Category Archives: Government Betrayals and False Flags

‘Must see’ videos that explain the latest dystopian events and, more importantly, the rapidly growing signs that our world is shifting into a far superior higher dimension

This post presents links to the latest videos that explain recent events and discoveries driving our world towards totalitarianism, genocide and a dystopian future, but other events that project a future where ‘good’ beats ‘evil’.  Fortunately, many recent events that you will not see in the mainstream media indicate much of this evil is being revealed and replaced leading to a far better world that will be far better for the great majority of people in the world.

4 January 2025.  SGAnon interviews retired Lieutenant Colonel Dr Sandy Miarecke who explains at length the history and progress of the movement to change the USA back from a supposed democracy that is has been a corporation since 1771 to a republic under the US Constitution. Dr Miarecki does point out that progress is accelerating and will move even faster after Donald Trump is inaugurated.  Elsewhere it has been forecast that all of North America will be amalgamated as one of seven new regions of the world.   SG Anon Shocking News 1.2.25 – What About the People of Canada | Prophecy | Before It’s News


31 December 2024.    A 90-minute video in which Michael Sandler interviews Dr Steven Greer, one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on the subject of Extra Terrestrials and related aspects. Greer explains that ‘flying’ vehicles have been produced by reverse-engineering crashed UFOs, These UFOs are now being used by those trying to take control of the world, often referred to as the Khazarian Mafia or Deep State. They plan to create shows of UFOs over much of the world intended to scare people into accepting them taking control of the world and supposedly protecting everyone from the invaders. People will be told by the corrupt controlled media that this is all part of an invasion by dangerous extraterrestrials.  Greer will introduce several high-level whistle-blowers before President Trump’s inauguration on 20th January 2025. These whistle-blowers will explain what is really happening and how this evil plan has been in preparation for decades. The video explains much more about this appalling, illicit and dangerous planned operation. Greer expects most people will be deeply shocked by what they are told and the evidence supporting it.  Much more is revealed in this must-see video such as serious issue that exploding nuclear weapons sends faster-than speed of light scalar radiation that disrupts other parts of the universe. These secret parts of the illegal corporate world with their military mindset and massive theft of government money have now achieved par with many alien races that, together with human being’s consciousness, our planet could be a major danger to them



26 December 2024. A 15-minute video showing the beautiful Christmas lights and festivities in Moscow, Russia. Russia is probably the most Christian country in the world now.  A long, long way from the misinformation people in Western countries are fed by politicians and the mainstream media.  Russia now has one of the best-performing economies in the world and certainly has the most powerful military as demonstrated in Ukraine.  A fast-growing number of people consider President Vladimir Putin the best leader of any country in the world. So much for the US and EU sanctions. Russia is likely to be one of the leaders as our world shifts into a higher dimension in 2025:  DIFFERENT RUSSIA: Moscow Christmas Streets and Markets 2024 / A Magical Evening Walk [3 min video]


12 December 2024. This 44-minute video from MYLUNCHBREAK series presents compelling evidence that a massive civilisation preceded most modern ‘official’ recorded history. What if the world you thought you knew was built on a foundation of lies? This video uncovers a narrative that challenges everything—the buildings, the tunnels, the history, and the purpose behind it all. From monumental palaces to intricate underground systems, evidence of a civilization more advanced than our own lies hidden in plain sight. Are these relics of the past proof of something much larger, a truth intentionally kept from us?  The Civilization They Erased?


Infowars w/ Clif High: Imminent 9 December 2024.  This 49-minute video interview with Clif High explains how and why ‘good’ aliens are presently visiting our planet and making themselves known through numerous sightings. This is a prelude to massive changes in most aspects of our life including energy, perceptions and governance. Energy in the form of zero-point energy will be introduced – effectively infinite amounts of free energy from the aether. ZPE has been known since Nicola Tesla discovered it over a century ago, and it will result in all peoples in the world having free energy and transforming their societies. ZPE was known and used by previous societies.  Other new technologies will be released from the evil grip of the elite that will contribute to the imminent transformation of our world. Most people will be amazed, in particular those – the majority – suffering from cognitive dissonance. Is all or some of it true?  Only time will tell, but ‘watch this space’.

