This new post lists medications and treatments that have credible endorsements on reducing the chance of getting Covid, Influenza, colds and similar health issues, and to minimise the effects if you do get an allied problem. Clearly, the post does not make recommendations but aims to ensure people have a wide range of information significant to their health issues.
Recipes for making Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) at home
Editor’s note: A ‘net search will reveal many more similar sites.
A selection of websites describing home recipes and medical use: – Notes: The batch made about 4 cups of quinine liquid. Lasts for 14 days in the refrigerator. I filled up one 2 cup glass container to keep in fridge for my family and froze the other 2 cups in two ice cube trays then I transferred to a glass container for the future. Each ice cube is about 2 TBSP. You can take an ice cube and put in a cup and cover with boiling water. THIS IS MEANT TO BE INGESTED NO MORE THAN 14 DAYS AT A TIME.
Most importantly, protect your health with nutrition and emergency remedies. Personally, I don’t travel without chlorine dioxide, colloidal silver, black cumin seed oil, oregano oil, iodine and other essentials which can cover a variety of health support needs. I have even begun to carry a supply of prescription ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, too. I’m also beginning to recommend people investigate sources of shikimic acid such as star anise herb, certain types of pine needles and fennel seeds (which can be chewed raw to release their shikimic acid).
I self-treated the sudden onset of aggressive symptoms with chlorine dioxide — and I shared this publicly on my podcasts at the time — which resolved the symptoms literally overnight. I am personally aware of another person who was sickened at the event and nearly died, taking about 3 weeks to recover. (See the site [] for details on chlorine dioxide and why flooding your body with oxygen produces such dramatic effects.)
Note: another reference to medical use of Chlorine Dioxide to treat Covid, Influenza etc. can be viewed at:
How To Obtain Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) & Ivermectin
By John O’Sullivan, 9 September
Please note: we are NOT medical practitioners. PSI does NOT personally provide or prescribe HCQ or any other drugs. What is presented below is for information purposes so that you can do your own research and make your own decisions.
In addition, please be advised that it is the considered opinion of many of our scientists and researchers that the disease termed COVID19 is not a scientifically proven viral infection. A ‘COVID’ case is more likely influenza or a bad cold. Much fraud abounds on the issue for the purposes of duping an ignorant public into having unnecessary and expensive expensive ‘vaccines’ (not vaccines at all, but gene modification).
One of the more useful websites for information on readily getting these incredible multi-purpose medicines is The site has a recent update (September 5, 2021):
Our government, the medical establishment, and their lackeys in the media have recently done a full court press to demonize Ivermectin, just as they previously did with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).
This is a key line from the abstract: “There were no severe adverse drug events recorded in the study. A 5-day course of ivermectin was found to be safe and effective in treating adult patients with mild COVID-19.”
Many people have experienced delays in using the telemed program from America’s Front Line Doctors (AFLDS) at:
Editor’s note: On Feb. 2, 1996 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published an announcement in “The Pharma Letter” explaining that ivermectin had officially been approved for non-veterinary use. However, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is really a private corporation posing as a public health agency, ivermectin should not be used by humans because it is intended for animals.
I wanted to provide additional resources for potential places to obtain Ivermectin and HCQ. There are many, so I cannot vouch for any of them. Here are some: (Note: this list is a directory of doctors in other countries. Again, I cannot vouch for any of them, but it also includes a doctor from CANADA for those who have asked.)
Please be advised: Many name brand pharmacies such as Walgreen’s likely won’t fill these prescriptions. You will either need a local pharmacy willing to do so, or if the doctor you find who prescribes is able to refer to one he/she knows can fill the order quickly, then that’s also a good choice.
I hope many people have been seeking ways to obtain these meds because of the blackout by their own doctors. Good luck. I hope these resources are useful to you.
UPDATE: I just saw this concerning pharmacies at the FLCCC website. They provide a list of pharmacies that will supposedly fill prescriptions for HCQ and Ivermectin:
This post provides John’s latest newsletter which covers a range of topical political, technical and environmental issues.
John’s newsletter, 13 December 2020
Hi Guys,
The Reserve Bank of NZ and all other central banks expect a continuation into lower and even negative interest rates during the next several months. This means investment yields will fall; and inflation will sooner or later become hyper-inflation. Even with no news to report the share markets headed higher this week and dividend yields in percentage terms fell further. Unless invested in companies mauled by the impact of Covid, the actual dividends being paid have held steady in dollar terms. But the rush to shares has had a huge impact.
In New Zealand, the attempted hostile takeover of the Infratil group by “Australian Super” has also had an impact share prices on energy stocks as well as for Infratil, and not just for Trustpower.
Real estate prices continue higher as bank interest rates for funds on deposit fall through the floorboards. This affects yields on rentals for both commercial and industrial real estate. House prices rose on average by $24,000 in November alone. Incompetent government now driving incompetent central bank policies.
By the end of this week, if Boris Johnson holds his nerve, the British will have a “no deal Brexit”. This will be a lose/lose for both Britain and the EU…
How could Britain have won in 1945 yet lost to both France and Germany’s bullying in 2020? The wealthy UK “remainers” have simply persuaded the EU leaders that Boris will cave to their pressure. Nigel Farage is also continuing his political opposition to Britain either remaining in the EU or the EU continuing to make UK laws…
In the USA a form of civil war has begun as 19 states sue the states that changes their rules for this specific election. This has nothing to do with Trump versus Biden but the equality of the treatment of a vote from state to state…yet the US Supreme Court is reluctant to get involved.
The Russia-gate effort to impeach Trump was an attempted “soft coup”. Going after General Flynn was also just a hyped-up attack on Trump’s White House arrangements…
But by the end of next week Trump will either have scored some major surprise victories or will likely have conceded. As they say, “He is running out of runway”. The Electoral College votes for the POTUS on Monday and at this point I cannot see that being delayed. The problems with the Bidens’ obvious criminality are more likely now to see the active communist, Kamala Harris as POTUS than Trump at this stage. While the Hunter Biden issues have been public knowledge for 70% of US citizens, the news media has protected the Bidens by enforcing an embargo on publication. Now, instead of the long-running FBI investigation into the conduct of the Biden family being blamed for the attack on “Sleepy Joe”, the mainstream media finger the FBI and IRS actions as being a “loser’s” complaint by Trump. The Democrats threw the Bidens under the bus during the Congressional impeachment hearings in early 2020 yet the mainstream media completely suppressed the news. You may recall I was commenting about this at the time.
and according to Wall Street Journal, US AG Bill Barr intercepted information implicating Hunter Biden and concealed it during the presidential election campaign to Trumps disadvantage. Now the matter is all over the news despite CNN also having been involved in the cover up.
Our own media reflects that mainstream globalist media agenda and simply treats the allegations against the Bidens that originated from the US State Department as Trumps sour grapes. So it seems to me the dystopian Orwellian world of “1984” is here in New Zealand. Now there is a fourth investigation into Biden…
Onto the Great Reset, planned by the global Uber-elites. Just as the Duke of Windsor was a Nazi, many of the Nazi opinions have now re-surfaced under the guise of the drift towards socialism and the need for practical eugenics to depress global population. The globalist billionaires are all for it and the leading proponents are now Soros, Schwab and Prince Charles. But who is Klaus Schwab?
No-one seems interested as China sustains more flooding. What they have had this year is flooding of biblical proportions and the 3-Gorges Dam is still at risk. No wonder they have famine…
While the space weather drives climate change, major anomalous solar events can cause mayhem on Earth…as solar cycle 25 gets into gear there are signs of possible CMEs in our near future…
This will be my last email before Christmas unless something really surprising happens. In the New Year I fear we will awaken to a Kamala Harris presidency in the USA and to the reality of Brexit. A brave new world – 1984 2.0 accelerates. As Mel Brooks said ‘Be afraid, be very afraid’.
