Research on Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease

This post presents the results of research into the possibilities of delaying or reversing the onset of cognitive decline that often leads to Alzheimer’s and other dementia conditions.

If you have any comments that will enhance this initial research before conclusions are formed, please email them to

The complete initial research paper can be downloaded from Research on cognitive decline and Alzheimers 231126

By Peter Senior, 26 November 2023


The objective: find out whether or not cognitive decline (CD), Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and related effects can be slowed, reversed and/or prevented.

Hypothesis: the standard medical view that CD and AD can at best be partly alleviated and that the is no way to reverse it may be false, depending on the individual.

This paper comprises an initial list of key overall findings followed by a chronological list of specific findings that appear to be significant.

Until recently the most promising finding to date was Dr Dale Bredesen’s protocol; the first listed, together with several details of Dr Bredesen’s ReCODE protocol. A 52-minute video interview with Dr Bredesen, 4 September 2019, provides a comprehensive introduction, including his comment: “We’ve never seen a case of cognitive decline where there are less than 10 primary causes.”  Several other areas of research show considerable promise.

However, the recent release of decades of research by Dr. Dayan Goodenowe, a PhD neuroscientist, biochemist, synthetic organic chemist, inventor, and clinical research expert, has proposed what is currently by far the most comprehensive and promising approach to preventing and alleviating Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Plasmalogens. Dr. Goodenowe’s plasmalogen precursors have been extensively studied in preclinical and clinical research and are now available as dietary supplements, ProdromeNEURO™ and ProdromeGLIA™ on Blood plasmalogen levels can be measured using Dr. Goodenowe’s ProdromeSCAN™ blood test. In a nutshell, proven tests and cures are now available.

Key findings to date

  1. The recent release of decades of research by Dr Dayan Goodenowe proposes what is currently by far the most comprehensive and promising approach to preventing and alleviating Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Plasmalogens.
  2. Halt Alzheimer’s Disease – With Cholesterol? 19 June 2022
  3. Current status, 12 May 2022: Dr Mercola, update on FDA fast-track UB-311 Alzheimer vaccination and other research
  4. There is now ample compelling evidence that CD and AD can at least be delayed, sometimes reversed and often prevented by applying appropriate remedial actions.
  5. Until recently, Dr Bredesen’s protocol, advice and life-style proposals were the most promising demonstration of a comprehensive approach available.
  6. The sooner diagnosis and appropriate remedial actions are started, the sooner positive results will be achieved.
  7. Some of the largest organisations, including government and medical bodies, are the least optimistic, indicating little can be done to improve CD and AD. There is at least a suspicion that major organisations, including ‘Big Pharma’, are primarily interested in a single ‘magic pill’ that will greatly enhance their profits.
  8. If the causes of CD and AD are indeed multiple and personalized, as Dr Bredesen has demonstrated, the option of a universally effective single ‘magic pill’ would be excluded and could at best only be effective occasionally and randomly. Note: Dr Bredesen’s comment: “We’ve never seen a case of cognitive decline where there are less than 10 primary causes.”
  9. If there was such a treatment as the single cure-all ‘magic pill’, it surely would already have been discovered, developed, tested and widely marketed, most likely by one or more of the major international pharmaceutical companies.
  10. All significant official bodies and medical people and bodies associated with CD and AD recognise and warn about the massive dangers CD and AD presents for the future, including the current and fast-growing costs to countries for medical and care treatment.
  11. Several of articles, videos etc. noted in this paper contain a few aspects that are covered in Dr Bredesen’s protocol and life-style approach, but with few additions. A few, such as the well-known Dr Mercola (page 50), include reference to Dr Bredesen’s ReCODE protocol.
  12. Most of the single-approach solutions offer minimal diagnosis or validation, but several indicate some significant successes in individual cases.
  13. At this stage, no specialists have been identified in Australia that are able to, or wish to, fully apply the ReCODE protocol.
  14. Dr Bredesen’s ReCODE appears to parallel the stomach ulcer about-turn. In 1982 two Australian scientists upset medical dogma by proving a bacterium, helicobacter pylori, causes stomach inflammation, ulcers and cancer, and so won the 2005 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine yesterday. The findings went so against medical thinking that it took many years for an entrenched medical profession to accept it, even then, reluctantly. Possibly another such breakthrough is in the process of emerging for CD and AD?
  15. Dr Bredesen has released a new book now available on Amazon’s Kindle – the printed version will be available on 20 October 2020: The End of Alzheimer’s Programme: The Practical Plan to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline at Any Age.
  16. Dr Bredesen’s new book is another ‘must-read’. It is packed with practical approaches as well as explanations about how to treat CD and Alzheimers. As noted below, it would be wise for suffers and their carers to work with an empathetic doctor or other health professional in order to plan and apply a practical route through the very detailed and elaborate process recommended. But, again, Dr Bredesen’s approach is the only one available to date that is likely to treat CD and Alzheimers successfully.
  17. Bredesen latest video (78 minutes, 29 October 2020) is compelling viewing. Dr Bredesen discusses plasmalogens with Dr. Dayan Goodenowe, its effect on cognitive decline and effective remedial actions.
  18. It is strongly recommended that all people interested in the subject should view the 84-minutes video Broken Brian, 20 August 2020:
  19. Also check the latest section Page 69 about the Aducanumab Debacle.