Alien Contact Will End All Religions& Reshape World – Dec 7. | Prophecy | Before It’s News


5 December 2024.  MyLunchBreak present another of a long series of videos that show how much of our past has been erased from documented history.  Just look at the amazing structures and buildings such as the Chicago World Fair that clearly used vast amounts of electricity produced via a contract with Nicola Tesla, but was completely destroyed immediately after the Fair ended?  That does not make any sense. What if everything we thought we knew about money and the past is actually hiding a much bigger story? This video unravels a mystery rooted in the last 300 years that connects to an earlier, advanced civilization.  The Secrets Behind Money?


24 November 2024. Dr Sam Bailey has made an 18-minute video summarising the greatest fraud the world has ever known: the Covid-19 pandemic.  This is one chapter of a forthcoming book covering the whole subject of supposed viruses and the so-called epidemic. ‘So-called’ because the definition of a pandemic was changed some years ago to allow almost any outbreak of a disease- real or otherwise – to be classified by the WHO as an ‘epidemic’.  Unmasking the Viral Paradigm – Dr Sam Bailey


This  10-minute video covers similar issues about Covid-19: “absolute criminal negligence” and “the greatest fraud of the century”:  (1) Australian Firefighters Alliance on X: “Esteemed Professor of Oncology Angus Dalgleish, interviewed today on SkyNews Australia. Professor Dalgleish talks to the Oncogenic risks of the mandated Covid products, directly calling into question the Cancer initiatives that have been fostered in Victoria for the firefighting” / X


5 November 2024.  Dr. David Clements was a professional string theory physicist with advanced degrees from Cambridge and Oxford Universities. In 2000, Dr. Clements. received a remote viewing kit, which he used to teach himself to use with stunning accuracy. Through remote viewing, he established contact with extraterrestrials from the Pleiades, Arcturus, and Andromedan star systems. Later, he began communicating with highly advanced extraterrestrials called the Elohim who became a part of his extraterrestrial team of advisors and helpers. In Dr. Clements interactions with his extraterrestrial team, he has gained much information, healing, and insights into the functions of different technologies and bio-energetic fields, and how they impact the surrounding environment. In his second Exopolitics Today interview, Dr. Clements describes how his ET team helped him uncover fundamental principles behind awakening matter, photons and living energetic fields. He explains the process by which DNA codes can be imprinted to restore optimal health and awaken inherent abilities, and the different ways extraterrestrials have impacted humanity’s DNA codes throughout the ages. Dr. Clements further discusses several inventions he has pioneered to improve health, optimal living, and reconnecting with the heart center. Examples are given of how the inventions exert a bioenergetic field that positively impacts the surrounding environment, including food and water, which are essential for good health. Dr. Clements has generously offered a discount code for those purchasing any of his devices from his websites. Dr. David Clements websites: . What I Discovered About Organic Technology Will Change Your Life Forever


3 November 2024. Dr Peter Ridd, well known for challenging the indoctination of teachers, academics and students at  James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, and finally failing in court, explains the horrors of how modern universities indoctrinate trainee teachers into the modern woke world of DEI.  This results in our children being indoctinated in the far-left socialist / Marxist leanings of most Western governments such so-called global warming, diversity, colonisation and pharmaceutical fraud.  It is essential that an entirely different approach is taken to teacher training and in turn what and how our children are taught.  This ten-minute video is vital for those who value the future of our culture and have children considering going to university.  They corrupt our children. This is where culture wars start


12 September 2024.   RFK Jnr (Robert F Kennedy Jnr) explains how the US administration has orchestrated the ruination of the US and much of the world since the end of the Second World War. He explains about MKUltra, the CIA’s role and many pure evil plans they applied.  Unless the Western world’s media had been bought off they would have revealed most of this evil many years ago. .  This video was first publicized in Larry Hannigan’s newsletter which is essential reading for those who want to know what is really happening in the world – 2024/09/11th – The New Monkeypox scamdemic – Larry Hannigan
11 September.  A 48-minute video with the Health Ranger where Pharmacist Ben Fuchs and Dr. Bryan Ardis reveal explosive truths about NICOTINE, reptile venom peptides in pharmaceuticals and more.  Pharmacist Ben Fuchs and Dr. Bryan Ardis reveal explosive truths about NICOTINE, reptile venom peptides in pharmaceuticals and more –

This video interview explains how the deaths supposedly from COVID-19 were primarily caused by snake venoms deliberately fed to billions of people via the supposed vaccines and other mechanisms, as reported in a CNN article, January 2020.  They also discuss the mRNA spike protein technology that is the basis for COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, and the result of putting DNA plasmids based on factory-produced synthetic snake venom in your tap water. ‘What stops the “covid virus” and vaccine injuries dead in its tracks? NICOTINE.’  Governments, including Australia, are now planning to ban or further control nicotine products. Dr. Bryan Ardis & David Nino Rodriguez: Breaking! Exposing the Vaccine Agenda – Cancer & COVID Therapy Revealed in This Podcast (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (


Dr. Ardis reveals important information on the real dangers of COVID-19 and the shots. Starting at the 12th minute, he explains nicotine receptors and how venoms shut off nerve functions like taste, smell, diaphragm contraction, hearing and brain function. Nicotine impacts specific cognitive impairments like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and even psychosis. Why did smokers benefit from nicotine for COVID-19, Dosages are noted at the end of the video. Episode – NICOTINE! UNDERSTANDING THE WEAPON AND THE TARGET!!! (


2 September 2024.  Whilst intending to show that China is the aggressor Australian Sky TV inadvertently shows the U.S. as the global war menace that it truly is | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary .   6:33 Jimmy Dore/SOTN 1 Sep 24


29 August 2024.   This 9-minute video on Freedom Articles There is No Such Thing as a Jewish Race explains the history of Zionists who never were genuine Jews, but used views and prejudice towards Jewish people as a way to gain power including control of many governments and countries such as the USA and UK (recall the Balfour declaration). Zionists made a false conversion to Judaism when they were the controlling group in Khazia (now mainly Ukraine which is not technically an official country or state) and were directed to choose a religion by their Russian overlords.  The history is complex but readily available and, as usual, totally opposite what is read in the mainstream media.  There is No Such Thing as a Jewish Race – Part 1 (


25 August 2024. Two brilliant speeches – President Donald J Trump announces the Robert F Kennedy Jnr (Bobby) is joining him in his forthcoming administration as the next President of the United States of America (hopefully the US Corporation will be removed rapidly).  RFK Jnr explains the steps they will take to end the vile control by corporates and the corrupt state departments.  Not the applause – quite incredible.  An Era Of Healing Is Beginning With Robert F Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump (


17 August 2024.   This video was banned but has now resurfaced.  It explains the background of Bill Gates and the massive amount of harm he has caused using his fortune made from Microsoft – with much help from several highly undesirable people.  He is one of the primary promoters of many toxic so-called vaccines that have led to the death of many millions of people.  (25) The Banned Video of Mr. Gates that every pro-vaccine pro-Gates person should see. (


11 August 2024. Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: ‘Viruses Do NOT Exist. This excellent video on Rumble adds further evidence that the whole Covid pandemic/plandemic was a massive world-wide fraud. Considerable evidence is presented including a presentation by Dr Sam Bailey ( that explains how no virus has ever been proven to exist using credible scientific methods. Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: ‘Viruses Do NOT Exist’ (


21 July 2024.  Well-known and respected website host and interviewer MelK interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor about numerous aspects of the USA, past and present.  Macgregor, now CEO of Our Country Our Choice (, describes in detail how the US is run by incompetent people who have almost ruined the country over half a century. The senseless wars, ruinous financial systems and overt bullying of many countries ignore the wishes of the US citizens.  Donald Trump achieved much but was misled in several key areas leading to bad choices. A complete change in regime and governance is essential to restore real democracy. New Mel K & Douglas Macgregor | Truth & Consequences: Changing Course to Save the Republic | Prophecy | Before It’s News (


12 July 2024.    The Australia Corporation. Many people know that in 1973, the Australian government changed Australia from not a sovereign Commonwealth country to a corporation.  This was done in contravention of the Australian Constitution which requires any changes to be agreed upon by a full referendum that did not happen.  So Australia is now governed as a Corporation registered in New York, USA.  Therefore no supposed law since 1973 is legal.  Members of the Australian government sign allegiance to the supposed Queen of Australia, not Queen Elizabeth of England (or Charles III).  The White Rabbit (sobriquet) explains this and more better than most in the video.  She has been on the sharp end of many attacks and attempted assassinations. THE WHITE RABBIT – Australia: A Conspiracy of Silence (


2 July 2024. Danny Haiphong interviews Scott Ritter who explains how Russia has changed dramatically under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, advancing the country from a basket-case that followed the demise of the Soviet Union driven by clandestine people from the West. Russia is now one of the most successful countries in the world with high economic growth, amongst the highest-rated presidents, their highly-regarded Russian Orthodox Church and fast-increasing standard of living. The most extraordinary fact is that each time the US and allies take measures against Russia it results in major improvements for Russia’s economics, trading and finance as well as Russia’s standing with most countries in the world that have or plan to join the BRICS+ group.  Bing Videos


