sent: Sunday, 28 July 2019 9:06 p.m.
To: ‘james.shaw@parliament.govt.nz’; ‘jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz’
Cc: ‘Rt. Hon. Winston Peters’; ‘Hon Simon Bridges’; ‘Simeon Brown’; ‘peter.goodfellow@national.org.nz’; ‘Todd Muller’; ‘Mafi Tu’inukuafe’; ‘letters@nzherald.co.nz’; ‘letters@press.co.nz’; ‘newstips@stuff.co.nz’; ‘news@tvnz.co.nz’; ‘news@heraldonsunday.co.nz’
Subject: Time for the truth about the “Great Global Warming Hoax” to get a public hearing?
Dear Minister,
It is now a year since I explained to you and PM Ardern about your fraud, and explained the reasons why you should cease and desist. I have summarised the position outlined in this email in a single page as per the last (Word) document attached above for circulation to the news media. This lengthy email that follows, substantiates my short statement on such an extremely complicated topic.
My reason for writing this email to you is to ensure that you have the facts at your fingertips to avoid New Zealand becoming further embroiled in the “Great Global Warming” fraud, which is nothing more nor less than a globalist conspiracy orchestrated under the auspices of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“UN IPCC”). But then, I suspect you already know this. The fact the conspiracy is global does not in any way excuse your conduct. By your actions, you and your government are already complicit, and you can no longer rely on the UN IPCC.
The “Great Global Warming” fraud now has an eerie similarity to the “South Sea Bubble” in the following respects…
- They were each the largest frauds in recorded history at the time they occurred and then, by the time they were revealed, caused great heart-break.
- Both frauds relied on the remoteness of the populace from the facts on the ground. With the South Sea Bubble, it was geographical remoteness. With the Great Global Warming fraud it is the scientific remoteness mixed with complexity of the fraud and the interwoven, related conspiracy at the United Nations (“UN”), as they attempt to hype a global emergency to justify their takeover of global government…all in the shaddows.
- In both cases the perpetrators have had an incomplete understanding of the true facts that made, or now makes discovery inevitable.
In fairness to those at the centre of the Great Global Warming fraud (whether they and you deserve fairness or not), they/you did not initially have access to all the data. Furthermore, the very few complicit scientists involved at the outset in 1988 then fell under the sway of politicians progressively including such as (in sequence) John Holdren, Al Gore, Helen Clark, Barrack Obama and even David Attenborough – all should have known better, with different degrees of ignorance or motivation, as they lent their reputations and legacies to this fraud in order to profit from it – either in terms of political power, or for financial benefit, or for both.
This shambles evokes the memory of Dwight D. Eisenhower who warned upon his retirement as US President, against the use of political sponsorship for the scientific community who are then funded to distort science for political purposes (as first happened with the Trofim Lysenko fiasco in 20th Century Russia). What is unusual about your fraud is that it is supported by globalist businessmen and financiers as well as a significant element of the climate science community.
Retired Professor Nils Axel Moerner of Sweden calls it what it is. I found his frustration with the lies contained in the link below rather like my own. I can now, at last, easily prove that he is right in almost every respect….
The Professor is as unaware (as you seem to be) that this fraud is about to be unmasked for public distaste by the speed at which the latest Grand Solar Minimum is advancing. While outfits like NASA and NOAA still tend to downplay the implications of the new and disastrously weak 11-year solar cycle number 25, their web sites contain the evidence that it is happening as I write this. Disillusionment day for your public will likely be sometime in early 2020.
So far this year there have only been 11 sunspots. The public can watch this looming solar minimum threat on a daily basis at www.spaceweather.com if they have the time and inclination.
NASA suggests that the number of sun spots in sc25 will drop to 111, which is an extremely low level of solar activity. However, the Russian and British scientists claim they will not exceed 50! The first is on the level of the Dalton Minimum. The second is the level of the Maunder Minimum. Either will prove disastrous to global agriculture and destroy your fraud as well.
It is now proven that the “modern warm period” has nothing to do with increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 (which we humans do give a boost to), but has been solely caused by a huge spike in solar activity…the greatest for 4,000 years.
As a result of scientific progress, we are now in a position to prove that what you are doing with the NZ zero carbon legislation is a fraudulent enterprise. It must now be stopped by either your free will, or by court injunction.
- The vilification of carbon dioxide (“CO2”) as a pollutant is just one of many essential limbs of this fraud.
CO2 is essential for all life on earth. That is a scientific fact. All plant life relies on CO2 for the process of converting light into the plant sugars that support all other terrestrial life on earth (animals, humans etc) and, should the atmospheric concentration of CO2 drop below 150ppm, every complex carbon based life form on this planet will likely become extinct. Plants actually do better when they are given access to a concentration that is between 1,000 and 2,000ppm. The current concentration is only 415ppm. This atmospheric deficit is routinely compensated for by farmers injecting bottled CO2 gas into their greenhouses.