This post complements the post ‘Which New World Order?’ Numerous articles, books and videos have described a world that includes a ‘breakaway civilisation’, inhabited by various ‘aliens’ as well as humans. This universe has always existed in parallel to the world we have been told about since birth, but has been kept a deep secret from the 99.999% uninitiated who are not ‘read in’. But the evidence it exists is compelling, such as many statements made by US President Eisenhower. A useful starting point is to read Section 3.1 of the book ‘They’re Conning You!’, copied below (See the post Book Reviews to download).
The following article by Kerry Cassidy extends way past where Section 3.1 finishes.
Then a series of interviews by Kerry Cassidy with A’Shayana Deane presents 6 hours of mind-blowing information that provides explanations about the past and current history of the Universe and the Earth, all on behalf of the Guadian Alliance.
Editor’s note: it seems the danger point expected in 2012 was avoided, as explained by A’Shayana in the following workshop: . A simplified summary is provided in the text below.
Note: this post is a work-in-progress. Much more material will be added including updates of older material noted in this post.
3.1 Aliens / Extra Terrestrials and their UFOs have been on earth for aeons.
section summarises historical issues relevant to the total picture of our world
at present.
factor is expanded later in the book, and a range of support is provided in
appendices for further study. Inevitably, there are overlaps and some
duplication between several of the points below. But let’s start with the very
big picture: the whole universe.
way of introducing this subject, consider the conclusions noted at the start of
Appendix E, Ancient Civilisations:
There are many compelling articles, books, myths, videos etc. that explain how aliens from other worlds and dimensions have visited and stayed on our earth for aeons, possibly millions of years.
seems likely that aliens in some way created or modified human and living
creatures’ DNA, probably to extend man’s abilities as alien servants.
stories are very different from ‘official’ and learnt views, although much is
supported by stories in ancient texts, including the Bible.
overall picture presented suggests that aliens and/or their hybrids were, and
possible are now, the major determinants in what happened in the past, and
likely in modern societies.
major issue is to what extent aliens and/or their followers such as hybrids,
are planning our future, in particular a new world order.
is overwhelming evidence that aliens, or extra-terrestrials, have been visiting
our planet for at least tens of thousands of years, and quite possibly hundreds
of thousands, and possibly millions of years.
The most compelling evidence relates to the large number of
constructions such as the pyramids and other structures around the world that
would have required technologies unknown to current science to build them. The only realistic possibility is that these
technologies came from ETs in some currently unknown form. As well, there is overwhelming evidence that
ETs and UFO have been regular visitors to earth since at least the mid-1940s.
There is also ample evidence across our solar system of cataclysmic and catastrophic destruction events. The asteroid belt, for example, maybe the remains of an exploded planet. The known planets are scarred from incredible impacts and teeter in their orbits due to causes heretofore inadequately explained. Rejecting the naturalist and materialist assumptions of catastrophism forwarded by other researchers.
unfortunate part about the phenomenon of extra-terrestrial (ETs) and
unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is that the world rarely sees evidence for
it presented in a credible way. Nearly all mainstream media outlets, news
anchors, and journalists do more harm than good, discrediting a topic that has
plenty of proof behind it. Either it’s not discussed at all, or it’s done
through ridicule.
the very first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) told the New
York Times in 1960: “behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are
soberly concerned about UFOs, but through official secrecy and ridicule, many
citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
A brief search will reveal hundreds of people and documents that have shown, beyond a doubt, that UFOs exist, and that some of them could be extraterrestrial, and others, our own advanced technology.
The documents show objects travelling at unattainable speeds and performing manoeuvres that no known aircraft can perform. Descriptions come from people including high ranking military personnel, politicians, astronauts, and academics from different fields telling us that we are not alone and that this is known at the highest levels of government, or those who puppet the government.
former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee stated: “I do know that
whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly
classified.” An Apollo 14 astronaut
stated: “there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”
of the most shocking and infamous events in US history was the assassination of
President John F Kennedy on 22 November 1963 in Dallas.
In this historic and powerful Dark Journalist episode, 30 November 2017, host Daniel Liszt welcomes Watergate Lawyer and Author Douglas Caddy. Caddy is well-known for being the Attorney of the Watergate burglars who mysteriously broke into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) looking for secrets that have never been revealed. (The full video can be seen at: The interview text is below. Much more material on this appalling affair is in Appendix I. The key point is that JFK knew about the US shadow government and military/industrial complex’s then-recent involvement with aliens and their technology. Kennedy planned to share this with Russian President Krushchev and the rest of the world in order to progress knowledge and advance humanity. For that, his shadow government and successor President, Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) had him assassinated in order to keep these space secrets to themselves:
was close personal friends with ultra-CIA insider and SuperSpy agent E. Howard
Hunt, who used Caddy to represent his many non-intel projects, but later lured
him in to represent the Watergate burglars while keeping his own role hidden.
In their final meeting Hunt shared never before heard details of the JFK
Assassination with Caddy, including the fact that the Watergate burglary was
instigated as a mission to obtain vital documents regarding hidden evidence in
the DNC that revealed details of a massive conspiracy to assassinate JFK. In a
bombshell twist Hunt then revealed that JFK was killed for his attempts to
expose the reality of the Alien Presence and share it with our Russian Cold War
Since the original UFO flap of 1947, the US had created a secret group sometimes referred to as ‘Majestic Twelve’ or ‘MJ12′ to study the phenomena and to reverse-engineer technology that was recovered. This secret MJ12 group began to grow beyond its mandate and eventually slipped away from presidential supervision and formed a Breakaway group operating inside the National Security State via elements in the CIA. When Kennedy discovered this covert group operating outside the purview of the President he instituted a number of initiatives to regain control over the advanced research and technology achieved with knowledge of the Alien Presence. One of these initiatives was to share our knowledge of the UFO Phenomena with our Russian Cold War enemies in the Soviet Union and institute a joint Space Program/Moon Mission to avert a new arms race in space.
official memos from JFK, including National Security Action Memorandum 271,
direct NASA to institute a new policy of cooperation in space exploration with
the Russians, another memo, recently released under the Freedom of Information
Act, shows JFK told the CIA to hand over all data concerning UFOs with an
emphasis on “High Threat” cases. These memos were dated November 12th, 1963,
only ten days before JFK was killed in Dallas, Texas and are further evidence
that he was assassinated because of his exposing of the UFO secret.
UFO Control Group were not going to let him show the world what the National
Security State decided was their own private discovery. They were willing to
remove a sitting President to maintain their UFO Technology Secrecy.’
Theodore C. Loder III, PhD Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire stated: “Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc. . . . They are visiting Earth NOW; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.”
aerospace journalist James Goodall, an accomplished speaker who wrote for
publications such as Jane’s Defence Weekly, Aviation Week & Space
Technology, and Intervavia, interviewed many people from the classified black
budget world. He did all of this while being the Associate Curator at the
Pacific Aviation Museum. According to Goodall, and the people he has spoken to,
“we have things out there that are literally out of this world, better than
Star Trek or what you see in the movies.” Goodall also claims to have known Ben
Rich, the second director of Lockheed Skunkworks, very well. In a video
interview, Goodall stated that he spoke to Rich approximately 10 days before he
died: “About ten days before he died, I was speaking to Ben on the telephone at
USC medical centre in LA. And he said, ‘Jim, we have things out in the desert
that are fifty years beyond what you can comprehend.”
source for Ben Richs’ comments came from Jan Harzan, a senior executive with
IBM, along with Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer
systems analyst for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. They discuss a talk Ben
gave some time ago. On March 23, 1993, at a UCLA School of Engineering talk
where he was presenting a general history of Sunk Works, he said: “We now know
how to travel to the stars. There is an error in the equations, and we have
figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars and it won’t take a
lifetime to do it. It is time to end all the secrecy on this, as it no longer
poses a national security threat, and make the technology available for use in
the private sector. There are many in the intelligence community who would like
to see this stay in the black and not see the light of day. We now have the
technology to take ET home.” He believes that carefully protected technology
has been co-opted by an as-yet-unknown group, and the sequestration of this
technology has provided this organization a great deal of leverage in global
politics, finance, and international conflicts over the past five decades.