19 June 2024. Douglas MacGregor Unravels: President Putin’s Pushed NATO & Ukraine governments into their biggest nightmare ever.  The biggest losers are the great majority of Ukrainian citizens, millions of that have fled the country.  Russia does not want to take over Western Ukraine, simply remove the Nazi and corrupt influences and ensure the Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine are allowed to join Russia, as they voted for. It is incongruous that the US and many European politicians still still support the corrupt Zelenski regime. Douglas MacGregor Unravels: Putin’s POWERFUL SLAP Pushed NATO & Ukraine Into BIGGEST Nightmare Ever (


7 June 2024:  This 7-minute interview describes the incredible success of the new President of El Salvador who genuinely represent the people of El Salvador.  At the end of Tucker Carlson’s interview, the President states the first item on his 3-part plan is to “seek God’s  wisdom”.     President of El Salvador just told Tucker that MS-13 participates in Satanic child sacrifice rituals | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (


4 April 2024. THE INDOCTRINATED BRAIN – TUCKER CARLSON INTERVIEWS – DR. MICHAEL NEHLS. A 45-minutes video The Indoctrinated Brain – Tucker Carlson Interviews – Dr. Michael Nehls ( This is a must-view interview covering subjects including neuroinflammation, the mental immune system, new nerve cells, brain fog, the need for a high level of Vitamin D, maintaining your Lithium level and Nehls’ Unified Theory of Alzheimer’s.  The book introduction on Amazon (his book The Indoctrinated Brain is available on Kindle) explains:  Global War on the Human Brain. Throughout the world, mental capacity is declining, especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. Meanwhile, one in forty men and women suffers from Alzheimer’s, and the age of onset is falling rapidly. But the causes are not being eliminated, quite the opposite. Can this just be coincidence? The Indoctrinated Brain introduces a largely unknown, powerful neurobiological mechanism whose externally induced dysfunction underlies these catastrophic developments. 
Michael Nehls, medical doctor and internationally renowned molecular geneticist, lays out a shattering chain of circumstantial evidence indicating that behind these numerous negative influences lies a targeted, masterfully executed attack on our individuality. He points out how the raging wars against viruses, climate change, or over national borders are—more likely intended than not—fundamentally providing the platform for such an offensive against the human brain that is steadily changing our being and is aimed at depriving us of our ability to think for ourselves. 
But it is not too late. By exposing these brain-damaging processes and describing countermeasures that anyone can take, Nehls brings light and hope to this fateful chapter in human history. Nothing less will be decided than the question of whether our species can retain its humanity and its creative power or whether it will lose them irretrievably.

29 March 2024.   London Real interviews Dr Steven Greer about a wide range of technologies, politics and secrecy surrounding space vehicles, free energy (zero point energy), anti-gravity and related aspects.  How most of the highest level politicians are not ‘read in’ (informed) about what these highly secretive corporations are doing and have been doing for the last 80 years, and how Ben Rich, head of the Lockheed Skunkworks said on his deathbed ‘we’ve been able to return ET home for decades’. Dr Greer is amongst the most credible people  in the world on these subjects:  The Truth About UFOs, Alien Technology & Extraterrestrial Contact – Dr Steven Greer (

27 March 2024.  A 23-minute interview with Colonel Douglas MacGregor, one of the most credible sources with regard to the war in Ukraine, updates the terror attack by heavily armed gunmen on the Crocus City Hall concert venue last Friday night. Claimed to have been carried out by Islamic State, overwhelming evidence shows the attackers were just mercenaries acting on behalf of Ukrainian forces that are, in turn, controlled by the CIA and UK’s MI6.  Col Doug MacGregor update on terrorism in Russia –

11 March 2024.  A must-see interview with Benjamin Fulford by Nino when Ben explains several world-changing events that are expected to occur shortly, quite likely starting March 15 with a massive earthquake off the California coast or even on land that will wipe out much of the Silicon Valley IT companies.  A total change to a new financial structure is expected too, possibly starting 15 March.  This aligns with expectations for a Quantum Financial System including a debt jubilee, a new Internet system and gold/asset-backed currencies replacing all fiat currencies.  Benjamin Fulford California Earthquake Nino Interview – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