Meantime you elect to wage war on CO2 and label it as “undesirable pollution” for UN IPCC’s own devious ends. They are of course conflicted, yet conceal their conflict of interest from the masses.
The evidence that shows increased concentrations of CO2 leads to the greening of the planet is contained in successive NASA satellite photos that are readily available to you and your advisers. This greening has occurred primarily because the atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased from 280ppm at the end of “The Little Ice Age” in 1850, to the current level of more than 400ppm as of today. If you were a true green you would find that good, not bad.
Plant growth experiments at various CO2 levels have also proven this fact as contained in the first “Word” attachment at the head of this email. This attachment shows the practical limitations of CO2 as a “greenhouse gas” that were the reasons why it’s possible impact on climate change was trialled and rejected by such eminent scientists as Professors Niels Bohr and Anders Angstrom some 100 years ago. Those reasons – discovered by actual experiments rather than by totally subjective theoretical modelling – haven’t changed. The only thing that changed was the arrival of the UN IPCC in 1989 and some biddable scientists who wanted to establish their new field of knowledge and scorned the older inter-linked evidence based earth sciences.
We humans can tolerate an atmospheric CO2 level up to at least 100 times greater than it is at present. Should you personally ever take ill and collapse, requiring CPR, any trained person could probably resuscitate you by “rescue breathing” with air containing 40,000ppm of CO2 and a reduced concentration of oxygen (of only about 16% of the air mixture). That is because we all breathe in anywhere between about 400ppm and 800ppm of CO2 and breathe out roughly 4% or 40,000ppm – thereby reducing the amount of oxygen that was inhaled by 20%.
The scientific record has shown that before the beginning of the Quaternary Ice Age the atmospheric levels of CO2 were considerably higher than today and the relentless sequence of natural sequestration of CO2 in rocks, soil and sea bed occurring during colder times over the last 500 million years considerably reduced the CO2 in the atmosphere and will almost inevitably mean for the future, that by the end of the next 90,000 year terrestrial ice age of the current Pleistocene era (or subsequent repeats of that cycle of ice ages and interglacial periods), the atmospheric concentration of CO2 could even fall back to, or fall further from the 180ppm at the end of the last ice age (12,000 years ago), to a much lower level and possibly even reach or breech the extinction threshold of 150ppm at some point.
So there is considerable hard evidence that human CO2 emissions which involve using and emitting sequestered carbon will actually help to restore a desirable atmospheric balance that is more suitable for all natural life on earth. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Unless you can prove that increased atmospheric CO2 has a significant effect on climate change, you should regard your criticism of this naturally occurring gas as a grave error, that is contrary to the best ideals of the green movement.
What needs to be dealt with, is to clean up real pollution rather than attempting to levy extortionate taxes based on deliberate lies.
- In 30 years there has never been any empirical evidence that variations in atmospheric CO2 cause any measurable change in earth’s climate.
Sure, we humans warm our surroundings by using many heat sources and fuels that provide us with comfort and wealth, but the claim that we alter the future climate is quite extraordinary …. and extraordinary scientific claims require extraordinary proof. Such proof has never been found – despite the wasting of billions of dollars on the ever more complex computer models. Sadly for the theories you espouse, there is ample proof that human and indeed total CO2 emissions have no measurable impact on climate and I itemise that proof below…
- The historical record from the empirical analysis of ice core samples taken from the depths of the Antarctic Ice Sheet at Vostok, and from Greenland has provided clear evidence that as earth’s temperature changes, the level of atmospheric CO2 then also changes after a delay of several hundred years. When temperatures rise, a rise in CO2 levels follows; then when temperatures fall, CO2 levels also fall. This is not only well accepted data, but the result is logical. The sun which supplies more than 99% of earth’s energy, heats the ocean more slowly than either the land or the atmosphere and the ocean releases its heat far more slowly. Water absorbs atmospheric CO2 when cold and releases it when the water is warmed. The ocean contains 50+ times the CO2 of the atmosphere, so when the ocean is warming it releases more CO2 into the atmosphere than it takes up; and when cooling it takes up more CO2 than it releases. The data underpins the Vostok evidence.