In 2013, top American astronomers gathered in front of Congress to let them know that ‘extraterrestrial life exists — without question’. They cited the sheer size of the universe as their most important proof, emphasizing that there are trillions of stars out there, with one in every five most likely harbouring an Earth-like planet.
Shostak, Senior Astronomer at California’s SETI Institute stated: “The number
of habitable worlds in our galaxy is certainly in the tens of billions,
minimum, and we haven’t even talked about the moons. And the number of galaxies
we can see, other than our own, is about 100 billion.”
At least a dozen NASA astronauts have made similar comments such as Dr Edgar Mitchell. Dr Brian O’Leary, former NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor said: “There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.” – “In my opinion, I think they were worried that it would panic the public so they started telling lies about it. And then I think they had to tell another lie to cover their first lie, now they don’t know how to get out of it. Now it’s going to be so embarrassing to admit that all these administrations have told so many untruths, it would be embarrassing getting out of it. There are a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around.”
Some of the most extraordinary statements about UFOs and extraterrestrials come from people who have held some of the highest positions known — those who would be in a position to know about possible extraterrestrial encounters. Former head of CIA Roscoe Hillenkoetterm said: “Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” … “There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here … [and] that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. That it behoves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”
is compelling evidence there are programs doing this exotic work are known as
Special Access Programs (SAP) and Unacknowledged Special Access Projects. These
programs do not exist publicly, but they do exist, better known as ‘deep black
programs.’ An article in the UK MailOnline, 6 April 2017, claimed:
least four Nasa astronauts have gone public over their belief in aliens
example is Edgar Mitchell, the sixth person to have walked on the moon
claims that aliens have previously stopped Cold War nukes from firing
Cooper was selected for Nasa’s first manned spaceflight mission
claims that he saw a UFO flying over an experimental US airbase.
Lucianne Walkowicz, an astrophysicist at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago,
warned in February that making contact with aliens could be catastrophic for
the human race. ‘There’s a possibility that if we actively message, with the
intention of getting the attention of an intelligent civilization, that the
civilization we contact would not necessarily have our best interests in mind,’
she said ‘On the other hand, there might be great benefits. It could be
something that ends life on Earth, and it might be something that accelerates
the ability to live quality lives on Earth. We have no way of knowing.’
Mitchell was the sixth person to walk on the moon in 1971 after travelling on
the Nasa craft Apollo 14. He experienced an intense spiritual epiphany on his
way back from the moon and his since dedicated his life to proving the
existence of alien life. He has claimed that aliens have previously saved
humanity from a devastating nuclear war and suggested that the Vatican is
covering up their knowledge of an alien race that is trying to share its
secrets for a new source of energy.
has said that aliens are often spotted above nuclear warhead silos and have
stopped nukes from firing off during Cold War tensions. The astronaut firmly
believes that the US government is covering up the Roswell scandal in which a
disk-like craft allegedly crashed near a small town in New Mexico. ‘The reason
for the denial is they didn’t know if they [the aliens] were hostile and they
didn’t want the Soviets to know so they devised to lie about it and cover it
up,’ he reportedly said. Mitchell died in hospital on February 4, 2016, at the
age of 85 – the eve of the 45th anniversary of his lunar landing.
has claimed that aliens have previously saved humanity from a devastating
nuclear war and suggested that the Vatican is covering up their knowledge of an
alien race that is trying to share its secrets for a new source of energy.
Cooper was one of seven astronauts selected for Nasa’s first manned spaceflight
mission. Code-named Project Mercury, the mission ran from 1958 until 1963 and
aimed to get a human into orbit. The craft he flew in was named ‘spam in a can’
because it was automatically controlled rather than piloted by astronauts on
board. Cooper has claimed that he saw a UFO flying over Germany in 1951. He
also claims to have seen aliens at an experimental US airbase during his time
with Nasa. ‘I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are
visiting this planet from other planets, which are a little more technically advanced
than we are on Earth,’ he told the UN in 1984. ‘We may first have to show them
that we have learned how to resolve our problems by peaceful means rather than
warfare, before we are accepted as fully qualified universal team members.
‘Their acceptance will have tremendous possibilities of advancing our world in
all areas.’ Cooper developed Parkinson’s disease aged 77 and died from heart
failure on 4 October 2004.
Deke Slayton was also part of Nasa’s Project Mercury, and climbed through the
Space Agency’s ranks before becoming Nasa’s Director of Flight Crew Operations.
He reportedly saw a UFO in 1951. ‘It looked like a saucer sitting at a
45-degree angle,’ he said, according to the Daily Star. ‘I didn’t have any
cameras otherwise I would have shot some pictures. ‘At that time – for whatever
reason – it just took off climbing and just accelerated and disappeared.’
Slayton was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour in 1992 and died from the
illness, at the age of 69, on June 13, 1993. Slayton was also part of Nasa’s
Project Mercury, and climbed through the Space Agency’s ranks before becoming
Nasa’s Director of Flight Crew Operations.
O’Leary was shortlisted for a Nasa mission to Mars in 1967, though the
programme was cancelled a year later. A near-death experience later in his life
changed O’Leary’s perspective on extra-terrestrials. Dr O’Leary, who became a
physics professor at Princeton University after leaving Nasa, said: ‘There is
abundant evidence that we are being contacted. ‘Civilisations have been
monitoring us for a very long time and that their appearance is bizarre from
any type of traditional materialistic western point of view.’ O’Leary died of
intestinal cancer on July 28, 2011, soon after diagnosis, at his home in
Vilcabamba, Ecuador.
article in the Daily Express, 25 November 2017 states ‘ALIENS have been
visiting Earth for thousands of years and nearly caused chaos at the height of
the Cold War, a former defence minister has sensationally claimed.’ Four
different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of
Paul Hellyer, the Canadian Minister of National Defence in the 1960s during the Cold War, claims to have inside information that top governments are in cahoots with aliens. Mr Hellyer first spoke about his belief that aliens were on Earth in 1995, and since then has become an authoritative figure in the UFO community. Speaking to RT, Mr Hellyer said: “In one of the cases during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years.” Mr Hellyer alleged the alien species travelled to Earth from different star systems. He said: “Many are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. They come from various places, for a long while I only knew about ones that came from different star systems, the Pleiades. There are extraterrestrials that come from Andromeda, and ones that live on one of Saturn’s moons. There is a federation of these people, and they have rules, one of them is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited.” And in a dire threat, Mr Hellyer said the alien visitors have tried to warn the human race about the way civilisation is heading and alleged the United States has spent billions of dollars on so-called “black projects”.
Hellyer also said: “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both Congress and the Commander-in-Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.”
An article on noted the Pentagon recently authorised the release of footage of a Navy pilot’s close encounter with an unidentified flying object. This was presented along with the implied announcement that the U.S. government has set up a secretive military program to identify and monitor extra-terrestrial threats, the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. The program only ran from 2012 to 2017, they say, which is a short five years in the longer timeline of U.S. government investigations into UFO activity, going back the Roswell incident in 1947. Rather than fully disclosing the contents of the U.S. government’s knowledge of ET’s and UFO’s, the recent announcements can be seen as ‘psyop’ to confuse and misdirect the UFO research community away from other important pieces of this timeline. This type of obfuscation offers cover to black budget programs while subtly announcing the presence of a war plan against extra-terrestrials.
By Kerry Cassidy, October 15, 2019
This overview is
not by any means complete but should go a long way toward bringing most people
closer to the actual reality we are dealing with. Much of the information
below can be found in various Project Camelot interviews.