7 March 2024.    Interview by Clayton Morris, Redacted, with George Galloway who sensationally won a by-election in Britain, beating both the government and opposition parties by unheard-of margins.  Even the second place was taken by a virtually unknown.  This reinforces that the great majority of British people no longer support the two major parties in their drives for war against Russia, support for Israel and push for toxic injections.  GEORGE GALLOWAY WINS BACK PARLIAMANT SEAT—SENDS CRUSHING BLOW TO WEF RATS IN UK | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (

5 March 2024.  Scott Ritter and Judge Napolitano discuss NATO, Germany, France and the UK’s involvement in Ukraine and the ethics of targeting civilian infrastructure. In particular, they discuss the sensational revelation discussed in a meeting leaked to and revealed by Russia of German military discussing attacking the Crimean bridge with German missiles – a clear act of war as well as terrorism. A must-listen episode for anyone following the Ukraine and Israel crises. (302) Scott Ritter: How close are we to global confrontation? – YouTube

1 March 2024.  Another Tucker Carlson interview – this time a critical salutary 45-minute interview with a lady who grew up through the Mao Chinese Cultural Revolution.  She describes how the US (she does not describe the similar conditions evident in many other Western countries) started being indoctrinated from the 1960s gradually towards a cultural revolution based on Communist/Marxist principles and methods.  Similar to China the drive is from the top elitist intent on grabbing power through subtle indoctrination and deleting history. This is a very scary video.  The full details are in her book referred to in the video.  Tucker Carlson on X: “Ep. 77 The Cultural Revolution is here. Just ask Xi Van Fleet. She’s lived it twice.” / X (  and Tucker Carlson On ‘X’ – Episode 77 (Video) (

22 February 2024. Tucker Carlson is interviewed at a Middle East conference about his interview with President Putin and related factors, including the lack of democracy in the US.  His Putin interview was seen by over 200 million within 48 hours. Tucker Carlson: “I’m Exposing the Whole Thing, Even if it Gets Me Killed” | Alternative | Before It’s News (

10 February 2024.  Scott Ritter visited Russia in May 2023 and at Christmas and secured a unique 2-hour interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Ritter is a highly-qualified ex-military professional and is amongst a handful of people who understand Russia and the Russian soul. Putin and his Foreign Minister Lavrov are now recognised by many countries as the two leading diplomats in the world today.  If one looks around we can see that the US and West have no equals. This 6-minute video explains the massive importance of this interview and should be compulsory listening, as well as the interview itself, for all people who have any interest in how our world can and should evolve, in particular every politician.  . Interview transcript PDF: Carlson and Putin Interview

10 February 2024. As background to the Carlson/Putin video it is important to recall the advent of the extreme US plan to achieve world dominance with the Project for the New American Century. This was released in September 2020 – exactly one year before the Twin Towers destruction 911 which was forecasted in the wording of the plan.  The plan included taking out 7 countries in 5 years.   The Desperate Failing Plan for a New American Century (

9 February 2024. The long-awaited interview – Tucker Carlson interviews Russian President Putin, 2 hours.  Anyone who listens to this with an open mind and without past prejudice should view President Putin as one of the best leaders in the world in company with Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew.  No doubt those with typical Western indoctrination will be very negative. Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin ( .

8 February 2024.  US ex-military expert Scott Ritter says ‘The+ former Fox News talk show host-turned independent media phenomenon, Tucker Carlson, is in Moscow, where he has committed the mortal sin of interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin. The interview is scheduled to air at 6 pm eastern time on Thursday, February 8. Let there be no doubt—Tucker Carlson has pulled off one of the most memorable journalistic accomplishments in modern history, and when the interview does air, it will—literally and figuratively—break the internet.  Tucker Madness is Good for America – – Gmail (

7 February 2024.  US highest-rating media host Tucker Carlson has been in Moscow for at least 4 days, sparking rumours that he planned to interview the Russian president. He confirmed his intention in the video, which has received over 260,000 likes.  Carlson said “Western governments, by contrast, will certainly do their best to censor this video on other less principled platforms, because that’s what they do – they are afraid of information they can’t control,” encouraging Americans to watch the interview in order to educate themselves on the “history-altering developments” unfolding in Russia and Ukraine.