- During the last 100 years there has been clear evidence that the level of atmospheric CO2 has increased from around 300ppm to over 400ppm, and at no stage have the recordings at the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s (“NOAA’s)testing site in Hawaii (which both UN IPCC and sceptics accept as valid data) have ever fallen. Yet during the time from 1918 to 1940 the climate warmed, and then from 1945 to 1975 the climate cooled, and then from 1975 to 1998 the climate warmed again. From 1999 to 2015 the temperature did not increase by any measurable amount. Then in 2016 there was a spurt in warming due to the strong El Nino conditions, and then after that the temperature has fallen again – to the present. This shows that CO2 has had no appreciable effect, unless one changes the starting and finishing times used for the temperature comparison to manipulate the meaning of the data. In general, the world has emerged from the effects of “The Little Ice Age” and the solar cycles became appreciably more active – with the Total Solar Insolation (“TSI”) during the modern warm period higher than it has been for thousands of years. It is the sun that has caused the modern warming. There is no upturn in the number and severity of serious weather events and on the contrary there has even been a significant reduction in severe weather events since the late 1930’s. You wouldn’t know that to listen to the media.
2.3 The impact of the huge increase in solar activity underpins this evidence and accounts for the warming of the ocean and its current slow expansion.
- The reasons why human CO2 emissions cannot drive earth’s climate are now well known.
3.1 It is generally accepted by the UN IPCC that human CO2 emissions comprise only 4.3% of total CO2 emissions. Yet the presumption is made by the UN IPCC that human CO2 emissions drive 98% of climate change with no allowance for the variability over the 95.7% of natural CO2 emission effects. For example a warming sea alone will emit more CO2 than humans can influence from all activities. But to make their models work, the UN IPCC modellers even invent separate classes of CO2 molecules. First, they state that human influenced CO2 molecules do not dissipate, but instead only increase the level of residual atmospheric CO2. Second, they say only the CO2 emissions from natural causes do dissipate due to the requirements of vegetation etc. Of course this is junk science because there is no difference in the molecules, so any lay person can see through that. But whether we allow the UN IPCC to clutch at straws to support their UN sponsored fraud or not, we humans cannot affect climate change. Could King Canute turn back the tide?
3.2 Atmospheric CO2 molecules do not impact with more than an extremely narrow band-width of infra-red re-radiation emanating from earth’s surface/sea and even then, not fully. Water vapour on the other hand impacts twelve times the band width that CO2 does, and of that scope, for much of it, water vapour fully affects the re-radiation in some of the applicable band widths (As per the first attached (Word) document at the head of this email). The water vapour also has other effects because of its involvement in the cloud cover and with its ability to phase change between liquid, gas and solid with massive localised thermal effects that the UN IPCC modellers deliberately ignore. Not only that but water vapour is between 10 to 100 times as voluminous as CO2, depending on temperature and humidity. The suggestions that human CO2 emissions cause climate change is therefore somewhere between risible and ridiculous.
- The atmospheric concentration of CO2 was already almost thermally saturated at the pre-industrial level of 280ppm (The Beer-Lambert Law refers). This is because an increase in CO2 concentration only leads to a logarithmic increase in the absorption of heat. After the pre-industrial level of CO2 ( i.e. at 280ppm), its thermal impact for extra atmospheric concentrations of each – say – 100ppm of extra atmospheric CO2 is almost un-measurably minute and similarly, any reduction in temperature change from a reduction in the CO2 level would need to involve a huge reduction of – say 100ppm, if it is to have any measurable effect (even in theory). As a result, the UN IPCC desire to reduce CO2 emissions and thereby effect a reduction in earth’s temperature is a pipe-dream and is misleading people who are being told that with the expenditure of trillions of dollars over time it can be done. That change is not within human power because… i. Humans influence only a tiny portion of CO2 emissions and, ii. Because natural causes of CO2 emissions are far greater, so a relatively small variation in natural emissions will overpower any influence from human influenced CO2 emissions, and iii. While CO2 may be a greenhouse gas it is a significantly weaker one, than either water vapour which is measured and clouds which are not, and these factors dominate as shown in Dr Holmes’ video at the link in item 4.1 below. But meantime a Finnish study has concluded that the increase in atmospheric CO2 over the last 100 years has only resulted in a temperature increase of 0.1 degrees C. and of this the human proportion is only 0.01 degrees C. as noted in this link :
3.4 Water vapour and clouds provide the principle “greenhouse effect” that keeps earth warmer than outer space. (But please note, the term “greenhouse” is a gross oversimplification which is mainly used to suit the UN IPCC narrative, because there is no restrictive membrane in earth’s atmosphere – like the glass of a greenhouse. The true effect of cloud cover is more complicated because clouds’ net effect is one of competing forces of insulation between the partial shielding of the sun’s rays which (along with water vapour, and other atmospheric compounds) only allows 56% of Total Solar Insolation to descend to the earth’s surface, and the low level cloud and water vapour which inhibits the infra red re-radiation of heat leaving earth’s surface and reaching the extreme cold of space). The attached paper by Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Duffy, dated July 2019, shows “why it is not possible for any of the non-condensable greenhouse gases to have an appreciable effect on weather and climate change”. It is attached herewith as the second (Adobe) article at the head of this email.