Further updates will be provided shortly.

Index of contents:

Page 4 – Dr Dayan Goodenowe’s extensive research relating to Plasmalogens

 Page 5 – Current status: 12 May 2022: Dr Mercola, update on FDA fast-track UB-311 Alzheimer vaccination and other research

Page 5   – Dr Dale Bredesen: End of Alzheimer’s. Description of book, protocol and articles

Page 12 – Summary of key tests for ReCODE Protocol

Page 16 – Adam MacDougall, (summary of Dr Bredesen’s work)

Page 20 – The Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Page 20 – MoCA brain test

Page 20 – Brian exercises

Page 20 – Souvenaid

Page 20 – MCT oil 

Page 20 – Ashwagandha, an Indian herb

Page 20 – The APOE gene 

Page 20 – Redimind mixture / tonic (Nutreance)

Page 22 – Mayo Clinic

Page 22 –

Page 22 – National Institute of Aging

Page 22 –

Page 23 – Alzheimer’s Natural Treatment Options, Dr Josh Axe

Page 23 – New Scientist article

Page 23 – UK National Health

Page 25 – UCLA research May 2017

Page 25 – Natural News article

Page 27 – article

Page 28 – (2 articles)

Page 28 – Harvard Medical School

Page 29 – NCBI National Centre for Biological Information

Page 30 – Medical News Today – article

Page 30 – TED video

Page 30 – Dietician Amylee Amos

Page 31 – 7th BioCeuticals Research Symposium, May 2019

Page 31 – YouTube TED talk, Oct 17, 2015:

     Alzheimer’s Is Not Normal Aging — And We Can Cure It

Page 31 – Collective Evolution, 2018 article

Page 32 – The Neuro Development Centre, Providence, Rhone Island, USA

Page 34 – Life Extension

Page 37 – Alzheimers Association

Page 38 – UC Berkeley School of Public Health

Page 38 – World Health Organisation (WHO)

Page 38 – Emory University – ADRC Research Centre

Page 39 – Wikipedia

Page 40 – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Dept of Health

Page 40 –

Page 41 – Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (training for Dr Bredesen’s protocol)

Page 43 – SharpAgainNaturally

Page 44 – Healing Advocates

Page 44 – Curing Alzheimer’s with Science and Song, 25 min video

Page 45 – MCT and coconut oil

Page 45 – Dementia is preventable through lifestyle. Start now

Page 46 – The latest news on Alzheimer’s disease and brain health research

Page 46 – Biogen Revives Aducanumab

Page 46 – MIT Scientists Reveal Brain Rhythm Role In Alzheimer’s Research

Page 47 – The End of Alzheimer’s, 67-minute interview, Dr Michael Fossel

Page 47 – Keto-nutrition, Dr Dominic D’Agostino

Page 48 – The link between diet, exercise and Alzheimer’s

Page 49 – Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease

Page 49 – What is Alzheimer disease? A simple explanation

Pages 49-51 Eight articles that explain how meditation can improve mental health

Page 51 – Cacao, a power drug for the brain

Page 52 – Harvard Medical School. Is my forgetfulness normal?

Page 54 – Analysis by Dr Joseph Mercola, 7 November 2019

Page 55 – Eat more citrus fruits & cucumbers,

Page 55 – Benefits of Ashwagandha

Page 55 – Distributed memory: the brain in the heart

Page 56 – Biogen aducanumab 

Page 56Sound Therapy

Page 57 – Drugs That Quell Brain Inflammation Reverse Dementia

Page 57 – How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)

Page 57 – Another Alzheimer’s Vaccine Moves Closer to Human Trials

Page 58 – Biogen Plans to Buy Early-Stage Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Treatment

Page 59 – How Flavonols, Found in Fruit and Tea, Can Stave Off Alzheimer’s

Page 60 – A non-invasive ultrasound technology

Page 60 – The Neuroprotective Effects of Astaxanthin

Page 61 – Viruses and Bacteria Change Our Brains. What Can That Teach Us About Alzheimer’s?