  1. Carlson reveals Musk’s Putin interview pledge — RT World News
  2. Tucker Carlson Explains Why He Is Interviewing Putin: “Most Americans Are Not Informed… We’re Here Because We Love The US” | ZeroHedge
  3. Tucker drops BOMBSHELL about his Putin interview, NSA is PISSED | Redacted with Clayton Morris 2024 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

24 January 2024. Tucker Carlson interviews Ed Dowd about Covid: ‘We have a national security crisis: the employed of our country are dropping dead and getting disabled at a rate that is beyond the general population’. Edward Dowd: “Something HORRIBLE Is Going On but No One Wants To Talk About It” | EU | Before It’s News (

24 January 2024. This 13-min video contrasts the philosophical views of Vladimir Putin, a defender of social values, v. the morally corrupt New World Order: – Russia Wipes out Ukrainian Air Defense Positions in Odessa With Soviet P-35B Missiles – Source | VT Foreign Policy

17 January 2024.  Kerry Cassidy interviews the maker of a film that describes in great detail how the John F Kennedy assassination was a fake – JFK was not assassinated but actually faked his own death.  Many examples are described such as the ‘squib’  used – a packet that contains fake blood that Jackie Kennedy leant forward to retrieve after the faked gunshots (that did not feature on the recording of the event).  New Kerry Cassidy & Jay Weidner: What’s Coming Next – January Current Events 1/16/2Q24 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

12 November 2023. Patriot Underground interviews SGAnon who explains a wide range of events, plans and expectations regarding the world-wide battle between Evil and Good, including aspects of the Deep State: New SG Anon & Patriot Underground: Critical Update – Sleeper Activation, White Hat & DS Infiltration & Geopolitical Maneuvering, Underground War, De-Dollarization | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

8 December 2023.  An amazing 91-minute interview in which Tucker Carlson agrees fully with most of Alex Jones’ revelations. Jones offered insight into the encroaching New World Order, which he explained was a globalist scheme to merge world governments and essentially desecrate American sovereignty. His comments centered on putting the puzzle pieces of U.S. federal corruption together with power players like the United Nations and how Americans’ own bodies have been put in jeopardy by things like the sinister prospective Pandemic Treaty. Jones also explained how many major events he forecasted correctly such as 911.  Watched by many millions to date on numerous alternative news channels – but not, of course, on any MSM: Tucker Carlson’s interview with Alex Jones goes viral (

11 November 2023. Scott Ritter explained the realities of the Israel/Hamas situation covering aspects that no one else has either realised or presented. This is a must-see.  Scott Ritter: “Why Israel is FINISHED! Prepare for MILLIONS to LEAVE to the WEST!” – YouTube

13 October 2023.  This hour-long video presentation by Matthew Ehret is by far the most comprehensive and accurate account of the current situation and past history of and surrounding Israel.  The supplementary reading adds much worthy material to the main video. Understanding the Geopolitical Dynamics Shaping the Middle East (From Khazaria to Present) (

9 October 2023. This 42-minute video presents David Icke’s explanations of what is happening with the war in Israel, how it came about and the overall rationale.  This is essential viewing and totally different – of course – from the ‘official’ story. David Icke – what’s REALLY happening in Israel – David Icke

A wider context is present in parts one and two of Reiner Fuellmich’s interviews with David Icke – all essential viewing: New Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & David Icke – The Real Dangers – Part 1 and Part 2 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

30 August 2023. Numerous articles and videos present compelling evidence that the horrendous destruction of Lahaina on the Hawaiin Island of Maui was not a natural fire, rather it was a pre-planned attack using Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and other means to ruin this quaint village and ensure as many people as possible died. At this time over 1,000 are still not accounted for. The following articles and videos present the evidence:

A comprehensive overview of a wide range of related factors by Kerry Cassidy.  Kerry is a very knowledgeable psych who has interviewed a huge number of credible ‘whistle-blowers’ over 18+ years.  Her views are very controversial but history has recorded she is invariably correct.  Starts at the 14-minute point: KERRY’S UPDATE: MOROCCO TRIP SAGA & US UPDATE, MAUI, WHITE HATS – PROJECT CAMELOT PORTAL

Another view showing the weird black fence being erected around  Lahaina –  Thoughts on our circumstances…: What the hell is going on in Maui and specifically in Lahaina? (