- It is now generally accepted that Space Weather determines the weather on earth. While the UN IPCC chooses to believe that Total Solar Irradiance (“TSI”) only varies by 0.05 watts per square metre – up or down, that is based on their purposefully short term comparison of TSI changes and is demonstrably both biased in their favour and incorrect in fact, as has already been published in a number of peer-reviewed studies (again, see the link at item 4.1 below). But not only is the TSI variation far greater than the figures shown in the UN IPCC computer models, but also the variations in solar activity (and numbers of sun spots) change the amount of solar wind affecting the planets in the solar system including planet earth. The stronger the solar wind, the less the number of the galactic cosmic rays that can enter either the solar system or the earth’s atmosphere. During the regular 11 year solar minimums the influx of galactic cosmic rays increases and during events called “Grand Solar Minimums” the influx of cosmic rays is even more dramatically increased.
Cosmic rays not only threaten astronauts and high altitude air crews (as they will do for the next two years) but they act to nucleate water vapour to form low level clouds and these provide an increased cooling effect for the earth as well as initiating massive anomalous rain, hail and even snow events. In 1997 the work of Danish Professor Hendrik Svensmark and his son led to this being promulgated as a substantial theory – but now it has been convincingly proven with successful experiments in the “Cloud” project at CERN. Unlike Anthropogenic Global Warming which has been disproven, the Svensmark theory about cosmic ray impacts on cloud formation is now, if not settled science (as the UN IPCC fraudsters will never accept the truth) but it is repeatable by scientific experimentation. Who could ask for more proof?
3.6 There are now numerous studies of climate change that cast doubt on the validity of all of the UN IPCC sponsored computer models, showing all to grossly overstate possible warming. But each model has a theoretical basis that relies totally on human generated parameters (for which complexity the humans involved receive multiple billions of dollars each year), so the UN IPCC studies cannot be relied upon for one good reason…the actual climate conditions have to date borne no relationship whatsoever to the forecasts of 101 of the 102 computer modelled predictions, or of the 72 models that are currently in vogue and used as the basis for creating deliberate warming alarmism. They may as well have licked their finger and held it up to the air and taken a guess…because both that guess and the computer models are equally subjective.
3.7 By February 2020 we will see whether the Northern Hemisphere is to suffer massive food shortages as a direct result of the extraordinary cold and wet weather that has been interspersed with drought conditions there over winter of 2018/9 and spring of 2019. Northern spring planting has been extensively disrupted as a result Grand Solar Minimum conditions and unless there is an “Indian summer” to delay Autumn, their harvest will likely be dire. While Minister, you have thus far ignored my well-intentioned warnings that you are now becoming at least an accessory to fraud (for over a year), you must try to understand that New Zealand, by your actions is probably becoming exposed to the impacts that will occur on a global basis as a direct result of the presently unfolding Grand Solar Minimum. You have been warned of this material and demonstrably cyclical hazard. Now time is of the essence. Watch what is happening to cereal futures prices if you don’t believe me.
- How big is your fraud? (the total cost of this fraud globally is estimated at USD1.5 trillion per year and is growing exponentially larger and more onerous for the countries of the OECD)
4.1 The hallmark of a fraud is often denoted by the subsidiary lies that need to be told to lend credence to the central falsehood.
Everything from forest fires… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phw8OlN_x1E&feature=youtu.be
to sea level rise is subject to alarmism…(see for sea level the Professor Moerner link above in the preamble to this email report).
Also for ocean acidification… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bJjBo5ICMc&feature=youtu.be
Editor’s note: the following paragraphs from the Australian IPC are not in the email to the NZ Prime Minister, and have been added to clarify further details of the ongoing issue and court case. Professor Ridd’s key point is that James Cook University scientists have published many reports that do not comply with the proper scientific methodologies and, as such, are not valid. Eg the results cannot be replicated and the data has not been made available. Yet these reports have been published ‘as gospel’ by many mainstream media, leading to, amongst other things people world-wide believing the Great Barrier Reef is ‘dead’ or at least dying, and no longer travelling to see the reef, causing, amongst other issues, a major downturn in the tourist industry.
As reported by the Australian IPC: ‘Professor Peter Ridd has won his litigation against James Cook University about the Great Barrier Reef, the big scandal for North Queensland is the alleged death of coral that is being deliberately used to create an over-hyped sense of climate emergency. There is nothing wrong with the world’s coral reefs, other than periodic bleaching occurrences that they often quickly recover from. This is a cyclic phenomenon.
In May 2018, after an academic career of more than 30 years, Peter had his employment terminated as a professor of physics at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. Peter had spoken against the accepted orthodoxy that climate change was ‘killing’ the Great Barrier Reef. ‘There’s some absolute rubbish being spoken about the reef and people’s livelihoods are being put in jeopardy. If nobody will stand up, then this is just going to go on and on and on. It has to be stopped.’