The problem with most assessments of the future is that they do not seem to incorporate an understanding that Zionists are actually ANUNNAKI and as such, they have an agenda which is as an alien race going back to Enki, Enlil and the whole Sumerian Tablets and work of Zecharia Sitchin…which reveals their involvement here on Earth. Their establishment here on Earth, back in probably 12,000 BC or earlier … of a ‘frequency fence’ in the brains (and DNA) of humanity that has started to break down finally but that 90% of humanity was affected and involves their genetic engineering of the human genome back then to separate our DNA …into junk DNA (to slow our growth)…
The Anunnaki are
still here (they never left although some came and went). They are,
“walking the halls of the Pentagon” as my witness Bob Dean has said and they
are running Israel underground in Dimona. Their presence in Israel was
documented by journalist Barry Chamish (who died about 1 year ago) a rebellious
but mainstream Israeli journalist who heard that housewives in Israel were
reporting that their homes were being invaded by VERY TALL male individuals who
would enter without knocking, walk around like they owned the place, (largely
ignoring the housewives protest) and kick any barking dogs out of the way with
no apparent sensitivity toward animals.
This phenomenon
piqued Barry Chamish’ s interest who then as a journalist actually investigated
and went around interviewing the housewives and checking into these reports. He
did not come to a conclusion except to note that the description of these
beings was remarkably like the beings seen carved into the walls of temples in
Egypt and Iran.
I interviewed BARRY
CHAMISH before he died about this on a radio show years ago however I believe
that is one of the shows that has disappeared from our servers.
I have other info
proving that Israel is RUN BY THE ANUNNAKI.
Now the Anunnaki as a race are humanoid, very tall and also are the LONG HEADS found all over the world notably in South America as well… Brien Foerster has investigated this (a well known alternative archaeologist and author) and has a museum somewhere in South America FULL of long head skulls!!
They are also found
in Malta (huge coverup there) and Egypt and probably in the rest of the Middle
East although not much has made it out.
The Anunnaki were invaded aeons ago by the DRACO and so then there was a hybrid race of humanoid Anunnaki mixed with reptilian DNA — called I believe Sirian Anunnaki. Consequently, there is confusion in this sector over the fact that Anunnaki can be humanoid or reptilian-human hybrids.
Not understanding
the role of the Anunnaki in our past is crucial to not understanding what
Israel is really about…
They are a fierce
race and highly intellectual. Khazarian Jews have the Anunnaki
And they are
involved in Antarctica as well.
Now with respect to
Icke and ETs — Whereas I have every respect for David Icke and his work, his
analysis does not incorporate anywhere near the degree that Project Camelot has
because for some reason he never really went down that road other than to pick
up the Draco/Reptilian/Grey side of the story.
You need to read the Ashayana Deane VOYAGER books to get anywhere near the understanding of the repeated history of humanity and how many races have contributed their DNA and genetically messed with Humanity over the aeons… They will also enlighten you to the MUCH BIGGER picture than the one you think is going on here.
I believe am the
only journalist she has allowed to interview her… I have a 3 part 6 hour
interview with her on my youtube channel:
The books are
better for grasping the GUARDIAN ALLIANCE info she downloads about OUR TRUE
HISTORY…. The Guardian Alliance is a group of various races of beings who
contributed their DNA to the Human Genome and safeguard this particular human
experiment here on Earth. The VOYAGER books are available as Ebooks:
These books are
highly complex and like nothing you have ever read. The info is
stellar and more advanced than anything else out there and much more
far-reaching than the Bible for example.
I travelled to
India with her and her group years ago.
Some people are
doing a good job trying to put the big picture together there is a lot they are
not aware of with regard to our dealings with various ET races and this is the
area my Project Camelot deals with quite extensively. My research on
this topic spans 15 years in Project Camelot and years before that my own
investigations and being abducted and dealing various contact experiences all
my life.
While I realize
that some have not been interested in getting into this subject other than at
the most superficial level, the trouble is that going forward any analysis of
news items and the world scene (and what for example Trump is dealing with)
must include this background (and there’s a lot more) before you can begin to
really grasp what is going on here on Planet Earth and the various ET interest
groups interacting with various governments and vying for control of humanity.
For example, you cannot possibly analyse the cat and mouse game going on in the Straits of Hormuz / Gulf of Oman and Aden without understanding the role of stargates and portals (from which the various ETs come and go) and what is really going on there without also having taken on board the role of the Anunnaki.
You have to wrap in
things like:
1. How
ISIS was created by the CIA and PAID to destroy the monuments and ancient sites
in the Middle East that depict the former REPTILIAN RULE over humanity.
2. How
certain governments are aligned with competing ET races.
3. How
our own branches of the military are aligned with competing ET races!
4. How
negotiations about nuclear weapons is a COVER for ET negotiations.
5. How
there is evidence that some nuclear sites have had their nukes and missiles
ACTIVATED not turned off by ET races on occasion and this was reported by To
The Stars Academy (with Tom DeLonge) as their spokesman who has largely been
silenced now.
6. How
we are at war with various ET races and chemtrails are often serving to hide
that war going on over our heads. How this has been documented by a
filmmaker in LA / former DEA agent who they killed not long ago. Who had hours
and hours of film of the battles over LA going on to this day!!
7. How many of the national / and international incidents we think only involved human involved humans working with ETs…such as the Bay of Pigs nuclear standoff… the attack on the ship USS Liberty (Anunnaki) and VW sized Spiders in Vietnam (Vietnam war) and so much more… are all ET related.
8. Not
to mention the recent FIRES in California… destroying of PARADISE CA …
collateral damage from the necessity to close recently opened PORTALS by
rampaging ET races!
9. How the deals made with the GREYS who launched a whole genetic engineering program back in the 1930s shifted their plundering/abduction of United States citizens to create Grey-Human Hybrids down to Latin and South America… How that program is now hugely successful and many of their hybrid offspring are now growing up south of the border and THIS IS WHAT the border issue is really all about (as well as to keep Chinese troops from invading us underground). Because the future world will be an X-men scenario dealing with Grey-Human hybrids who have well-developed intellect and superpowers such as telekinesis but less heart (emotional body) than humans (who are already a hybrid race)… and the lack of compassion in these new hybrids will affect our world drastically in the future.
10. How
indications are that our government officials have been going down to
Antarctica since at least the Kennedy administration or before and getting
their ORDERS from some race of beings down there… including John Kerry during
the Obama election. Orders from a race of beings maybe the reptilian human
hybrids (part of the CONTINGENT FROM ALDEBARAN ) that helped the Nazis
with high tech and eventually made it into our space program.
11. How
Africa (and the war in the Middle East) is also with Reptoids (human reptilian
hybrids) who have bases in Iraq and Syria and down in remote parts of AFRICA…
12. How Africa has been “given” largely to a new incoming race of those from ALDEBARAN against the vote of many countries in exchange for some territory to build human colonies off-planet outside this solar system … revealed by Gordon Duff and another secret witness and that they have quietly been invading that continent. This was depicted in the TV mini-series called THE EVENT several years ago still available on Amazon and maybe Netflix.
13. How the
Vatican is run by the Reptilians underground below it! As reported
by Leo Zagami P2 magician/insider years ago in my famous interview with him.
14. How the whole paedophilia epidemic among the elite and rampant satanic practices and Luciferianism is a reflection of the impact of Reptilian DNA upon certain human bloodlines. This influence is stimulated in particular by the ‘power over others’ impulse in our societies. It involves occult knowledge of the power contained in what is known as kundalini in the East and orgone in the West. That the young have in high amounts and must be activated in humans to continue past puberty through meditation. Reptilians and Greys feed on what some call “loosh” stimulated by the fight or flight response that releases a substance in the glands of humans that they consider an aphrodisiac. Draco/Reps and Greys use humans for sex and food and this is perhaps the biggest secret that those within the Secret government/ Secret Space Program don’t want you to know in part because they don’t think you can handle the truth. But in reality, they fear they will lose control over humanity if the truth were known and of course a large part of their leadership are Satanists and involved in these practices.
This analysis of the roots and causes of paedophilia must be revealed
before society can actually deal with this huge issue on our planet.
Consider how revealing the Reptilians and their historical relationship to
humanity is central to being able to administer any form of justice in these
It all comes down to the power over others issue. The young become
prostitutes sometimes by force sometimes by choice to climb out of their
powerlessness. They use the only form of power they have (sexual) to
coerce and seduce the old… It is not a one-way street. The occult side of
this, while it remains hidden, continues to enslave. If we don’t expose
this to the light how is it going to change? The most corrupted will only
go deeper into hiding while the young continue to fall under the sway of
predators. If we don’t warn our children of what’s out there how can they
protect themselves?