This is one of the best summaries of the Lahaina horror story.  There is much more on Dave Hodges including how Lahaina is one of the key US military surveillance and weapons bases. STUNNING REVELATIONS EMERGING FROM MAUI! | The Common Sense Show. Drone Footage the day after – note, in particular, the numerous examples of untouched buildings and areas, eg 2 churches, many millionaire mansions and a plush new housing area, surrounded by devastation, including cars that resemble the streets of ‘toasted’ cars after 911 (eg the aluminium wheels melted). None of this can possibly happen naturally. Survivor’s Story, interesting comments (32) Shocking Eye Witness of Lahaina Maui Fire from Front Street Police Blocked Off the Exits – Yo NB check the many videos noted on the right of the screen. – Whilst accurate, this clearly is just one element, as shown in many other videos, but NOT the whole story as suggested. Aloha DEW: Lahaina, Maui Hit by Directed Energy Weapons – Video #20 (   A broad cover of aspects that made no sense, and dodgy answered from officials – BURNED ALIVE! Elon Musk Demands Prosecution for Maui Massacre (Video) | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary ( .   Another comprehensive summary on SOTN: OPERATION MAUI DEW (video) | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (


23 August 2023. Tucker Carlson interviews Colonel Douglas MacGregor about the war in Ukraine and relates this to the lies told by Western politicians and media on the subject.  They also cover the horrendous corruption in the US. But more citizens are at long last waking up.  (32) Tucker Carlson Talks To Colonel Douglas Macgregor About The Ukraine War – YouTube

30 July 2023 Col Douglas MacGregor explains how and why the US governments and military-industrial complex have been trying to change the world into a Marxist utopia for over half a century, and why they are currently trying to use Ukraine as a puppet to proxy to beat Russia into submission.  This is failing catastrophically, as all will realise very shortly.   (16) Douglas Macgregor: Russian Army DISBANDED! – YouTube

26/27 July 2023. This is one assessment of the attempted coup in Russia.  No doubt orchestrated by the UK MI6 and US CIA together with the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi government and oligarchs.  President Putin will overcome: Civil War in Russia? Wagner Troops Rebellion – Scott Ritter w/ Judge Napolitano (Video) ( .

Col Douglas Macgregor has a somewhat different view.  He thinks Prigozhin was trying to warn Putin that he needed to take more and firmer action and the apparent insurrection was not for real. They both agree only about 4,000 of Prigozhin’s men were marching towards Moscow and they all rapidly changed their minds. (22) Douglas Macgregor – The Offensive Will Continue. – YouTube

However, the most likely story is this – hilarious! It’s in major media that US authorities ‘knew in advance’ about the Russian ‘coup’ events, and were briefing some Congresspeople on it the week before. Prigozhin’s Wagner was regularly receiving Ukraine troops who were surrendering. It is a common suggestion now, that under a ‘white flag’, Prigozhin was approached by Western intelligence services, and offered more than a billion dollars in cash, to run a coup against Moscow, with the majority paid when Wagner was halfway to Moscow. The suggestion goes on to say, that Prigozhin informed his old friend Putin, and after the money was delivered, the ‘coup’ was called off … and Prigozhin & Putin have split the money.


15 June 2023. The world-famous investigator of all things to do with UFOs, in particular the appalling cover-ups and illegal technology developments by military industrial corporations, are exposed in this compelling  300-hour press conference. In the second, video Redacted host Clayton Morris provides a summary of the key points including the failed experiment in Antarctica that caused the massive earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.  (17) Monday, June 12, 2023! Dr. Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! FREE to Watch! – YouTube .

Breaking! UFO Whistleblowers Drop Bombshell on D.C.! – Redacted News | Military | Before It’s News (


6 June 2023. The reality of the so-called Tiananmen Square massacre together with one of the most comprehensive and accurate backgrounds – ‘The new century of serfs and lords’. The deep state of China is mapped out around disgraced Communist Party chairman Zhao Ziyang and his nest of technocratic fifth columnists who tried to turn China into a slave colony under the thumb of the Trilateral Commission, CIA and other social engineers. Several of the  Tiananmen aspects were revealed by Julian Assange. The Tiananmen Square Hoax: Massacre or Failed Color Revolution? – Truth Comes to Light


5 June 2023. The most recent and best analysis demonstrating that the Japanese Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were not atomic or nuclear, but an appalling deception by the US:   (11) How to Fake the Atomic Bombs – by Sasha Latypova (


22 May 2023. A very informative 27-minute interview with Juan O’ Savin (many people think he is John F Kennedy Jnr. who did not die in an air accident in 1999).  Juan clearly has an exceptional knowledge of world affairs, in particular the US, with respect to the appalling amount of corruption as well as the giant strides the Patriots are taking to remove this evil. Juan O’ Savin: HUGE Intel May 21 – Tribunals, Tribunals, Tribunals! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (


20 May 2023. Here’s the full video of Dr David Martin’s recent testimony before EU Parliament about the history of bioweapons experiments using coronaviruses going back as far as 1965 and how COVID is but the latest episode in the long, premeditated march towards the lockdowns and the forced injections that were deployed against humanity: Dr David Martin to EU Parliament: Corona Virus Is a Bioweapon & Greatest Crime Against Humanity in World History – Forbidden Knowledge TV


11 May 2023.  Dr Scott Bennett is one of the most knowledgeable and credible specialists on US and related matters concerning politics, military and treasonous activities. Many articles explaining a wide range of past and current events are covered on the website Dr Bennett contributes to this excellent website: Welcome to Global Freedom TV!