Peter’s court case has enormous implications for the international debate about climate change, and for the ongoing crisis surrounding freedom of speech.
In April, Federal Court Justice Vasta ruled JCU had erred in its interpretation of a clause in its enterprise agreement and deprived Dr Ridd of his right to express his academic opinion. Within hours of the judgment being released in April, JCU published a statement on its website criticising the ruling.
Dr Ridd is seeking financial compensation after he was sacked by JCU for publicly criticising the institution and one of its star scientists over claims about the impact of global warming on the Great Barrier Reef.
In his decision, Judge Vasta stated that:
[T]he concept of intellectual freedom is not recent and is extremely important as it helps to define the mission of any university… It is the cornerstone upon which the University exists. If the cornerstone is removed, the building tumbles.
[…] To use the vernacular, the University has “played the man and not the ball”. Incredibly, the University has not understood the whole concept of intellectual freedom. In the search for truth, it is an unfortunate consequence that some people may feel denigrated, offended, hurt or upset. It may not always be possible to act collegiately when diametrically opposed views clash in the search for truth.
[…] That is why intellectual freedom is so important. It allows academics to express their opinions without fear of reprisals. It allows a Charles Darwin to break free of the constraints of creationism. It allows an Albert Einstein to break free of the constraints of Newtonian physics. It allows the human race to question conventional wisdom in the never-ending search for knowledge and truth. And that, at its core, is what higher learning is about. To suggest otherwise is to ignore why universities were created and why critically focussed academics remain central to all that university teaching claims to offer.’
We continue to see story after story that hypes the warm temperatures and ignores the cold weather. Heat waves? Hype and hoopla. The sceptics are calling out every one of the lies now, just as quickly as the mainstream media prints them…
This is only because the media is being manipulated by political forces aligned to the (your?) international socialist movement. The fake news propaganda effort is being coordinated by the UN IPCC and their supporters. We can no longer get accurate media reporting on how weather compares, or about climate change, nor on the other sub-plots. Like this one about Arctic Sea Ice because the fraud dominates… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwUhJaQVi-M&feature=youtu.be and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZDtnq9A-Bg&feature=youtu.be
Even the fate of polar bears is being twisted to suit the UN agenda… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6bcCTFnGZ0&feature=youtu.be
In mid July (only last week and during mid-summer!) the “Crown Prince Haakon” a Norwegian icebreaker set out to crash through from Svalbard to the North Pole based on the stories of rapid ice melt. They quickly turned back due to striking solid 10 ft thick ice. Even with Greenland’s and Iceland’s principle glaciers now advancing we still get stories that they are retreating. This level of scientific disinformation may suit your purposes but if this Grand Solar Minimum (2019-2055) is to be a 400 year event like the Maunder Minimum – rather than 200 year event like the Dalton minimum – then this will end in tears because it will soon be too late for us to prepare.
4.2 The establishment of carbon trading schemes relies totally on the ability of the UN IPCC scientists to predict what happens in the future as CO2 levels are notionally to be brought under control by exerting the influence of humans over natural forces to reduce both atmospheric CO2 and global temperatures. That relies totally on the accuracy of trumped up, totally inaccurate, but extremely expensive computer models. In this rush to implement a false doctrine, the developed countries have joined a collective rush that will destroy their economic base. If you sit down with your scientists and watch these two videos by Dr Robert Holmes and Dr Patrick Moore you will get a sense of the gravity of what your government’s involvement in this fraud is doing to all except those in the developing world who (are already and) will happily continue to eat our lunch in every possible way.
4.3 Herewith is the video of a comprehensive rebuttal of the science that your globalist friends rely upon (by Dr Robert Holmes). Each video Dr Holmes has put out gradually tightens the knot around the Great Global Warming fraud as he itemises the genuine peer reviewed experiments and research that gives the lie to the UN IPCC dogma that is essential for their survival. This latest in his series contains most of the evidence that will blow this fraud apart.
4.4 You claim to be a devout environmentalist, yet I allege you are betraying the environmental movement and misleading the general public. Accordingly I have laid a separate complaint about the deceptive and misleading conduct of both you as Leader, and the NZ Green Party, with the Commerce Commission under s. 13 of the Fair Trading Act 1986. You cannot take destructive action against all earth’s/New Zealand’s vegetative species and still lay claim to being “green”. Here is Dr Patrick Moore’s video on the destructive actions of others also participating in this fraud. I make no apology for its length which enables you to better understand his credentials and the similar conundrum they face in Canada to the trouble you are stirring up in New Zealand. As with Greenpeace, Canada, it is all counter-productive.