You see everyone who knows the real roots of this epidemic at the top
and keeps quiet is basically a facilitator.
And it goes on…
Most of my
colleagues give a very superficial reading of the situation here on Earth to
give people hope (and maybe because they like many in the military and secret
government/ secret space program, think humanity can’t handle the truth).
I disagree with this assessment and think HUMANITY CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH
and it is imperative to our sovereignty and well-being that we do!
One cannot analyse
the world stage without wrapping in the above bullet points otherwise they end
up looking rather dumb from the perspective of those in the know (some of
Congress, Trump and the Queen and many other top officials and some military
worldwide) without therefore appearing largely harmless and being totally
ineffectual… Which is of course what the Powers-that-Be prefer.
Unfortunately, most
people do not have any real grasp of the interaction between humans and ETs
over history.
Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy is the CEO/ Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well-known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting weekly live shows on YouTube. PROJECT CAMELOT: aka – is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a YouTube channel that has over 800 video interviews over past 15 years, plus 5 years of radio show interviews and over 64 million unique viewers worldwide with over 238,000 subscribers. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistle-blowers with above top-secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement.
information is presented by Robert Hastings.
His website:
The website describes his introduction to the subject of UFOs: ‘In March 1967, Hastings witnessed five UFOs being tracked on radar at the base air traffic control tower. He later learned that these “unknown targets” had been manoeuvring near ICBM sites located southeast of the base. This experience ultimately led to his decades-long research into the UFO-nukes connection.’ One article on the Hastings website presents compelling evidence of UFO activity:
reality of UFO incursions at American nuclear weapons facilities has been
convincingly established. Hundreds of U.S. military veterans now openly discuss
these ominous incidents and thousands of declassified government documents
affirm their assertions.
the past four decades, noted researcher Robert Hastings has interviewed more
than 150 of those veterans regarding their involvement in one case or another.
On September 27, 2010, CNN live-streamed his UFOs and Nukes press conference in
Washington D.C. during which former U.S. Air Force missileers described
occasions when several ICBMs mysteriously malfunctioned moments after a
disc-shaped craft was observed hovering near their underground launch silos.
intriguing documentary film, UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed, is now
available at Vimeo On Demand. Unlike many of the UFO “documentaries” found on
network television nowadays, which contain far more speculation than fact, this
film rigorously examines the officially-still-hidden history of UFO activity at
nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile
sites—using authenticated files and the testimony of vetted military
evidence presented makes clear that humans’ deadliest weapons have been, since
their development and use during World War II, under intense scrutiny by
still-unidentified observers. Significantly, documents smuggled out of Russia
in the 1990s confirm that Soviet nukes were also the focus of UFO interest
during the Cold War era. More recently, U.S. Air Force personnel have alleged a
UFO involvement in one large-scale missile-disruption incident in October 2010.
In short, the situation is still unfolding.
asked to explain the purpose of the film, Hastings says, “Public education.
Someone possessing tremendously advanced technology has monitored and even
tampered with American and Russian nuclear weapons for decades. My view is that
UFOs are piloted by beings from another world. These stunning, nearly
unbelievable developments must not be kept secret by a handful of government
and military officials. We all have a right to know the facts.’ The following
documentary presents supporting information:
A view presented on is that aliens exist that have partly or very negative influences on our world and human beings. Whilst the following abbreviated text appears to be ludicrous, there are many similar views, including some people who have been interviewed following near-death experiences (NDE):
are extradimensional beings that have lost their consciousness connection to a
‘god source’ and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source
(like a parasite) to live thousands of years.
do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are
working on higher mind principles than humans. They are similar to a Mad
Scientist that manipulates and genetically modify human beings, similarly as a
genetic farmer interested in gaining more resources out of his herd of cattle
on the farm. Many of them are inherently violent and dangerous. They consider
humans an investment in their energy resource portfolio. These aliens can be
best understood as a psychopathic personality or identity profile with a lack
of empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings.
regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to
create intentional harm and violence for their own amusement. Some of these
negative groups have access to advanced technologies that have been developed
over many millions of years in other Universal systems or Galaxies, however,
most of their technological advancements have come from the creation and use of
artificial intelligence.
These beings have been manipulating the human world of affairs for thousands, possibly millions of years, at least since the Atlantian cataclysm for their own purposes. These are inter-dimensional and extra-dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelic in ancient history (Fallen Angels in Biblical terms) and they use many technological manipulation methods to mind control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race.
Extra-terrestrials that are hybridized with Reptilian based genetics operate in strict hierarchical systems of rank and defer to their superior groups. Draco Reptilians (Dracs) view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and that earth humans are the result of their biological seeding processes from multiple planets. [Note: others have described Reptilians as existing in different frequency ranges, which is why humans cannot see them directly until they change their energy frequency in parts to align with the narrow frequency band humans operate within. Thus, the appearance of people suddenly having black eyes, which seems to be the first part of a transition into our visible frequency range, or partly reptilian skin, as has been widely reported for aeons, quite possibly because humans have partly-reptilian DNA. This is similar to people’s experience who say they have seen a ghost which is mostly outside human’s frequency range, thus having a ‘ghostly’ appearance.]
The known reptilian races on earth appear to have made a variety of cooperative agreements with the higher ranks of human government and military, which have resulted in shadow government black projects and the creation of military-industrial complex (MIC) to experiment and exploit alien-based technologies and craft that they have been given access through their cooperation.
Dracs are an extremely militant, misogynistic and warring species that are very involved in controlling the world’s power elite, financial, pharmaceutical and banking institutions, promoting war and killing through increasing militarization, poverty consciousness, human enslavement programming, religious violence, terrorism, and the harvesting of humanities DNA through abduction and experimentation, as well as other species they have under their control.
controls the Mind controls the body, mind and soul. These humans are ensured
they remain in power on earth with materialism and military weapons as long as
they enforce and feed these aliens. During the Atlantean cataclysm about
26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary
grids Ley Lines became controlled by the alien controlling races such as the
Reptilians, the Annunaki.
of the largest lies promoted to divide our race is the War over Gods promoted
through religious violence. The false archetypal story of a crucified Christ
figure is a mockery to further enslave humans into believing in a salvation
Dr Joseph P Farrell, one of the most prolific, compelling and best-documented authors and investigators on ancient and modern matters, asserts that it is time to take the ancient myths of a Cosmic War in the heavens seriously. Incorporating extra-terrestrial artefacts, cutting-edge ideas in contemporary physics, and the texts of ancient myths into his argument, Farrell maintains that an ancient interplanetary war was fought in our own solar system with weapons of extraordinary power and sophistication. In doing so, he offers a solution to an enigma that has long mystified researchers, disclosing a cause of that ancient war, the means by which it was waged, and the real nature of the secret technology behind the ancient “Tablets of Destinies.” The history of the Exploded Planet Hypothesis, and what mechanism can actually explode a planet. The role of plasma cosmology, plasma physics (even plasma paleophysics) and scalar physics. The ancient texts telling of such destructions: from Sumeria (Tiamat’s destruction by Marduk), Egypt (Edfu and the Mars connections), Greece (Saturn’s role in the War of the Titans) and the ancient Americas. Dr Farrell’s books need to be read slowly to absorb the compelling explanations about how our world’s history evolved, together with the rest of the universe.
A customer review of Dr Farrell’s amazing book, The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts, by Zy Marquez, notes how well is argued, and how most official historians mock Farrell’s views – because these views do not align with their very narrow focus, as so often is the case. A summary of Farrell’s Cosmic War follows:
Dr Farrell’s hypotheses of an Ancient Interplanetary War is argued in an in-depth, precise and reasonable approach. The extensive evidence Farrell collates and synthesizes in this particular book will leave the reader aghast with the possibilities.