This video present Scott Bennett’s recent views on the massive battle between the New World Order, Kadashian Mafia, US Democrats, UN, WHO and others against the forces for good (Patriots, White Hats etc.)

Breaking: US Army Psychological Warfare Officer Scott Bennett Issues Emergency Border Collapse Warning! – Alex Jones | War and Conflict | Before It’s News (

Also: Scott Bennett: White Hat Exposes All Truths (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (


11 May 2023. A four-minute video that explains the past evils of the British royal families, in particular the evil views, colleagues and statements from King Charles III: ??KING CHARLES & THE PLANS TO THROW THE POPULATION BACK TO THE 17TH CENTURY?? (


4 May 2023 – Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 66: Ask the Inspector (Live from Irkutsk).  Scott Ritter describes what life and views are really about in Russia – the opposite of the lies and propaganda Western people read in their MSM.   Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 66: Ask the Inspector (Live from Irkutsk) – YouTube


4 May 2023. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich conducts an exclusive interview with Barrie Trower, one of the best-known experts in the field of microwave radiation and frequencies, which have been researched and used as weapons in intelligence agencies since the early 1950s. Barrie Trower, a former career soldier in the Royal Navy and intelligence officer with MI5 and MI6 is a scientist and has also been a university lecturer. His knowledge in the field of microwave and 5G radiation is of considerable explosive nature and he feels obliged to bring it to the public, which, just like other whistleblowers, has already put him in life-threatening situations.

5G – Microwave as a Weapon – Part 1

In the second episode of ICIC titled “5G – Microwaves as a Weapon”, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich continues the revealing conversation with Barrie Trower, former career soldier in the Royal Navy and intelligence officer with MI5 and MI6 and one of the best known experts in the field of microwave radiation and frequencies. They delve into deeper areas of the uses of microwaves, frequencies, 5G, and biological and chemical weapons hidden from the gullible and unsuspecting public.

5G u Microwave as a Weapon – Part 2


10 April 2023. An extremely moving and erudite 20-minute speech that explains that allowing others to take responsibility, as Himmler did during WWII, does not remove actual responsibility, as demonstrated during the Nuremberg trials. National Citizens Inquiry (NCI | CeNC) on Twitter: “#NCI Opening Statements | Day 3 Toronto Mr. Buckley’s opening remarks on Day 3 of the #Toronto hearings are a wake-up call to the potential dangers of losing personal responsibility and accountability. Are we being manipulated and controlled in Canada? Is our beloved nation…” / Twitter .  

For more see the website (20+) National Citizens Inquiry | Facebook


19 Mar 2023: Editor’s note: this 105-minute interview is one of the most interesting videos I’ve ever watched. Jean Claude and Janine interview Australia One leader Riccardo Bosi covering many aspects of the world situation and the basis of good and evil as well as a thought-provoking tarot reading for Bosi: AustraliaOne Party – Jean-Claude and Tarot by Janine Interview Riccardo Bosi (


19 Mar 2023:  Jean Claude (Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic ( ) interviews Clif High and Rafi Farber about the current financial  and financial situation, including the coming financial crash and reversal of ‘woke’ism’. New Clif High: Trump Arrest Imminent! The End Game – The Last Round & Rafi Farber & Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic | Prophecy | Before It’s News (


13 Mar 2023: More on the bio-weapon horror story.  Russian military chief presents evidence that US Department of Defence and many Western bio-weapon laboratories are producing more deadly products – New Maria Zeee & Aussie Cossack: The Russian Military Just Dropped Huge Truth Bombs on the Entire World! You Will Be Shocked! | Prophecy | Before It’s News (


12 Mar 2023: Mel K interviews Australian Maria Zeee to discuss how the Australian Government has driven the country towards a dystopian future using the Covid19 fraud as a pretence, focusing on the weaponisation of the World  Health Organisation:   Mel K & Maria Zeee | The Weaponization of the WHO | 3-9-23 – The Mel K Show