At this point in time there are between 10-15,000 scientists working in every OECD country to combat the Great Global Warming Fraud. But essentially, when the global harvests begin to fail (as they did last year – if only in some regions), it will be too late for us to prepare.
- The preoccupation of the UN IPCC with their fraud is because it is an existential requirement for that organisation, as noted by Dr Moore’s video at 29 minutes and 44 seconds…I quote from the UN IPCC’s mandate to analyse… “a change in climate that is attributed to directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.” The facts however tell us a different story as per the link below…even using UN IPCC approved data…the knowledge of what happened once the ice cores from Antarctica were analysed in 2003, busted their theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming, and since then the UN simply ratcheted up their fraudulent activities to increase their hold on power over national governments. This Vostok ice core data is also confirmed by Greenland studies of the Holocene climate history, covering only the last 11,500 years…
4.6 I cannot open a newspaper without some element of the fraud being telegraphed as proven science. Whether it is as a result of the studied ignorance of journalists or because children have believed the lies that you and their teachers have told them as part of their school curriculum. Those elements of the mainstream media that spread the lies and disinformation must be stopped forthwith. The sceptics know the role that George Soros and others have played in this fraud. Local Government, Maori interests, Central Government officers, farmers, oil companies business leaders and others have all been misled and become unwitting accomplices. But of greater cost to the country is the rubbish that carbon trading will lead to some form of beneficial climate modification. This activity and many others are by definition only Ponzi schemes. Their life and existence depends on “greater fools” making bigger and bigger financial contributions to the point when the fraud is discovered and a massive “debt jubilee” automatically takes place, to the cost of everyone who has obeyed your erroneous interpretation of junk science and obeyed your corrupt laws. There is a ripeness of time for all frauds to be exposed. But the longer it takes, the worse the situation will be.
- The cost of your policies will be too steep for the country of New Zealand to bear, as it has already been in Germany and Australia. As the proven cost of the UN IPCC’s wasteful programme becomes known, the global resistance is getting stronger now that the truth is getting out.
This is a sample of something doing the rounds in Australia…. https://www.youtube.com/embed/BC1l4geSTP8
Minister, you have a duty to familiarise yourself with the science. Although I am not associated with it, I believe the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition’s experts can provide you with directions of where to get help and support.
I believe from the data that the earth’s climate is always changing, either up or down, and because I now see a bias in favour of the solar and space weather scientists’ consensus – who mostly believe the climate will now cool – I am classed as a “Climate Change Denier”. Those who believe in human instigated global warming and insist that the term “climate change” is the same as “global warming” are hyping runaway warming for all they are worth and yet their un-warranted alarmism is based solely on computer models that only do one thing – they reinforce their own personal world view. After 30 years, because their models don’t agree with the data, they simply change the data to suit their models. Are you really happy to go along with that?
The Russians used to have a saying, “The most difficult thing to predict is history”. (It is like Tiananmen Square and the CCP) Try to track the unwarranted and self-serving alterations to temperature data and you will understand why I, like Professor Moerner of Sweden think the UN IPCC are such frauds. If you do check this information for yourself you will find yourself sitting on the wrong side of the biggest fraud in global history. I hope you will feel comfortable there, until the truth does out.
I am simply an investor in renewable energy projects moonlighting as a fraud investigator, calling the facts as I see them. I don’t like what I see, but unlike you, I face them. Don’t we, the people, pay you to do the same?
Yours sincerely
John Rofe
An Extremely Concerned New Zealand Citizen
By Professor Emeritus Geoffrey G Duffy
DEng, PhD, BSc, ASTC Dip., FRS NZ, FIChemE, CEng
- Showing water and condensable water vapour have by nature much greater actions on weather changes and climate patterns than non-condensable CO2 ever could.
- SOLAR RADIATION: CO2 only has TWO narrow absorption bands for incoming solar energy. Water vapour has SEVEN (5 larger bands). Water vapour is 5 times more effective with incoming Solar radiation.
- RADIATION from EARTH: CO2 only has TWO more narrow absorption bands for radiation coming back from earth. Water vapour covers 85% of the entire span. Water vapour is more than 12 times effective than CO2.
- Overall, water vapour is about 12 times more effective than non-condensable CO2 with respect to all radiation
- Condensable water vapour evaporates, humidifies, then condenses to form clouds, which can precipitate to produce rain or snow, and scrub dust and pollutants from the air, and then cool the atmosphere and planet surface.
- CO2 is NOT a pollutant or a toxin [Carbon MONOXIDE CO is the toxin: prevents blood from carrying oxygen]
- CO2 in the atmosphere is vital for LIFE – plants and vegetation: we would die without it !
- Crops, trees, plants, convert CO2 into sugars, cellulose, fruit, vegetables, and more
- Leaf ‘factories’ convert CO2 into organic carbon compounds and O2
- Marine plankton and molluscs uptake and convert CO2 too!