Intriguingly enough, many ancient cultures stated that the ‘Wars of the Gods’ were quite real. Predictably, even though there’s extensive evidence for advanced physics, advanced weapons, ancient [millions and BILLIONS of year-old artefacts found by reputable sources], the establishment has painted all over ancient history with myth.
Regarding this very issue, Jim Marrs in his book Our Occulted History, sets his crosshairs on this very issue: “The term mythology stems from the Greek word mythos, simply meaning words or stories reflecting the basic values and attitudes of people. In past ages, when the vast majority of humans were illiterate, easily understood parables were used to educate people about history, science, and technology. During the Dark Ages, when most people were taught that the Earth was flat, the word mythology was changed by the Roman Church to mean imaginative and fanciful tales veering far from truthfulness. This small change in semantics has caused untold damage in current perceptions.”
Ironically enough, there is starting to be more and more evidence of ‘myths’ now turning out to be fact. As Chris Hardy PhD remarks in her poignant book DNA Of The Gods:”…let’s remember that, before the discoveries of loads of ancient tablets written in the pictographic Sumerian language (Late Uruk period, fourth millennium BCE), the kingdom of Sumer was believed to be a myth. We had already discovered Akkad and deciphered Akkadian, and still, archaeologists wouldn’t give credence to the numerous carved references, within historical dated records, to a line of kings whose title was “King of Sumer and Akkad”.
Or how about the “myth” of Troy: “This myth collapsed in 1865 with archaeologist Frank Calvet’s discovery of the historic ruins of not only one city of Troy but nine layers of it! The city, whose siege is recounted in Homer’s Iliad, is only Troy VII, the seventh level underground, dating to the thirteenth century BCE.”
And notwithstanding, according to geologist Robert Schoch, who, in 1990, worked with the renowned pioneer Egyptologist John Anthony West, the vertical erosion of the Sphinx was due to heavy and extensive rainfall that happened in the region between 10,000 and 5,000 BCE, thus dating the Sphinx’s construction to at least 7,000 to 8,000 years ago) according to Schoch’s conservative estimate). What was the reaction of conventional archaeologists? Here is one: Zahi Hawass, Director General of Giza, was asked in an interview on the PBS series NOVA if it was possible that a more ancient civilization might have built the pyramids and sculpted the Sphinx. Hawass replied: “Of course it is not possible for one reason…No single artefact, no single inscription, or pottery, or anything has been found until now, in any place to predate the Egyptian civilization more than 5,000 years ago.” That last passage in particular showcases the inherent dogma that we as a society have had to deal with.
The gatekeepers, for many reasons, want to keep established history in a nice little box. Fortunately, as anyone who has extensively researched these topics know, there’s more than ample evidence that shows that at minimum history isn’t what we have been told.
Cosmic War covers wide-ranging but pertinent topics such as Van Flandern’s exploded planet hypothesis, an analysis of plasma in relation to weapons that employ scalar physics, petroglyphs which show plasma instability glyphs that were recorded by ancient cultures, remnants of giants in ancient history, optical phase conjugation, the story of the ‘gods’ as related through ancient texts, pulsars, generational charts of the ‘gods’, the scarring of The Valles Mariners being possibly from a weapon, Iapetus and its hexagonal craters, and a LOT more. A summary of Dr Joseph P Farrell’s amazing book, The Cosmic War, would be so general as to be meaningless. However, the following text is indicative of some of the extraordinarily well-argued and referenced points: ‘Clearly, catastrophism and “real war” are both paleophysical interpretive paradigms, that is, they both attempt to make sense of ancient legends and stories by means of a comparison of the claims of those texts and the models of modern science. Here, however, catastrophism and “real war” diverge on a number of points. For the “real war” hermeneutic, the texts only make consistent sense if taken more or less as asserting an underlying reality to the events described. In other words, the war was real and the people or “gods” who fought it were real.
people had real motivations for doing so, i.e., there is an underlying social
order that was threatened by some perceived enemy, and a political agenda was
at work.
was fought with real, and horrendously powerful weapons of mass destruction on
a planetary scale, including, weather weapons.
the exploded planet hypothesis is used merely to explain certain texts as a
limited event; there were real winners and losers.
These people or “gods” in some cases prior to, in some cases, during, and in some cases after the war, then initiated contact with humanity and began to interfere in its affairs, to the point of siring and initiating human civilizations and their dynasties.
following chapter concludes: ‘At this point, we shall now begin a process of
periodically summarizing the emerging case, adding, as we go, new details. For
now, the details we have assembled are these:
Flandern’s Revised Exploded Planet Hypothesis indicated two events, one at
65,000,000 years ago, roughly coincident with the extinction of the dinosaurs,
and another “lesser” event at 3,200,000 years ago, roughly coincident with the
appearance of the first humans according to the standard mainstream theory;
second event roughly corresponds with the timing given for the Great War in the
events must have altered the geometry of local space and the astronomical
arrangement of the heavens;
One or both events were observed and recorded, making it likely the second event was recorded, and referred to as the result of war;
case can be made, based on the plasma cosmology of Hannes Alfven and the
petroglyphs observations of Anthony Peratt, that ancient humans observed large
plasma discharges in the heavens, though these petroglyphs cannot be dated to
the time frame of Van Flandern’s second exploded planet event nor to the
Mahabharata’s Great War;
Further basis for believing that such discharges were observed is afforded by the peculiar resemblance of ancient depictions of the lightning bolts of the gods, such as Ninurta (with whom we shall much to do in part two), or ancient Greek depictions of the thunderbolts of Zeus, to the models of plasma instabilities observed by Peratt in the laboratory. 26 The fact that these resemblances are so exactly described in ancient art and drawing, and, as we shall see in part two, described in texts are being weapons of war, strengthen the case that we are both looking at observed events and events of a real war. If so, then it follows that the “broken and shattered geometry” of local stellar and galactic space described in ancient myths is a result, as they themselves attest, of a war. In other words, the motif of war in the myths is not a metaphor for recurrent catastrophism, but the real cause of catastrophes, just as the myths state.
One or both planets may have been large water-bearing planets, and if of higher gravity than earth, and if home to intelligent humanoid life, then they may have been home to a race of “giant” like creatures; Thus, the explosion of such a water-bearing planet would give rise not only to the asteroid belt, but, as the shock wave from that event spread through local space, would inundate first Mars, and then the Earth, with debris and water. Thus, the tremendous hemispherical “gouging” by sudden floodwaters often commented upon by Martian planetary geologists is explained. One should, therefore, expect to be able to find references to a celestial Deluge. 27 Of course, there is no lack of references from various mythological traditions referring to waters in or above the heavens. Perhaps it is time to take them less metaphorically!
Furthermore, if the exploded planet did have life, and if this life was of a high degree of sophistication and technological ability, its civilization might have been interplanetary in nature. The nearest planets capable of sustaining such life would naturally have been Earth, and Mars. As such, one might be expected to find mythological associations of Mars with war, which is, in fact, the case. In fact, it is highly significant as we shall see that the Vedic tradition refers to Mars as “the Great Leaping One.”
war brought an end to an age and was fought between the “gods” and a race of
giants, a theme common to mythological traditions from Sumer, Babylon, and
Greece to Scandinavia and the Celts.
There does exist artefact and textual evidence of giant remains from all over the globe, which loosely corroborate the existence of anomalously large intelligent humanoid beings referred to in ancient texts.
traditions such as the Sumerian and the Biblical, ascribe the origin of this
giant race to a mingling of the “gods” with “men.” The Enuma Elish makes it
clear that Tiamat fought the war in part by creating chimerical creatures. The
image of the “divine lightning”
several of Dr Farrell’s views, Physicist Dr John Brandenburg said in 2015 he
believes an ancient civilisation on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from
another alien race. Dr Brandenburg says ancient Martians known as Cydonians and
Utopians were massacred in the attack – and evidence of the genocide can still
be seen today. In 2011 Brandenburg first postulated that the red colour on Mars
could have been due to a naturally occurring thermonuclear explosion. ‘The
Martian surface is covered with a thin layer of radioactive substances
including uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium – and this pattern
radiates from a hot spot on Mars,’ he told Fox News at the time. ‘A nuclear
explosion could have sent debris all around the planet.’
since then he has advanced his theory to the level that he now no longer thinks
it was a naturally occurring explosion – but rather one planned by an
intelligent alien race. The conclusion of his latest paper says that nuclear
isotopes in the atmosphere resembling hydrogen bomb tests ‘may present an
example of civilisation wiped out by a nuclear attack from space.’