Page 62 – ‘Three little pigs’: Musk’s Neuralink puts computer chips in animal brains

Page 63 – User Reviews & Ratings – donepezil oral

Page 63 – Colloidal Silver as a cure for many diseases, possibly Alzheimers

Page 64 – Anticholinergics Can Quadruple Cognitive Decline Risk

Page 66 – UCalgary lab identifies a way to interrupt progression of Alzheimers

Page 67 – Link Between Alzheimer’s and Gut Confirmed

Page  69 –  Far Reaching Implications of the Aducanumab Debacle, 19 June 2021

Page 69 – Current status, 12 May 2022: Dr Mercola, update on FDA fast-track UB-311 Alzheimer vaccination and other research

Page 70 – Halt Alzheimer’s Disease – With Cholesterol? 19 June 2022


Dr Dayan Goodenowe’s extensive research relating to Plasmalogens and remedial options for Alzheimer’s-related mind issues.

The recent release of decades of research by Dr. Dayan Goodenowe, a PhD neuroscientist, biochemist, synthetic organic chemist, inventor, and clinical research expert, has proposed what is currently by far the most comprehensive and promising approach to preventing and alleviating Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Plasmalogens. Dr Goodenowe and his group’s discoveries led to an extensive patent portfolio of diagnostic tests for the early detection and screening of diseases such as specific cancers (colon, pancreatic, ovarian, breast, lung, prostate, and many more), autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s, dementia, bipolar disease, schizophrenia, unipolar depression, cardiovascular disease, and others.

Dr Goodenowe’s website is  His recent exceptional book is Breaking Alzheimer’s, a 15-year Crusade to Expose the Cause and Deliver the Cure. This book is available from in paper and Kindle form

[As an analyst and researcher for many decades, I found Dr Goodenowe’s book the most credible and comprehensive on the subject I have ever read.]

Several videos are available that describe Dr Goodenowe’s research, findings and solutions such as:

  1. Dayan Goodenowe, PhD Preventing Heart Disease and Cognitive Decline – April 2023 – YouTube
  2. Episode #186: Plasmalogens with Dr. Dayan Goodenowe, PhD – YouTube
  3. Dr. Goodenowe presents at the Peptide World Congress, 2023 (

The following text is copied from Dr Goodenowe’s website:

Dr. Goodenowe’s discovery of disease prodromes also revealed an opposite truth: people who maintained optimal biochemical health had an extremely low risk of disease – they had biochemical prodromes of health and longevity. The mission of Prodrome Science is to enable each and every person to attain biochemical prodromes of health using scientifically validated, targeted biochemical nutrition.

Biochemical prodromes of disease are detectable years in advance of disease symptoms. By converting disease prodromes into health prodromes, we can prevent future diseases — a victory with no battle.

The most devastating negative health prodrome discovered by Dr. Goodenowe was a deficiency in a critical group of lipids called plasmalogens. Dr. Goodenowe discovered that plasmalogen deficiencies are linked to numerous diseases such as Alzheimer’s, autism, multiple sclerosis, most cancers, and early death.

There is no viable dietary source of plasmalogens to restore plasmalogen deficiencies. Dr. Goodenowe was the first to design, invent, patent, and develop targeted plasmalogen precursors capable of restoring plasmalogens in all cells of the body.

Dr. Goodenowe’s plasmalogen precursors have been extensively studied in preclinical and clinical research and are now available as dietary supplements, ProdromeNEURO™ and ProdromeGLIA™ on Blood plasmalogen levels can be measured using Dr. Goodenowe’s ProdromeSCAN™ blood test.


 Dr Mercola, update on FDA fast-track UB-311 Alzheimer vaccination and other research

By Dr Joseph Mercola

The following summarises Dr Mercola’s assessment and notes other recent research and findings.  The full paper can be viewed at the link below.

fda-fast-tracks-alzheimers-vaccine-10 May 2022.pdf

  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to UB-311, a vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease made by biotechnology company Vaxxinity
  • Aside from the potential problems that can arise when a vaccine is rushed to market, the vaccine may be problematic from the get-go because amyloid beta may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s, not the cause
  • Researchers have even suggested that amyloid beta is a response to neuronal stress, one that functions as a protective adaptation to the disease ?
  • Fast-tracking a vaccine that’s targeting an isolated element of Alzheimer’s disease that is not the underlying cause is destined to be a massive disaster ?
  • Overall, nourishing your brain health is best done with a comprehensively healthy lifestyle, including the use of exercise, ketogenic diet, time-restricted eating, optimized vitamin D and other hormones, increased sleep, meditation, detoxification and elimination of gluten and processed food