- Humans exhale 1 kg CO2 per day (close to 7 Billion humans on Earth) and the concentration is 40,000 ppm at the exit of the mouth
- NOT all CO2 in the atmosphere is man-made (< 5%) – most is naturally produced
- Ruminating animals put out more greenhouse gases than all the cars, buses, trucks and other vehicles in the world
- The main sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gases are Fossil Fuels: coal, oil, gas, and the burning of crops and waste, wood, trees and other wastes and garbage (still very small worldwide)
- CO2 absorbs radiant energy over a total of 4 LIMITED NARROW BANDS [see Graph below],
- Atmospheric CO2 is a non-condensable GAS like nitrogen, oxygen, and methane. Water vapour is the ONLY condensable gas. These changes of phase (evaporation, condensation, precipitation) produce all the atmospheric effects: heat-shielding clouds, cooling, and atmospheric scrubbing
- For every 1,000,000 molecules of atmosphere, only 10,410 in NZ are greenhouse gas GHG molecules. But 10,000 of the 10,410 are water molecules. Of the remaining 410, ONLY about 405 are CO2. Of these, only 5% (about 20 molecules) are from man-made processes (20 in 1 million; 0.002%; 1 molecule in 50,000!! Can that be the main culprit in climate change when water is typically about 1% in New Zealand; or 1 molecule in 100, while absorbing far more radiant energy as the graph below shows
- The ocean holds 93% of ALL CO2 (38,000 billion tonnes); the land 5% (2,000 billion tonnes); the atmosphere 2% (850 billion tonnes), of which anthropogenic CO2 is ONLY 5% of that (about 45 billion tonnes)
- CO2 in rain water is acidic: CO2 in sea water is alkaline (pH 8.1), and can never-ever be acidic while shells, carbonates and molluscs exist to neutralise it. It can become less alkaline but not acidic
- CO2 is commonly injected into greenhouse to increase plant growth rates and crop yields
- It has been reported that there has been a 20 – 40% greening of the planet over the last several decades
- China has 1,171 coal-fired plants planned; India 446; so coal is still in strong demand
- Examining atmospheric CO2 must always be considered simultaneously with the many larger effects of H2O.
Increasing CO2 concentration increases crop yields as shown in this actual Greenhouse experiment!
Water is UNIQUE and quite different from CO2:
- WATER: The most abundant compound on the planet and a universal solvent. Water makes up over 60% of the human body. It is in all plants, animals, cells etc ..
- WATER VAPOUR: Is the ONLY condensable atmospheric gas. So only H2O can evaporate, humidify, condense (clouds), and precipitate (rain, hail, and snow).
- WATER: H2O is the ONLY fluid that FLOATS ON ITSELF when it FREEZES on the liquid surface. [If it did not float it would sink and crush the creatures (fish, sharks, whales) in the Oceans. Marine life flourishes in water below the floating ice].
- WATER VAPOUR: Has the largest percentage greenhouse gas EFFECT [about 45% – 70% (clear sky), 70% – 90% (cloudy sky)]
- WATER VAPOUR: The water vapour concentration in the atmosphere depends on temperature and location [< 0.2% in very cold climates to >4% by mass at high Humidity in the tropics >35 0C]
- WATER: Oceans absorb 1,000 times more heat energy than the atmosphere, and BUFFERS more than 80% of the large heat fluctuations (and hence temperature variations), thereby moderating weather changes and climate patterns greatly. This key factor is missed when only isolating radiation-only and CO2. 93% of all CO2 is in the oceans (~38,000 billion tonnes)
- WATER: Liquid water has the highest surface tension (surface molecular skin) of all natural liquids. It controls water droplet formation, cloud structures, ocean surfaces, waves, evaporation rates, etc
- WATER: H2O molecules are polar (H slightly +ve; O slightly –ve). Hence adjacent water molecules can ‘attract’ each other, particularly as the temperature is lowered (ice floats on water because of this). [Liquid water can also ionise slightly H3O+ hydronium ions, and OH– hydroxyl ions]. Hydrogen onding gives some unique features unlike CO2: H2O has the second highest specific heat capacity [only ammonia* is greater]: H2O has a very high heat of vaporisation (2,257 kJ/kg at its boiling point), and ENERGY TRANSFERS are very important in atmospheric changes (weather) (shows up as temperature differences)
- WATER: The ‘Structure’ and ‘Behaviour’ of H2O molecules have LARGE buffering effects that moderate the earth’s weather and they affect both evaporation from the seas and condensation in cloud formation. Non-condensable CO2 gas forms NO clouds
- WATER: The specific enthalpy of fusion (at freezing) is very high (333.6 kJ/kg at 0°C) [only ammonia* is higher], and this confers resistance to melting on the ice. [Density decrease or Bulk increase at freezing is about 9%]
- WATER: Water Vapour – Liquid Water – Ice COEXIST at the equilibrium Triple Point. It is amazing that it occurs near 00C (By comparison, the Triple Point of CO2 is -56.50C so it strongly differs from water). This has some unique effects in phase transitions near the poles (eg solid ice can go to vapour DIRECTLY with no liquid water for example [sublimation]) (dry ice CO2 used widely on stage and TV)).