Dr Steven Greer has been very involved in all aspects of ET and UFO for some 25 years, including contacts with numerous high-level politicians, and is one of the most authoritative people on the subject, wrote in Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge. (Several videos and quotes by Steve Greer can be seen in Sections 3.5, 4.7, 5.13 and Appendix B):
‘Nobody has asserted that there is an actual threat to humanity from these objects: It seems to me that any civilization capable of routine interstellar travel could terminate our civilization in a nanosecond if that was their intent. That we are still breathing the free air of Earth is abundant testimony to the non-hostile nature of these ET civilizations.’ It isn’t going to be the end of ‘the’ world; it is the end of ‘an old world’ and the simultaneous establishment of a new one. We are already in the early stages of the golden era of the human race—one that is going to go for 500,000 years…. Spaceship Earth needs to be guided through this period and be firmly established as the civilization it’s intended to be. There are extra-terrestrial civilizations standing ready to assist, and at a certain point, things will change very rapidly. This transformation isn’t going to happen by itself. We humans are going to have to guide it and facilitate it. But we’re not going to be alone. The destiny of the human race and Earth has never been alone. It’s never been without assistance, and it’s never been in doubt. There’s no doubt about what our future and our destiny are going to be. The only question is how we’re going to extricate ourselves from the current situation and establish our world firmly on the path of peace and justice. Our earth is under a type of cosmic quarantine. It is known that we are not yet socially and spiritually evolved enough to go into space with such advanced technologies—so our wings are clipped for now. The key to our being welcome in the cosmos is peace. There are entire worlds that don’t even have a concept of war that are highly developed and are at or beyond our level of technological achievement. So, a world like ours would be enormously risky to turn loose on the cosmos; we are just still too violent and primitive.
ability to utilize all the technologies we have developed covertly has been
truncated by extra-terrestrial enforcement of a type of quarantine. They [the ETs]
are charged with protecting the universe from a species whose technologies have
way outstripped their social and spiritual development. This is manifest
universal justice. It would be the height of insanity and folly to turn
militaristic humans loose on the cosmos!
Neil Armstrong was overheard saying as we landed on the moon, there are numerous extra-terrestrial vehicles on the crater, watching us and that we were essentially warned off the moon. But, if we go out into space, united and in peace, the universe is an open book for us.’
On the other hand, Author Brad Olsen, in his excellent must-read book Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms (also mentioned in Sections 5.2 and 6.4), provides a substantial explanation of how several alien civilisations interact and have been influencing events on our planet for aeons, but have had, and are still having negative as well as positive effects. This is a very complex subject on which little direct evidence exists. However, there are too many credible views and events to discount the likelihood these alien races are currently having major, possibly dramatic, effects on many aspects of life on Earth, and could be the critical factor in determining the future of life on Earth. Olsen’s book is one of the best available to gain an understanding of these complex issues. Some of the more significant views and issues are listed in broad terms below:
local universe has been occupied by numerous alien races for many millions of
common story is described by well-known author Zecharia Sitchin who wrote in
The Cosmic Code: ‘There was a time, the Sumerians told, when civilized Man was
not yet on Earth, when animals were only wild and undomesticated, and crops
were not yet cultivated. At that long-ago time there arrived on Earth a group
of fifty Anunnaki. Lead by a leader whose name was E.A. (meaning whose home is
water) they journeyed from their home planet Nibiru and, reaching Earth,
splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf… The time: 445,000 years
ago.’ Supposedly the Anunnaki came to obtain gold which they required for
survival on their planet which is losing its atmosphere. A complex mining
operation was begun in southeast Africa which later required human hybrid slaves.
Documents and stories record evidence of these visits throughout ancient
history, particularly in the Sumerian culture, noting since they were of a
different origin which is more advanced, and they live for thousands of our
years; they have manipulated us by genetic experiments and consider us like
guinea pigs, or as slaves for their gold mines. (Note: many more views, often
of a similar nature, are presented by other authors such as those listed at the
end of this section.)
alien races are far more advanced than Earthly humans, but technically and
alien races comprise both relatively ‘good’ and ‘evil’ elements. Some have the best interests of our planet
and people in mind; other races have, and intend to continue, exploiting humans
and other resources on Earth.
seems likely, for instance, that the recorded alien interventions from UFOs to
disable nuclear devices (see above) were signals as to that ‘they’ could and
would to prevent nuclear excesses.
seems likely that aliens can and do communicate with humans in many ways; some
overt, and some covert. For instance,
during out-of-body-experiences (OBE) and meditation.
Another form of communication is so-called ‘crop circles’, often in South England. Whilst authorities regularly try to explain these as natural phenomena, physical assessments invariably proved these circles have been made using technologies unknown to current science. Many complex messages have been assessed, although it is rarely clear as to the meaning, except that ‘someone out there is sending us messages’. The messages often appear to be very complex, although some have codes that were interpreted as warning messages.
may be alien Councils that oversee our part of the Universe, including setting
rules for the future benefit of all in the Universe – and that includes us on
It may be that these Councils are profoundly interested in life on Earth evolving in a positive direction that would result in a positive association with the rest of the Universe. This may require them to prevent negative influences by lesser, even ‘evil’, aliens on humans.
is a wide-held view that these Councils do not wish any aliens to interfere
with the natural evolution of humans.
But this wish has already been transgressed by earlier alien arrivals to
take resources from Earth (see point above), in particular monatomic gold,
which was achieved by modifying human DNA so they could act as servants, or
slaves, to mine this gold.
races of aliens have been present, and still are present, on Earth, including
some types described as ‘greys’ and ‘dracs’, or the ‘tall greys’ and their
‘reptilian masters’. These are mostly viewed as having highly negative
influences on humans.
are many stories about aliens having bases on Earth’s moon, a Jupiter moon and
on Mars. For instance, that the dracs have an underground base on Mars from
which they control parts of our local universe. Said to be over a million years
old, it is massive and located beneath the surface. Supposedly this
civilisation communicates with US government agencies.
are said to be many different alien races. One of the most credible people on
the subject, the former Canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer, has said that
aliens visiting the planet Earth is not a homogenous bloc but actually comprise
no less than eighty-two different species, all with their own agenda.
The various alien races are said to exist in different dimensions from planet Earth human’s three dimensions, and at different energy and frequency levels. This gives them many capabilities not available to humans in our three-dimension world. Attributes such as ‘shapeshifting’ by Reptilians can be explained by shifting between dimensions, noting humans can only see in a very limited frequency light band that we describe from red through to purple. It is also noted the most human beings have some reptilian features in their DNA; this has been explained as having been introduced by aliens in the distant past (see Section 4.1). Other attributes include thought-transfer and different aspects of time (Note: a massive, complex and mind-bending subject in its own right that makes for a fascinating and perplexing study).
have been large numbers of reports of abductions by aliens such as reported by
Budd Hopkins (see link below). Whilst Dr
Steven Greer (see later sections and Appendix B) maintains these are all by
clandestine deep state UFOs and human-created alien look-alikes, many others
describe their experiences during abduction, pass lie-detection tests, and
discuss mutilation of animals as well as interactions with aliens, including
sexual with the intent of creating a survivable variation of their dying race:
UFOs started appearing in large numbers, as evidenced by large numbers of
authenticated sightings, in the 1940s, in particular after the first nuclear
bombs were exploded (see above points).
are many references to President Eisenhower making an agreement with an alien
race in the 1960s that provided for the aliens passing technologies to secret
parties in the US, specifically the armed forces and their associates, in
exchange for the US only taking peaceful action with aliens (see Sections 5.3
and 5.13).
appears the aliens were thwarted when the US took offensive action on the basis
that they did not trust the aliens but wanted these new technologies to enable
more offensive action. It appears this
was demonstrated by US forces shooting down and capturing UFOs, then
back-engineering parts of the UFOs to identify some of the technologies.