It is strongly recommended that all people interested in the subject should view the 84-minutes video Broken Brian dated 20 August 2020:


The video covers: How Alzheimer’s disease in the years to come will be a rare disease (3:09) – Why we need to change the way we think about medicine and health (10:15)

– Why amyloid plaque is not the cause of Alzheimer’s (13:37)

– Cognitive decline and nocturnal oxygen desaturation (16:59)

– The global statistics on Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline (18:39)

– How brain changes can be detected 20 years before Alzheimer’s symptoms are evident (22:38)

– How toxic exposure can lead to cognitive decline (44:26)

– What you can do today to prevent cognitive decline (54:43)

– How to assess your risk for neurodegenerative diseases (1:05:52) – The backlash Dr. Bredesen has faced for his work (1:13:48)

– Where to learn more about Dr. Bredesen (1:22:17)

Dr. Bredesen is on Instagram @drdalebredesen, on Facebook @drdalebredesen, on Twitter @drdalebredesen, and his website is Also mentioned in this episode: – Cognoscopy –…

Note: Dr Bredesen can be contacted at .  Re-CODE and related services can be viewed at or

 Dr Dale Bredesen’s second book:

 THE END OF ALZHEIMER’S PROGRAMME The Practical Plan to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline at Any Age.

This second book follows on and expands on Dr Bredesen’s first book discussed at length below. It both complements and provides considerable new material focused on practical ways to detect causative issues and how to treat them. The book is only available on Amazon  Kindle until the printed version is available on October 20 2020.

Some reviews on Amazon provide valuable comment on this book that also reflect the conclusions of the writer of this research paper:

This is a comprehensive follow up to Dr Bredesen’s last book. It’s inspiring and concise, even if the list of different tests to take seems long. Another review suggests the book’s recommendations are too difficult to put into practice. I understand where he’s coming from, but it really is worth a go – you might notice quite big changes from smaller portions of meat, or more olive oil, or cutting the carbs, or mixing up your veg, or taking curcumin, or… the list goes on.

 Dr Bredesen’s excellent new book follows on from his last book in cementing the fact that Alzheimer’s is treatable for most people, especially in the early stages. Dr Bredesen is leading the charge in a revolution that will save the lives of millions. Every person who has had an Alzheimer’s diagnosis in the family must read this book, their journey of despair will become a journey of hope and, if they act on the book’s recommendations, very likely a journey to success. Dr Bredesen has saved my wife’s life, what more can I say?

 This book should be a required reading material for every single human being! If you haven’t read this book, buy it, read it, implement the suggestions, and then buy and gift the book to others. I own Dr Bredesen’s first book but this one is just amazing- a summary of everything one should do.

 An important conclusion too is that the book has such a myriad of information – some simple, others very complex, that it is impossible to take in on first reading.  To apply all recommendations would be a full-time job.  It would be wise, as recommended in the book, to gain the confidence and assistance of a doctor who has an open mind and is keen to explore where the medical profession is mostly stuck in a negative rut – as described in the Key Findings to Date, above. This doctor, or knowledgeable medical person, should be able to help navigate the maze of information and organise a practical path for both the carer and person suffering from cognitive decline or Alzheimers.  Or for the person who wants to apply practical preventative measures before the onset of cognitive decline or Alzheimers.

The Epilogue is copied in full at the end of this research paper.  Some key points that should be carefully absorbed are:

  • When I was taught medicine, we studied, we practised, and we taught end-stage medicine—we learned and looked for signs of cancer metastasis and heart failure and dementia that were years down the road from when we should be identifying and treating the associated conditions. As I look back on all of this, it is discomfiting to recall how bad it was.
  • We need such a [new] movement now to effect a tectonic shift in health—the way we think about it, learn it, practise it, and benefit from it.
  • The twenty-first century will see the virtual end to the scourges of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lewy body disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerative colitis, and other complex chronic illnesses.
  • Thus the road map is clear. We know what to look for in each person, we know how to identify the contributors, we know how to deal with each one. Now we need to enact it, perfect it, and scale it.
  • Fixing cognition will become as routine as straightening teeth
  • Each one of us is a unique, N-of-1 experiment. May your experiment be successful, fulfilling, joyous, and lasting.