- WATER: Water has a freezing point of 00C and a boiling point of 1000C due to its unique molecular polar structure. We live because of that!!
- WATER: The nearest molecule to Water (Atomic Weight of 18) is Ammonia (Atomic Weight of 17). In direct contrast, the freezing point of Ammonia is -770C and a boiling point of -330C even though the Atomic Weights are 1 point different. This shows that the structure of water is unique! Just as well, water is THE MOST ABUNDANT COMPOUND on the EARTH’S SURFACE and the temperature absorption-emission bands are just right for life on Earth.
- The Thermal Lapse Rate or temperature drop is the 6.5C0 temperature drop per kilometer rise above earth. This is caused by all atmospheric gas molecules moving further with increasing elevation (lower density and lower pressure result). This is vital for humidification, mists, fogs and cloud formation
- WATER VAPOUR: can regulate, buffer, compensate, correct, and restore atmospheric changes
Professor Emeritus Geoffrey G Duffy
DEng, PhD, BSc, ASTC Dip., FRS NZ, FIChemE, CEng
EMAIL: geoffduffy@lycos.com
The KEY REFERENCE sources:
Radiation: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Atmospheric_Transmission.png
Humidity: http://www.lenntech.com/calculators/humidity/relative-humidity.htm
By John Rofe, 28 July 2019
- After 30 years of repeated warnings of impending Armageddon from the United Nations (“UN”) based on the subjective and inaccurate computer modelling performed at the cost of national governments (and all taxpayers) at the UN’s behest, they are certainly no closer to understanding the climate. But they are instead still trying to defend their 30-year fraud.
- Meantime, credible solar scientists have good evidence that the principle cause of climate change lies with the variability of the solar cycles that have continued to affect earth’s climate since the beginning of time. UN bias ignores this evidence. Even so, there are some longer cycles that affect the passage of ice ages and inter-glacial periods, and are caused by earth’s movements in relation to the sun. These don’t yet figure within our time horizon.
- The only plausible cause of all the warming that has happened since “The Little Ice Age” ended in 1850, has come from the highest level of solar electromagnetic activity for 4,000 years. The increase in earth’s temperature of little over 1 degree Centigrade over 160 years is latterly being called the “Modern Warm Period”. Those of us who have checked the history find it is not remarkably warm at all today, even though a lot of effort is being made to convince us that it is, with lies, damned lies and cherry-picked statistics. The Mediaeval Warm Period was arguably much warmer – a thousand years ago. What about the 1930’s?
- NASA now tells us a new weaker 11 year solar cycle – called simply “sc25” – is commencing at a time when there is record thinning and cooling of earth’s outer layer of atmosphere (called “the Thermosphere”) which we are also told heralds the imminent arrival of a new 30 year event called a “Grand Solar Minimum”. Many scientists now expect a period of much colder weather to last from 2019 to 2055 that could result in horrific global crop losses. I guess the proof of that is about to be revealed, as early as February 2020. We will see.
- The truth about carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide is that they are only minor trace gases and cannot possibly influence earth’s climate. They are proven to have no measurable effect on climate change, and carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but a gas necessary for all life on earth. Besides water and light, carbon dioxide is the only resource essential for all plant growth. Plants really need 1000 parts per million of carbon dioxide from the air. Yet today the atmosphere only contains about 415 parts per million. To remedy this deficiency, horticulturalists pump bottled gas into glass houses and growing tunnels at up to 2,000 parts per million. So carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but it is also in relatively short supply. There is clearly no possibility of influencing climate change by reducing human emissions of carbon dioxide (“CO2”) which anyway constitute less than 4.3% of total CO2 emissions. So NZ Government actions are just part of the UN IPCC coordinated fraud.
- Because methane emissions have even less effect than CO2, the present demands being made on the NZ farming community are somewhere between bizarre and ridiculous.
- But why is your Government lying to you? I cannot answer for them, but I can assure you that after a year of failing to get satisfactory reasons for their fraudulent behaviour, I laid allegations against Minister James Shaw and PM Jacinda Ardern with the NZ Serious Fraud Office in mid-April 2019…and later also laid a complaint with the NZ Commerce Commission against Minister James Shaw and the NZ Green Party under s.13 of the Fair Trading Act 1986.
There is a ripeness of time for all frauds to be revealed…for this one, let’s fix it today.