There are numerous references to Men in Black (MiB), both in the series of movies and in situations where the Deep State wish to suppress information, including by instilling fear. The many descriptions of MiB in real-life situations suggest they are not fully human, that is, some form of hybrid.
A critical question now is, given so much of the information now available is about 50 years old, what has happened in the intervening years? It would be complete nonsense to assume little has happened in the meantime. For instance, in the fields of technology, progress tends to advance in both step functions and exponential growth.
5.13 includes the point: ‘Probably a covert space program could succeed if it
had access to 44,000 people and 20+ trillion dollars and operated in secrecy
for some 60 years.’
appears that at long last several elected governments (as opposed to ‘deep
state’ governments) are calling for openness and disclosure on all things
relating to UFOs and aliens. For
instance, former Nevada Senator Harry Reid is calling for what may be a
long-overdue congressional hearing into the subject of UFOs. Some recent actual
disclosures suggest that further disclosure has started, including releasing
previous papers from the 1960s and 1970s.
However, there are concerns these disclosures are being manipulated
towards nefarious ends such as preparing people for a supposed invasion by
war-like aliens so that further restrictions to freedom and large military
budgets will be agreed in order for the military to protect us.
Olsen should have the last word in this very brief summary: ‘If benevolent ETs
contribute to averting an Earth catastrophe, this will help balance the “karmic
effect” they have made of the present era as an evolutionary pit stop for their
journey into a new future from this looping back point. During the next decade,
present era humans will experience an optimum evolutionary boost from the
natural stargate activation, and the massive wave of cosmic energy called Wave
X, which started to arrive on Earth at the end of September 2015. This will
feed forward to produce new evolutionary and future spiritual factors that will
again feedback to support our new course into an even deeper positive
participant quantum energetic karmic loop. If successful, there is no turning
back. The Men in Black and all malevolent forces will find it nearly impossible
to exist on the newly awakened planet Earth.’
further study on this subject, there are numerous reference in this book to
influences of aliens, direct and indirect, actual and mooted, both ‘good’ and
‘bad’. These are referred to in Section 4.7. Also, Appendix C provides a large
amount of related views and evidence from leading writers such as Dr Joseph P
Farrell, Dr Robert David Steel, Dr Steven Greer, Rob Shelsky and Kerry Cassidy,
Timothy Goode, David Icke, Lockheed Martin scientist Norman Borgrun, Richard
Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, Robert Dean, Joe Dolezal and Dr Michael Salla, and
even Winston Churchill’s essay on ETs / aliens.
More information concerning aliens, deep state and military interactions, and the ‘breakaway civilisation’ can also be found in Section 6.2. As well, several of the people linked in Appendix A. References present compelling related information.
Kerry Cassidy interviews A’Shayana Deane
This series of interviews of A’Shayana Deane by Kerry Cassidy is 10 years old. They present a massive range of information describing the basics and practises of the universe, in particular consciousness. A’Shayana explains she represents and is very connected with, the Guardian Alliance, a group of extra-terrestrial beings, that are forces for good throughout the Universe, and in particular, for our planet, Earth. A’Shayana runs regular workshops for the Guardian Alliance around the world. She explains in depth there are now and have been forever, many warlike races around the Universe that can generally be described as evil. She describes the very complex structure and machinations of the Universe and our Earth. Very few people will understand the details, but there is no apparent fault in her logic when applying the very-limited ‘normal’ thinking of homo sapiens. A’Shayana’s explanations are remarkably consistent with many major current and past events, geographical and geopolitical, around the world, although it is vital to distinguish between factual, evidence-based descriptions of events, and what governments, ‘official’ information and mainstream media report.
is suggested the reader/viewer starts with Part 3, which occurred before Parts
1 and 2, as this provides a more easily absorbed introduction. Further material from A’Shayana Deane, Kerry
Cassidy and others covering similar specific and general subjects will be added
to this post shortly.
3, 42 mins. Ascension Mechanics, 1 April 2010
Mechanics, Jun 12, 2010
1, 157 mins – last 30 mins are the most interesting
2, 168 mins (‘The human gene codes are invaluable’)
1. Through the current and ongoing mechanics of the Krystal River Host FAIL-SAFE, our Aurora Earth is now a full-scale Ascension Planet, and its AL-Hum-Bhra Trans-Time Passages D-Span Gates are now and will remain, permanently open for the next 900 Aurora Earth years.
2. The “Invisible Grid Wars/Plasma War” that our Earth has been entangled within for aeons,(and which reached its “0-Point Kryst Tolerance” between 9/2000 and 8/2011 earth-time when the Al-Hum-Bhra Kryst Fail-Safe Intervention was “called and progressively enacted), IS FINALLY OVER, and the Krystal River Al-Hum-Bhra Fail-Safe Host has prevailed.
3. The Planetary Templar and Gate Systems of our Aurora Ascension Earth is now under the full protectorate of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host, and the fallen Gate Systems of Alpha-Omega and FAtaLE are now permanently closed, blocking any further “invasion from within or without” by the FAtaLE and those choosing the Paths of Fall Return.
4. Over the next 900 years Aurora Earth time, our Aurora Earth will become
an “Inter-galactic Ascension Station” for many
lifeforms and forms of consciousness whom will be seeking Final Kryst Host for
evacuation from Toral-Rift-Falling Galaxies, such as our Milky Way Galaxy, its
many Falling Solar Systems, such as our own. Many Kryst-Hosting lifeforms and
consciousness will begin visiting and incarnating on our Aurora
Ascension Earth, to progressively receive the Bio-Regenesis they will need
to pass through the Al-Hum-Bhra Passages into the various D-Planes “Island
Ascension Platforms” of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.
5. During this period of 900 years of our Aurora Ascension Earth being an
“Inter-galactic Ascension Station”, our Aurora Earth will undergo
many changes, both in “coming and going” of its life and
consciousness fields, to various slow-but-progressive geological adjustments
the planetary body will engage as the still current “34-R same-spin-set
Deathstar Merkaba Field” of the Net Earth aspect of Aurora Earth
progressively heals and returns to an organic Krystic Merkaba
6. The Sun of our Solar System is still Bhardoah-Transition Engaged,
a slow but inevitable process that will progressively generate various changes
and need for adjustments on our Aurora Earth life field.
7. Between 1/3/2012 and 2047AD, our Aurora Ascension Earth will
progressively transfigure another 1/3 of its elemental-atomic-matter-base, and
its frequency-corresponding Kryst Hosting life and consciousness fields, into
the Eternal Life elemental-atomic Plasmas of the DhA-Yah-TEi Planes.
8. Between 2047AD and 2912AD, the remaining 1/3 of our Aurora Ascension Earth elemental-atomic-matter base and life and consciousness fields will transfigure into the Eternal Life elemental-atomic Plasmas of the DhA-Yah-TEi Planes, as our Aurora Ascension Earth and M31-Ascension Urtha slowly and progressively engage their own cycle of Planetary Tan-Tri-A’jha Blend, to eventually fulfil their Krystar Adashi-3 Ascension via the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.
9. For NOW, our “Life After Earth” begins where we ARE, HERE
and NOW, and the Beloved Eternal Kryst Guardians of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River
Fail-Safe Host will progressively engage subtle contact with those choosing the
KR-Host, so they may progressively share with us the Sacred “Tan-Tri-AhUra
Teachings-The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry”, through which we
can grow, expand and re-discover ourselves as Eternal Life Krystic beings
entrusted with Custodianship over our Beloved Aurora Ascension Earth Planetary
Templar, as we all move together through the 900 years of Aurora
Ascension Earth’s Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.
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